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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. The only thing that has kept Teague off the floor is Woody coaching for his basketball life. He is trying to get a contract and since he can't coach very well, the only thing he knows to do is ride his 6 starters for a long as they can stand it. Had teague played more minutes early in the year, and had Woody not snatched him out of the game after a mistake or two, he wouldn't have to think as much and 2nd guess everything he does on the court. Woody turned an aggressive attacking PG into a PG that is scared to do much of anything when the game is close. Do any of you recall the preseason Teague; that cat was fearless, Woody has killed his confidence. And yeah, Teague is the best PG defender we have on this team; I wish he would snatch Bibby's *ss out right after anybody wearing a jersey blows by him. At least try to stay in front of your guy Bibs, damn.
  2. Yes, if Teague played he would have to do the majority of the penetration and kick. My thinking is: while Bibby was in this slump why not give Teague more minutes because he couldn't shoot any worse than Bibby. I want to see more of Teague/Craw in the game with JJ at the 3; this way if you have to help to stop Teague's penetration, then JJ Smoove Craw and Al should have no problem scoring.
  3. They don't get time because they can't shoot. Woodson loves guards that can shoot because his offense has to be bailed out constantly. We run so much Iso that teams have to help, creating open shots specifically for the SF and PG spots. If we shared the ball more it wouldn't be such a big issue.
  4. Our backcourt is slow; JJ should really be playing SF, this hurts our transition defense. (Along with being not matched correctly because of all the switches) Also, I think all the switching has made this team too passive. We don't chase over and under screens, I think when a team chases it makes it more aggressive. Switching and and counting on Josh has made our team passive defensively. Not having great backup bigs causes Al and Josh to be a little more selective when challenging shots, to avoid foul trouble.
  5. Our halfcourt offense is horrible and the zone just exposes it more. Dallas going zone on us on national TV is why GS and MIA played zone in the 4th against us in back to back games.
  6. What is sad about this is the Heat was missing O'Neal and Wright.
  7. Did he just say he loves D'Antoni?
  8. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain; this is all smoke and mirrors. Z and Cleveland agreed before the trade that he would come back.
  9. I mean, I'm just speaking facts, I want Marvin to succeed, because that makes us a very good team. There is no way on this earth we can be defended with Marvin making jump shots. It just seems that by now, Marvin would be able to consistantly give the Hawks, defense, rebounding and wide open mid range shot making; not sure that is a lot to ask.
  10. See the point that you miss, with all the statistics, is that Marvin gets wide open shots in our offense. That is, with Joe Craw Al and Smoove, Marvin gets wide open shots. (That's why Joe is moved to SF so often and Craw is inserted, because the SF spot in this offense gets wide open jump shots) Now here is the good part, listen up: If Marvin were to hit some of the WIDE OPEN JUMP SHOTS that he misses with regularity...now get this, this is wild.....HE WOULD GET MORE WIDE OPEN SHOT ATTEMPTS PER GAME. Why should Joe Smoove Al Craw continue to pass to Marvin when he is wide open when he doesn't make shots????? He has been so bad this year that sometimes when Marvin receives a pass and is wide open from 15 feet, he puts in on the floor and does something incredibly clumsy and stupid. All we need from Marvin is defense, a few rebounds and for him to hit WIDE OPEN JUMP SHOTS. Again, very few of Marvin's shots are contested. What's so strange is, two years ago, all Marvin could do was hit wide open jump shots.
  11. Had to wait a long time for Marvin to have a good game, so you could do this post, huh? Marvin needs to work on hitting WIDE OPEN JUMPSHOTS, he could avg.15 pts on that alone.
  12. Yep, it feels great discussing how our bench isn't deep enough to reach the ECF; when just a few years ago, our current bench would have been our starters! Feels great to be good again.
  13. Let's get Mike Finley in here then, it is obvious that Teague won't play come playoff time. Craw will play the point, it would be nice to have another swing like Finley that can make open jumpshots.
  14. This is all BS. Z is going back to the Cavs, they just want to make it look legit.
  15. I think I would, in 26 minutes he avg 10 4 rbs 4 assists... Knock on wood, we have been pretty much injury free. But the shoulder thing with Craw, shows it could get ugly if we lose JJ or Craw for any amount of time. When is the last day to sign free agents for the playoffs?
  16. Silly post...Crawford is the least of our problems. Two PGs that have contributed little to nothing in the past three months. Two SFs that have given almost nothing. ZZ/Joe Smith are a joke. Then you have the nerve to blame Crawford, when his play has directly led to wins! Go ahead and blame Crawford for not being Lebron, sad.
  17. Also, when Kidd made contact, he was not on the floor. That's why Kidd had to extend his arm. How Kidd is not fined for this I won't ever know. I can shoot an elbow to a coach and get a free throw for it, great. The NBA is a train wreck.
  18. How many times does this team say, "we went one on one" or "we stop sharing the ball" or "we stopped attacking" or "we took too many jump shots?" Same old sad song; when does it change?
  19. When Kidd made contact Woody was not on the floor; use your eyes don't listen to ESPN. That's why Kidd had to reach out and hit woodson with his arm because Woody made it off the court. This really did not have much affect on the game; but I hate the refs let s*** like this happen and fans listen to ESPN and announcers who want to pretend like Kidd is so smart, when he really screwed up and it should have been a turnover. Woody even said after the game, he watched the tape and it thought he was off the floor. Woody should have been gone a long time ago; and there is a reason why he has not been extended. But he shouldn't feel bad about that BS play
  20. Woody was out of bounds when contact was made; can the league please f***in fine these officials! Losing this game is one thing but when players can get away with BS like that, something is really wrong.
  21. Yeah that was BS...he wasn't actually on the court when Kidd touched him; and that could happen to any coach on any night....it was total BS by the reffing crew and they realize it right now....but Woodson is an idiot, although it has noithing to do with that play.
  22. He could take ZZs minutestonight if it were up to me. He ain't all theat great but he is better than ZZ. Pick and roll with Bibby/Big Z could be deadly and could take some of the scoring pressure off of the starters. He will go back to Cleveland though, so, I waste valuable minutes of my life typing this.
  23. You should post this on every baskeball board in the land. Josh does not get enough credit for how he plays the game. Years back, the media wanted to give AK47 is own country for playing like this.
  24. That would be sweet; watch Jamal and Z play pick and pop. Pick and roll with those two would be unguardable.
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