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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Atlantaholic

    SI mock

    Damn. This is like the worst possible scenario. And judging from BK's past drafts, we may need to prepare for it.
  2. Quote: Quote: As much as I disklike Shellhead I have to say Haywood has done nothing in the NBA except be a seven foot tall scrub level talent. I would rather dump Shellhead to Philly for Stephen Hunter if we're that desperate for a true center. You guys are underrating Haywood big time. I live near DC and have seen plenty of Wizards games and he is a very tough defender, a light year better than anyone we have defending at C. And his contract isn't bad at all. What is Shelden going to do for us? Not much. The thing I remember the most from our games against the Wizards is how much tougher they were inside than us. They absolutely RAPED us on the boards and in the inside. I think I recall Haywood contributing heavily to this.
  3. I think if we get Gasole that Acie Law or Critt would be the better fit. A good post player's friend is solid outside shooting from your guards. The Hawks ranked close the the bottom of the league in 3 point percentage last year, and Conley would probably not help out on that department. However, if we don't get Gasole, or any kind of post help, than Conley would be by far the better fit. With no post game to base our offense around, the point guard will need to be the initiator, and Conley is probably the most fit to do this. I really haven't seen these guys play much at all, but from reading about their strengths, this is the way I see it.
  4. Just out of curiosity: When was the last time a team traded a high lottery pick for a veteran and came out on the better end of the deal? I seriously can't remember this ever happening
  5. Does anyone know of a place on the internet where I can catch a stream of the NFL draft? I would love to get a video stream, but I'd be more than willing to settle with an audio stream. any info or advice will be greatly appreciated
  6. the dude is only 16! he won't be eligible until the 2009 draft... By then I'm sure that the whole world will have heard of him
  7. Quote: JJ turns the ball over a ton too This is a pretty big misconception that a lot of people have. What you have to take into account when looking at JJ's TOs is that virtually no one in the league plays more minutes than he does. As it stands JJ is around 10th in TOs, which seems pretty high; however if you look at TOP48M JJ goes all the way down to around 35th on the list, which is really terrific for a guy who is one of our main ball handlers. However Josh Smith ranks about 10th in TO's and 10th in TOP48M . Which is genuinely high for any type of player, especially a PF. (Though both Dwight Howard, and Eddy Curry average more. Studamire is not far behind either)
  8. After hearing the news of the Stotts firing it got me thinking... Maybe instead of blowing up our team every three years it would be a good idea to get a coach who isn't retarded. I mean maybe it wouldn't be such a bad option to entertain. The one constant in our 8 consecutive loosing seasons has been coaches who can't count to 10. Just a thought
  9. You would think with all the positive press and the fact that we are miraculously in the playoff race that they would want to come out and try not to look like absolute garbage... but no, they aren't even trying to look like they give a crap. I don't get this team
  10. Shelden is one of the worst players I have ever seen play basketball. Cal Bowdler is a better player
  11. As long as the shot is in rythm as he makes them at a good percentage, I'm all for it also.
  12. His 3P% is at 47% and his FT% is 78% this month. No doubt a huge reason for the teams success in the winning streak
  13. I was looking over J-smooves game by game stats and found something interesting. First month of the season Josh took 46 three pointers and 55 free throws. This month Josh has taken 13 threes and 45 free throws. Obviously the month is only about half way done. So lets look at the progression of J-smooves Three pointers - Free throws on a Per game basis to get a more clear picture of how his game has progressed. (3PA = three point attempt; FTA = Free Throw Attempt) Nov - 3PApg: 3.6 FTApg: 4.2 Dec - 3PApg: 2 FTApg: 4.6 Jan - 3PApg: 1.5 FTApg: 4.7 Feb - 3PApg: 2 FTApg: 5.8 Mar - 3PApg: 1.9 FTApg: 6.4 As we can see from November to March Smoove has cut his 3 point attempts by almost half and his FT attempts have gone up by 58%! Hopefully he can continue this trend, because all great players get to the line: top 10 FTApg Wade 11 Iverson 10 Kobe 9.6 Arenas 9.6 Lebron 8.9 Carmelo 8.7 Bosh 8.7 Pierce 8.6 Yao 8.4 Redd 8.2
  14. People overlook Al Jefferson because he plays for the last place Celtics. But he is putting up monster stats. Since the all star break he is putting up 20 and 13 while shooting 55% in March he is putting up 22 and 12.5 while shooting 57% and also getting 1 steal and 1.5 blocks. He is also only 22 yo. the 2004 draft class was one of the deepest drafts in recent memory. You've got Jefferson, J.R and Josh Smith, Jameer Nelson, and Kevin Martin going after the 15th pick. Those players could have been the top 5 of last years draft.
