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Everything posted by TheTruth

  1. It's pretty sad, yet expected, that this rumored 1 year extension was offered to BK. I strongly felt that if BK had not resigned, the ASG were gonna keep him. And if they were going to keep BK, I am nearly 100% certain they will keep Woodson. Even though we we get a brand new GM with no official ties to the Hawks, I STRONGLY doubt the ASG will do the right thing and let the new GM decide on whether to retain Woody or not. How pathetic.
  2. Here at Emory in Atlanta, I woke up to tornado sirens and officials over the PA system telling us about the tornado warning--at 5 am. It was crazy. So I flipped on the TV to check out the weather reports (and since I was a weather nut back in the day, I knew all about the terminology and what was going on), and noticed that huge line of severe storms coming through. It is no surprise that some parts of Metro Atlanta got ravaged like it did. But man, it was tons of lightning and maybe small hail here.
  3. The ASG needs to make a move as fast as it reasonably can. Bringing in Avery would be great for us (although I hate listening to his country voice). He does have an impressive resume and is clearly a better coach than Woodson. I hope whoever our new GM is realizes what fresh upgraded blood like Avery can do for this team.
  4. I love Acie, and have been one of his biggest supporters, but let's wait a year or two before we start claiming he was a "success." Not everybody is like Horford who can come in immediately, exceed expectations, and prove to the world that you dont play like a rookie. I think Acie will be real good with a better coach who will give him quality PT. I also hope Acie works like hell in the offseason to get better.
  5. It is of little contention that we are one of the, if not the most, athletic team in the league. Everyone realizes that. We just get few props because we grossly underachieve and dont use that athleticism to the best of its abilities.
  6. Also, download Spybot Search and Destroy. It is free and it will get rid of stuff that AVG and other virus checkers wont find. It, and Ad Aware, are must haves for every personal computer.
  7. I know, how clueless can you be...? Anyway, interesting story. Although, I dont see myself passing out, or not even being in the emergency room, when my eventual wife gives birth to my first child--hopefully a son!
  8. Very, very strange. Somebody is lying...somebody's sources are correct on this one. A story that I thought would go away rather quickly is quickly becoming a story that is getting weirder by the moment.
  9. Yeah, they are good...but they wont win it all. LA will take it to them in the finals (if the Celtics make it that far). They are too much of a finesse team that have shown some serious weaknesses at times.
  10. Quote: It really depends who we bring in, but also i am not sure if it matters anymore since the owners make the decisions and not the GM. That's the problem...they exercise WAY too much power. They didnt trust BK (especially if those reports about him wanting to fire Woodson, get Calderon, etc were true) and are just a bunch of clueless clowns. BK had to go, and they didnt exactly CHOOSE Woodson. All BK said was that he was not coming back. Was he pushed out? Probably. But the ASG didnt [publicly] come out and say "We will not be renewing a contract with GM Billy Knight." That would have been something different altogether. Anyway, our next choice for GM will be interesting. This new one should really have the power to hire/fire and should also be able to let Woodson walk or retain him if the ASG havent decided on Woody's contract before June.
  11. The way people are talking about that movie...I am not surprised. They got me wanting to go see it. What was the all-time #1 debut if Iron Man was #2?
  12. If he wants to coach, I would love to have him here. Just listening to him call our games makes me excited about the possibilities. He actually knows what he is talking about.
  13. I knew someone would bring this up, especially after the last Houston game (before they went down in the series to Utah). He looked good, has size, and can shoot the rock. Admittedly, I was only able to see him that one game. It appears as though he is a SF (even at 6'10). Does he play any defense? Yeah, he is an unknown, so we could get him for cheap. But if he cant really play defense... You seem to know about him Dolfan. Tell me more about this kid. Either way, our bench needs help. We need more vets than youngins though...
  14. TheTruth

    Fired ....

    Meh, does it matter? It appears as though there are so many Woodson and BK apologists that the ASG will likely retain them both. Yall know how I feel about them, but I filly expect at least one of them to be back. *Sigh*
  15. *Sigh* They look scared, cant knock down shots and arent playing defense. AND STUPID TURNOVERS!
  16. We look like crap. We are the ones looking like all the pressure is on us...
  17. Nah, none of that crazy stuff. I will celebrate, and then get back to studying for my college exams
  18. TheTruth


    Someone mentioned stuff about white women earlier. Now, they arent my first preference (although I will certainly date any race as long as they measure up in inner beauty, maturity, integrity...etc), but one fine, slightly slutty fine white girl (I think she is white) is Kim Kardashian. She is sexy. Now, she has many other deal-breakers, but on beauty and curves alone she is very good looking. Oh, about Coco, what a fake. She just looks fake. Yeah, her boobs are fake and so is her butt. How sad. It's amazing because when you see a woman with large boobs, or unusually full lips, etc, you may start to wonder if they are even real.
  19. Quote: I didn't say I was interested in celebrities lives, I was just surprised that Carey would Marry an average looking guy who isn't on the same celebrity status as her. To be fair, not many are on Carey's level--I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few grown men are intimidated by her. Additionally, she still looks very good. But remember, it's not all about looks for Cannon. He may be 28, but if he carries himself like a 30+ year old, that can make a huge difference. Besides, at her age, things like maturity, financial security, and love start to take a backseat to good looks (or at least 10s).
  20. I think Acie could be special for us...he doesnt look shell-shocked out there and plays smart basketball lately (counting the last couple games of reg season and so far this playoffs). He just needs to be given consistent playing time... Anyway, I missed the play because I turned the game off after NO starting winning big in the 4th. What a difference Paul has made with that team. And yeah, SA is in trouble. This series might go to 7 games.
  21. That's good to hear, but with him likely still hobbling round a bit and not quite at 100%, Woodson needs to monitor him closely to make sure he isnt getting exposed out there. If he is, he needs to be able to go to either Acie or Salim and dump his trust issues.
  22. Your point total predictions for Acie and Bibby may be a tad unrealistic, but those minutes should be right on point if I were coach. This is a game where we will need those two guys. Acie has really stepped his game up during his limited time in the playoffs, and Bibby will have to do the same. Fact is, Woodson doesnt trust Acie to give him the 15 or so minutes that we will probably need him for. But lets see if Woodson tries something different to surprise us all.
  23. That is one of the best demonstrations of camaraderie and togetherness that you will see displayed on the court. Gotta love it.
  24. Isnt that voting over BEFORE the playoffs start?
  25. Fair enough. 1. Don't know. I just dont know. Maybe he was scared we would miss some FTs, but we were still up 3. 2. I would have rested him, especially with the tweaked knee. Now if it had been the 2nd or 3rd quarter... 3. I would have to agree. It appears he was just being conservative.
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