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Everything posted by AnnArborHawk

  1. Have you considered the converse situation may be true? That it doesn't look like we have a system because we've got some starters who don't play within it? Truth is it's probably somewhere in the middle.
  2. Didn't he have a bad falling out with the Hawks?
  3. Part of me thinks Chillz wanted his ego stroked a bit.... but to not even meet the kid face-to-face does seem a little cold.
  4. That was my logic as well...
  5. The skeptic in me says that is Sund was really being such a dirtbag (and was responsible for the way the ASG handled negotiations with Childress), he wouldn't have lasted 30 years in this league. I definitely could be wrong on that, but it's something to think about anyway.
  6. Why are you taking time away from your profession to post on this board?
  7. Well I went to roughly 35 games last year and if your figure is right, people must be buying tickets and not using them. I've seen more people at minor league baseball games than when the Hawks play on a Wednesday night.
  8. PLEASE....the people haven't "spoken" until they buy some tickets. Nothing worse than the people talking about paying Smoove $12M a year when the go to 2 Hawks games per year and sit in the cheap seats. That $12M has to come from somewhere.
  9. Just to show how stupid Hawks fans are...52% think Randolph Morris should be our new starting center (if Al moves to PF). (based on AJC poll)
  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3509914 Looks like we'll get to see what David Andersen would have looked like against NBA competition...
  11. Somehow I have a VERY hard time believing that. Even if they weren't credible calls (lowball offers), I'm sure there's been more than one.
  12. That, plus another vet big, makes us a pretty deep team that could be pretty competitive. We wouldn't be winning any championships next year, but we could continue to improve upon last year's mark and then have 2 first round picks. Plus we could play some team ball for once. I like it!
  13. Cause we don't have Bob Johnson's checkbook loaded with BET cash...
  14. Prince is a better defender than Josh Smith. He's not as flashy because he's not as athletic, but he works within the system. Josh Smith often gets caught cheating off his man going for steals and blocks (which doesn't show up in the stat sheet). Prince is a much better on-ball defender. With Prince, JJ, and Horford in the line-up, we'd have a pretty solid foundation for a good defense at the 2-4 spots (assuming Horford would move to the 4). Granted, I wouldn't do a Smith for Prince deal straight up, but with Amir Johnson in there, it makes this deal look pretty nice considering the alternatives (overpaying Smith or getting nothing in return for him).
  15. At this point I think the only "big" roster change that will happen for the next couple years will be the Josh Smith trade (if that happens). After that, I don't see any big FA signings next year because the ASG will be looking into the future at extending Horford and JJ. Hopefully we get Smith back or get a nice piece for him. After that, I think this roster is set for a while (save a couple changes in role players off the bench)
  16. The converse is also true...if you're not going to re-up Marion (who will be very expensive), you'd still be better off keeping Smoove and letting him sign the QO. Don't see any way this deal makes sense.
  17. I have to believe Sund would take back a little less to send Smith to the Western Conference (rather than in-division)
  18. I'm not one of the Marvin haters on this board, but I would strongly consider starting Mo over Marvin. Here me out...I'm not saying Mo is better than Marvin, but I think it works based on fit. - Mo (with his shooting ability and solid D) might be a better fit with our other first team guys to help spread the floor. - Then let Marvin lead your second team as your scoring threat off the bench. I think it's worth STRONG consideration.
  19. Nice, fun topic. Sounds like something off ESPN radio. I definitely have to go 2003 as well. Between the other classes it's a tough call....
  20. Al wouldn't leave the NBA because he's a competitor. He knows the highest level of competition is in the NBA and he seems like the type that lives for that challenge.
  21. Quote: First I don't know how someone can say you sound like a person who asks the government to solve all their problems based on knowing all of one paragraph about a person. Pardon if I generalize someone by saying it sounds like they like to generalize people. I didn't say he WAS one of this people....just that he was SOUNDING like one of them with the statement he made. Don't read too much into it. That generalizations thing was good though...nice work.
  22. Quote: Quote: I don't know what you expect Mayor Franklin or Governor Perdue about it. You sound like one of those people who wants government to step in and fix all your problems. I vote no to that, sir. I guess you make a valid point, got any other way I can help fix the organization? Complaining on hawksquawk and not buying tickets doesn't seem to do anything. This is true. Atlanta's been not buying tickets for a long time and the ASG is still around. Unless you have the cash to buy the Hawks or are creative enough to pull off some type of buyout where you take the Hawks public (Hawks shareholders' meeting has a nice ring to it), I'd suggest picking another team to support and getting the NBA package on satellite.
  23. I don't know what you expect Mayor Franklin or Governor Perdue about it. You sound like one of those people who wants government to step in and fix all your problems. I vote no to that, sir.
  24. Quote: I don't get it? Sure, I'm upset Chillz left for Greece, but here is the bottom line: The Greek offer was way more than we or any other NBA team could have given him. I don't blame Chillz for taking that deal at all. I would take it too. How is any of this the fault of the ASG? People who blame the ASG don't realize that these guys didn't get rich by spending beyond their means - like everybody else in this country. Offering Childress $36M over 5 years was a more than fair offer in the NBA market. Childress chose to take the money that no NBA team could offer him - can't blame him there. But you also can't blame the ASG for not financially handicapping the organization with a wild offer.
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