  15. Last time I checked Google had stopped showing NBA games... If I remember correctly the Google - NBA collaboration was a one year experiment that failed... I shall check again though.
  16. I agree Diesel. It is funny, I had become a Chill backer last season, but the less I was able to watch the hawks (and the more a had to resort to "statwatch" as you refer to it) the more I started to bash Chill. Having seen him play yesterday it is obvious that Chill is a better player than his stats. I also agree that his stats would probably get a lot better if we ran more. The fact that you and I can see this but Woody cannot is a mind boggler
  17. Thanks for the heads up Exodus. I have already checked though, and no luck. Hopefully the Internet savvy members on this board can continue to put up links to repeats when available.
  18. Hello everyone... as some of you know I am currently living in Mexico and thus virtually unable to watch the Hawks play. Yesterday I was able to watch a Hawks game for the first time since the third week of the season (when League pass was free on NBA.com). Here are some observations from the game: 1) The T-wolves are terrible - Not to discredit the win, but the T-wolves are a terrible team or, at least, looked like it against us. Randy Whitman must come from the same school of coaching that Woody comes from, because they run the same offense (none). This team reminds me of the Hawks in how badly they are put together, and how poorly they are coached. Their point guard situation is like ours, they have no bigs worth a damn, and they basically ride Garnett like a mule the same way we do JJ. I feel bad for Garnett, because he is amazing. I had not seen him play in a while, and he is probably one of the most (if not the most) skilled player in the league; he is hands down the most complete player right now, and it is a crime that Minnesota can't put a playoff caliber team on the floor with him. 2) J-Smoove does things now that he didn't do last time I watched the Hawks - J-Smoove was mighty impressive. Aside from his timely defense, and clutch shooting, the thing that stood out the most was how he was finishing plays in the lane with touch rather than power. That was one of the things that Smoove could never do in the past. I remember that whenever he tried to finish in the lane, unless it was a dunk, he would miss badly (7 out of 10 times at least). However, against the T-wolves Smith showed a savvy around the Basket that I had not seen before (the reverse layup, the ally-oop that he guided-in instead of trying to dunk, driving layups etc.), and I was very impressed by it. Maybe he has been doing this for a while now, but at the beginning of the season (the last time I watched him play) this was a big weakness in his game, and I am very happy to see that he has improved in that aspect. 3)If I was coaching the Hawks, I would turn every game into a track meet - I know I am beating a dead horse here, but when the Hawks play a half-court game they look absolutely pathetic. However, when they run they look terrific. The reason is that the Hawks are not only bad at shooting as a team, but they are also bad at handling the ball. It was painful to watch how the Hawks couldn't buy a bucket against the 2-3 zone. Jesus. We don’t have a player in the whole team that can penetrate and kick... This just shows that BK has built a terrible roster. Seriously. We have used 4 first round picks on forwards (and people argue redundancy when we bring up Roy), and that is the main reason why we are a poor half-court team. I mean, I HATE Woody, but when you are a professional team, and you can't beat a 2-3 zone the problem probably lays within personal rather than strategy. (On the other hand, Woody should recognize the weakness and have us running all game. So his idiocy is definitely also noted) 4) AJ is clutch - AJ couldn't hit the broad side of a barn for three quarters, and he nailed arguably the clutchest shot in the game. Props to him. 5) Salim may not be useless after all - Our half-court woes were brought to a halt when Salim decided to step two feet inside the three point line. It seemed to me like he was much more comfortable shooting the long twos (College three) than the long bombs. Hopefully, he will continue to get that shot in games, and continue to nail it. 6) Childress looks better live than on