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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I was referring to his observatioons about last nights game...the Celtics' had the same troubles we did last night, really even more trouble offensively.
  2. Oh, I thought I heard him say not top 4 in the east. We know this team is not flawless, but he has a thing for the Hawks. Last year, he said right up to halftime of game 7 that we would not beat the Heat. It seems like his opinions are biased and not based on what is actually happening in front of his eyes.
  3. He is always harping on the Hawks go one on one...but Celtics posted and ran Isos just as much as we did tonight! And...we had more assists! Sure Joe Isos alot late in the game, so does Pierce. Just call it both ways Jon. Why does he hate the Hawks so much anyway. And didn't he say we were not a top 4 team in the east!??....WTF? This cat is annoying.
  4. Tor would win 1 game... soft as twinkie fillin...nothing has changed with that team, when our front court is aggresive there is nothing they can do about it.
  5. The only big that has gotten any real minutes this year is Z; so I don't see why this would be a shock. A healthy Joe S would help that, ya know, assuming that Woodson actually lets the man in the game.
  6. I thought it was just me being greedy, but, I was thinking he same thing. How tragic would it be for JC to suffer an injury playing at this point in the game. A SG or SF would be great, and if Randolph is gonna be third at PF, why do we need Othello? We could continue to use RandMo in games like this at the 4 and let Collins use those minutes at the 5 to get in some shape.
  7. Actually, if we play hard and share the ball, there is no reason why a team like Utah should beat us, they have 0 shot blockers and can't stop us from getting to the rim. In the past we were turnover prone and didn't rotate very well against them. We'll see how much we have improved Friday.
  8. Yep....it is really great to see us good again. Long way from Bobby Sura and Terry Stotts.
  9. Looks like Cavs may lose to the Rockets tonight. With our next 6-7 games, if we can buckle down and defend and rebound we may be able to take a little lead in the race for #3.
  10. Yep, and I am connvinced we when the NY game if Joe plays the majority of the minutes in the 2nd half with Al. It's better for us defensively, if ZZ play the majority of his minutes with Smoove.
  11. It is really easy to get caught up in putting some type of meaning on each game. One might say we should beat New Orleans if we are for real, then they may say we have to beat Orlando at home or this is the same old Hawks. Then, how can you lose to the Sixers after beating the Magic....and before you know it.....you have predicted the team to go 80-2. I am just enjoying the ride now that the Hawks are finally good and realizing every one of the so called elite east teams have flaws just like we do.
  12. Whether or not this team is a championship team, who knows? It is a long season, but we do know that it has improved every year for the last 5. I don't know why people are shocked at the play, if you look at the constant improvement, the additions on the bench, it all makes sense. Don't know how far this team can go, we still have questionable shot selection sometimes and we save our best D for late in the 2nd half ....and Woody is the coach. But, you have to be excited about the possibilities.
  13. Bibs is shootin daggers in the 4th quarter. I hope Woody doesn't destroy Teague's confidence. But you are right; as much as Bibs gives up on D, he is so valuable on the other end.
  14. Not long ago good teams used to treat us the same way; coast through the 1st half then turn up the D in the 2nd and walk away.
  15. I think Joe feels that selfishness does not apply to him. He had to carry this franchise when the young guys couldn't be counted on and he had no vet help. So, he probably feels like now that we are good, nobody is going to steal his thunder in his contract year. One problem, this really does not help the team.
  16. 2. He's playing for $$$$. This is the best team the Hawks have had in a long time, and for sure in his tenure. He's known as the best player. Having the reputation of being the best player on, suddenly, a team that's no longer taken lightly while playing for his biggest contract??? Recipe for more shots, and criticisms in the media. In this thread, after the Bobcat game, he more or less call out Woody about the number of one-on-one plays made by the team. Now he says in regards to his teammates "It's me,me, me. It's crazy man". Well dude, how is that any different from past years? Only that is was you getting all the 1 on 1 opportunties? 3. Jamal Crawford. Finally there's a Hawk close to par, if not a wash, or better, who can score the ball as well as JJ. JJ's never had to worry about who was relied on to do the scoring. It was always him. Not anymore. Jamal presents a significant challenge to #2. Is JJ going to be offered francise money when his points per game go down, but the team gets better?? That says it all! JJ has been whining about getting more help, he got it and he is still whining.
  17. Yeah Joe, keep dribbling in the same spot for 10 seconds then force a a jumper from 19 feet. Joe can't justify all the money he wants if his numbers are down, even if the team is winning. Especially when a cat off the bench can put up damn near what he can with ease. I am a JJ fan, but this smells liike personal and not team. Be a man Joe.
  18. swolehawk2

    Wow Joe

    Most of those were because the Lakers are gettin away with murda, damn!
  19. Defense in the last 5 minutes of both games has been impressive....this is where the team use to struggle.
  20. We have so many guys that can score, all of our guards can handle the ball. If we are capable of playing D like we did in the fourth, this team could be dangerous. We put pressure on teams because all of our starters can be 15 or greater scorers.
  21. If Z and Collins were there tonight; wewouldn't have seen that small lineup. If Mo plays like this all year, we are going to be tough.
  22. It's a preseason game..see nothing wrong with experimenting.
  23. Our second 5 is almost as good as Heat starters.
  24. Teague JJ Marv Joe Al VS Bibby Craw Mo Josh ZZ
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