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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I thought Randolph was guaranteed? If so he would be #12 and we would probably keep Juan as #13. Othello is small, you may as well play Marvin as a backup PF.If Joe Smith is hurt for anytime we can always play Al and Marv at backup PF since Collins can backup the C spot.
  2. We know the first 11; last two will probably be Randolph and Juan? Whatya think?
  3. He did take a jumper just inside the line last night. Ya know, it's funny how Josh has decided to stop shooting threes the same offseason that we add some big man depth! Sad that a threat of less minutes is the only reason why he has decided to stop with the 3s.
  4. Exactly, let's not get spoiled around here now. He is a good third center; a few years ago we were starting guys like him.
  5. Mo is fine, hell, how many games did we win with that cat starting. I don't think he is a starting SF, but he is a very good bench guy. Also, I would like to see JJ steal a few minutes at SF from time to time, he plays well there. We need another big or two; and the staff prolly feels like JJ and Craw can both play minutes at PG if Teague struggles or Bibs is hurting, but, I have a feeling he will earn minutes this year.
  6. I just read it on the ESPN news ticker too, being reported by Ric Bucher.
  7. "They let me know as soon as the season was over that they wanted me back,” he said. “With me not having the best year I could have, it says a lot about the commitment they made to me that they didn?t hesitate to let me know that. It shows me they have a lot of respect for their players.” Direct shot at ATL. Stop whining Chillz, poor baby,.
  8. So, I guess, if Teague struggles, Crawford would play more backup point and Mo would have to play more minutes at the 2. If not, JJ will probably play tons of minutes again this season.
  9. Or we can sign backup PF like Wilcox, if Smoove does not cut the three jacking out and box out, then Wilcox plays. JJ cuts down on the forced jumpers early in the clock and we rotate on D....we improve aleast 5-6 games right there.
  10. I like that team; I don't think we would improve much defensively, but we would be able to score. Hell, I would watch that team practice.
  11. I am not sure if it is the homer in me, but a team of: Bibs/Teague JJ/Craw Marv/Mo Smoove/Camby Al/ZZ Looks pretty good to me....depending on how Teague matures. Now that I give a second look...barring injury, that team would get deep into the playoffs.
  12. We don't need Bowen, if we trade Chillz, we somehow have to get a Big.
  13. Bibby helps, but we don't get very far if we don't get a couple of big men that can play.
  14. Bibby/Flip/Teague JJ/Crawford Marvin/Mo Smoove/McDyess Al/ZZ/Gadzuric I don't think scoring would be a problem, our bench would give teams the business on the offensive end.
  15. Now that he is in ATL, the refs will probably call him for a carry on every other crossover.
  16. I think Woody likes Flip...Flip even played minutes at the end of season (end of games) in place of Bibby and Flip is cheaper. I think Flip stays....he and Crawford are our PGs until Teague figures it out....I am not sure if the is the way to go..but I just don't think they pay Bibby or get into a bidding war for another PG. More pressing is our big situation...if ZZ does not come back, we will need at least two quality bigs,
  17. I think Bibby is gone and Flip will be back. It will probably we Crawford/JJ to start the season Flip will be the backup PG and if Teague develops quickly he could move Crawford to the bench to backup JJ.
  18. I think the team is hurt and tired, so when missed shots or tunovers lead to huge leads, they coast thinking they will need the energy for next game. That is what appears to happen anyway.
  19. He should be tired...he plays a gazillion minutes all season. A lack of an offense caused us to have to play Joe too many minutes. If we had some kind of halfcourt set we could survive with him on the bench.
  20. I think it boils down to execution in the half court, meaning if we have turnovers and they have run outs, we can't win. If we limit turnovers we will be right there at the end of each game. Not turning the ball over in this series will be the key. Can this team play close to error free O in the halfcourt against Cleveland? Missing shots will not be half as bad as turning it over. I like your optimism!
  21. Like I said all along....start Flip,, put him on Williams hide Bibby on Delonte.
  22. Of course, that part of him is not about basketball, it is marketing. The more attention the more commercials and money. If Joe Johnson was a clown and had his very same game, he would be on commercials, talk shows all the time.
  23. I mean that dude is straight up sad when we they cut to commercial and he has to give the score..LOL He actually gets louder when Wade misses than we Joe makes a shot.
  24. TNT might as well have hired the Heat home announcers. This is pathetic.
  25. Yep they are doubling Joe hard all game, he is making the pass and the ball is stopping; we need to keep the ball moving. Wade should get 30; we don't double him ,he got hot and the refs gave him calls.Miami can't shoot like that again.If we don't panic we will be fine.
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