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Everything posted by AmishBoy

  1. And Tony Parker is my hero. A hug and kiss from Eva with her legs wrapped around you.
  2. Or when can we expect to compete for a championship. If we draft Yi we are preparing for the future. JJ and Gasol together should be expected to begin competing for the chance to represent the East in the Finals immediately. There will be no need to worry about Gasol's contracts effect the future cap flexibility of the team. The future would begin immediately. In terms of Yi. JJ has three years left on his contract. How long will it take for Yi to become great? At least 2 years. We have a team now that can conceivably get to the playoffs next year without much contribution for Yi. We make the playoffs next year and the year after while Yi develops. In the third year he's great and we make a run for the title. Well that year JJ's contract is up and he becomes even more expensive along with a resigned Marvin, Josh Smith, Childress, Shelden, Solo, and Salim. Inevitably we will have to go over the cap. If we keep worrying about not signing this player or that player because of cap flexibility we will never have a good team. The way our prized player contracts are staggered it's impossible for us to stay under the cap, while simultaneously all the players reach their max potential(someone pointed this out earlier). If Yi is the pick than fine but we really need to get on with this winning thing. At least next year we won't have to worry about the future superstar player because we won't have any picks. J/K. People will be screaming about how we need to trade into that draft. I wonder do fans of other teams worry about money they are not spending like this one?
  3. Gasol or Conley are the things that would truly make me happy as I believe they would help us the most and the fastest. Both would be a dream come true.
  4. It still doesn't make in a conspiracy.
  5. Looks like they only have the stats for the last 2 year and since Paul didn't play at Wake for the last 2 years he has no stats.
  6. I agree. It's getting hard to read some of this stuff. Either I'm getting smarter or the collective intelligence of this board is getting lower.
  7. Quote: 1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money. My guess on this is that when these playes initially sign these contracts they think they can do it all by themselves. They quickly realize that's not how it works. Quote: 2. Why do teams sign guys to max contracts and then try to dump them 1-2 years later when it was obvious the guy had issues (Zach Randolph) or a history of injury (Kenyon Martin). Then they expect some other GM to ignore the these facts and take on their salary. PHX knew that they couldn't afford all three guys but they signed them anyway. It doesn't make any sense. Or they overpay and try to dump the salary (Nene, Dalembert,JO, Dunleavy jr, Murphy, Austin Croshere etc). I am no rocket scientist but I just know when a team is giving a guy a bad contract. Free market and nobody wants to end up like the 90's clippers other than the 90's clippers. Quote: 3. How did Billy Knight got so much power/control in Atlanta, when he has never built a contender anywhere and was never part of a championship organization. It's mind boggling isn't it?
  8. He probably could start simply because of the fact that he is not turnover prone. Someone posted an article where Woody says he thinks Ivey will be around in the league a long time because he doesn't make mistakes(i.e. stupid turnovers) comparing that part of Ivey's game to Chauncy Billups. Conley's defense plus his low turnovet rate may be to Woody's liking and frankly competition isn't that great for the starters spot. Lue doesn't want it, Salim can't get it, some player or two may have to go(AJ,Lue,Ivey). His real competition will probably be Speedy but if history shows anything Speedy at some point will get hurt and Conley will probably take his job when that happens.
  9. If we are going to trade with them I can't really see anybody else we should want. They want Mike and we may want Mike. So they will have to do something to stop us from taking him. I wanted Aldridge pre lottery last yr. On the plus side for some other people if he is willing to take Roy it could me he would be willing to take Critt(the big guard) if his doesn't work out. On a side not, I've never watched Critt but from what I've read about him here and other places at why can't he become a Wade/Kobe shooting guard with point guard skills. He's 6'5.
  10. This is convservative but good. I would be very happy with this trade.
  11. Most teams are in the playoffs for year's before they win a title. Once they learn how to play the NBA they then have to learn how to play in the playoffs. I don't know if there is a guy in this draft that gives us a chance to make the playoffs anymore than the other. Down the road they could come up huge but who in this draft can do it next year. Who's done it recently? If we make the playoffs it probably will be a combination of things and only a small part will be any of these rookies. So the question for me is do we fill our need and start developing that player or do we create a glut and start developing that player. I'm for the former. If we go for Yi he had damn well better be the superstar to play next to JJ.
  12. You mean last night as in the night of the draft lottery. Surely you mean some other night.
  13. What's a realistic amount of time you feel it will take us to win a championshiop?
  14. Quote: It ain't asking a whole hell of a lot, in other words. What else is he out there doing during the off-season, golfing Walking his dog and running of his treadmill. BK is never around the Hawks so I assume he spends his time scouting during the season. If it's like past year's he's seen most of what he needs to see during this time(Shelden, Childress) and workouts will probably not change his decision much despite what happens(CP3).
  15. I was referring to all the excuses being used as to why Brandon Wright was not the man while he was at North Carolina. I swear to you it mimicks all the posts around here during the Marvin/CP3 wars.
  16. Everything about this smells like Marvin.
  17. I was starting to lean towards Hibbert and #3. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives...t_of_nba_draft/ Report: Hoyas' Hibbert Will Pull Out Of NBA Draft 23rd May, 2007 - 7:09 am Camille Powell of the Washington Post - Georgetown juniors Jeff Green and Roy Hibbert are scheduled to announce their decisions on if they will pull out of the June 28 NBA Draft at a noon news conference today. A source though says Hibbert, who is a projected lottery pick, will return for his senior season. Hibbert has said his odds were 50-50 on returning to the team due to the stockpile of big men in this draft. "Do I want to go eight through 14, or do I want to go top three next year?" Hibbert said in April. "That does play a factor in my decision. . . . I wouldn't want to be at the end of a bench on an NBA team, not being able to develop and show what I can do, so another year here would be great, obviously. There is no word though on the potential lottery pick guard Jeff Green but he has said in the past that there was a 70 percent chance he would return to the Hoyas next season. [READ]
  18. If I'm Boston and Yi is the supposed next Dirk I think I take a shot at him. They don't need a point. This may work for us in a trade down scenario.
  19. It's clear that Brandon Roy is the reason Portland got the #1. Had BK drafted Roy last year instead of Shelden not only would we have our PG and the ROY but we would also have the #1 pick.
  20. If he has good combine #'s like agility he's going to be hard to pass up. We know we need and 1 and 5. We WILL get one. It's unavoidable even for Billy. Not only will be get one but we can get the best one available at the position.
  21. Quote: OH MY GOODNESS. Now basically every team besides Memphis is a playoff contender in that conference. Every team in the east is a playoff contender except for Boston.
  22. With the first 2 picks a foregone conclusion we have the power to dictate the draft. After workouts we in some way will have the #1 pick. What does this mean to us? It means teams will be manuvering with stone faced Billy Knight. Let me say I'm no fan of BK and am scared out of my wits with him at the helm but if a player shines in his workouts we will be bending GM's over. Could this mean a trade? We are young as hell after all. As it stands right now I'm for picking Conley Jr. at the #3 spot and getting whoever at #11. This will be an interesting month leading up to the draft. We will probably be the biggest topic as it gets closer the draft and the rumor mill will be operating at peak capacticity. Should be interesting.
  23. Not sure if it was Nintendo but I used to play this game called SNK baseball. Yo could create your own players and they had these wild teams names. I had no idea about baseball history at the age(about 10) and they had this player named Cy Young and he had a era of like 0.79 and I used to think who the f*ck is this dude with a era like that(lol). I didn't even know what era was then but I knew I could never get mine that low
  24. Gray, this would really be a hard pill to swallow. We would easily be on the level of Browns fans in terms of suffering if this were to happen.
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