Gamecast - Childress on Gamecast plays a lot of minutes, scores every now and then, but for the most part is a total . However the Live Childress hustles, makes nice plays around the basket and takes care of the ball. He probably doesn't have much trade value due to his pedestrian stats, but he is a good player. Because of this it would probably be a good idea to keep him. 7) Zaza not Marvin is the X factor - When Zaza plays well, the Hawks play well. Now if this happened more often then a couple of times a month we would be in business. Marvin doesn't seem to impact us so much, usually because other players can pick up the slack (Smoove, Chill). However, Zaza's production is totally irreplaceable. Whatever we get from Zaza is what we will get from the C position. (The exception being the times Lo-Wright has a big game, or when Solomon gets playing time... umm, nevermind) 8) Shelden makes Koncack Look like the Dream - I hope Shelden is hurting real bad. Not because I am an a**hole but because I am concerned about his future, not with this team, but in the league in general. In all fairness, I watched him play at the beginning of the year and he didn't look so terrible, so there is still hope that he will pan out to be an average player. If, however, the Shelden we see now is anything near what we can expect to see in the future, than Shelden will be out of the league in 3-4 years. Seriously, there are about three or four NBDL forwards that I would take over the Shelden I saw against the T-wolves. Craig Smith Looked like Barkley in comparison. 8) Whoever has more trade value between Marvin and Chill must be traded eventually - Marvin and Chill are absolutely redundant. Whatever we don't get from Marvin on a given night we may get from Chill and vice versa. One of these dudes has got to go, and we need to get a somewhat competent C or PG in return. Well that about wraps it up. Sorry for the length, but I took a shot that my fellow Squawkers would be curious about the point of view from someone that had not seen the team play since the beginning of the season, and thus could possibly gauge the strides the team has made a little clearer To sum it up - I see improvements from certain players, but a lot of the old problems remain. The Kevin McHale – Randy Whitman combo, give BK – Woody a run for their money. We need to run. Salim isn’t a total bum. Thoughts? ( Chime in especially if you disagree. Since I am basing all of this on one game, I am bound to be mistaken about one thing or another)
  19. Thank you so much... post these links whenever you can... It's the only way I can see the hawks
  20. Josh Childress is about as average an NBA player as I have ever seen. I think every team in the NBA has 2 or 3 starters who put up better numbers than Childress (heck, we do... and we are the Hawks) and I'm sure that there are many backups who could put up 12.6 points and 6.3 boards in 36 minutes. Josh Childress was another really bad pick by BK. Deng (who was projected to go in the top 4 by just about everybody) would have been a waaay better pick. You would have to trade AT LEAST two Josh Childress's to get Deng today. Deng is putting up way better numbers than Childress and he is just starting to scratch the surface of his potential... Childress pretty much fulfilled his potential last year. He has not improved since, he just plays more minutes.
  21. Considering the fact that no honorable and established coach would touch us with a 10 foot pole due to our management situation , maybe Steve Smith is not a bad choice. Smittie always had a very high BBIQ, and he is passionate about the team. He would improve our O I believe... That is if he is even thinking about becoming a coach, I had never heard such a thing.
  22. Make that 4-41. I voted yes, but I misread the question. I thought the question read: "Do you want to hurt Mike Woodson?" My bad so here you go Bruce:
  23. Mark Price used to coach Whitfield Acadamy High School, back when I used to live in GA. The two times we played their team we got absolutely slaughtered. They had one kid who was the number 2 ranked sophomore in the country called Tim Morris who was a total beast. I think he went to Standford but he never really developed into a good player in College. I met Price after the games... was not too impressed either.
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