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Everything posted by tbhawksfan

  1. Good points and a pretty good over-all plan. I hope we don't trade anyone unless it's a good trade. What do you propose at SF if we use MW to get a PG. I also hope we can get something for Bibby in a S&T and go another direction at PG. I like Sessions, but he could still prove a bit green as the PG on a #4 seed. Kidd would get the ball to the inside players. You don't like the idea of trading JJ or Smoove, can they co-exist? I think there's been friction between them from the beginning. It was young Smoove's team until JJ got here and took over. Smoove has developed a lot since then. I think we could get a lot for JJ.
  2. Woodson also dosn't work well with assistants. Two years ago there was a rebellion amongst coaches and Woodson even said that he should have listened to his assistants at the end of the season. Many of them either jumped ship or tried to. Woodson does one thing well. After he's demonstrated his incompetence, he cites his biggest deficiencies and says he needs to change. Then he does the same thing all over again. I've wanted Woodson gone for three or four years now. Very strongly.
  3. Woodson has been the longest tenured worthless coach in my memory. Stop spending $ on their products and maybe they will change their tune; or go broke and have to sell the team. BOYCOTT
  4. Woodson is an assasin. You can add Horford tho that list as well. He played big minutes at C giving up 20-40lbs a game. The lack of offensive scheme was also a killer and Woodson's doing. Not only did JJ play those big minutes but he also faced harassing double teams. Horford had to get most of his points without the benefit of being fed the ball. Smoove and Flip seem to be the only ones that benefit from the anything goes, individual type offense Woody runs. As for the trade posibilities; you can come up with a trade for any player. Sund needs to assume his responsibilies and get Woodson out. The roster needs work, but I'm convinced that better coaching could get alot more out of what we have.
  5. Improve the coaching. At the end of each year my analysis of Woodson's over-all effect has been very negative. Chandler or Thompson would be great additions. Anytime you can get a young big with talent, it's a good move. Especially when you're under-sized in the paint. I'd look to replace Bibby. I think a distributing, break-down the D type PG would help to create much more efficient results from the other four players on the court. Those PG's are usually good on D as well. Horford/Smoove/JJ/Marv are very nice pieces to build around. A good team can beat a super-star. You can't always find a SS, but good coaching can create a good team. Bring in Fratello or SVG. Add Chandler or Thompson to the above four and improve the depth of the bench. Find the younger, faster, traditional PG and let him and Law evolve into a strong PG rotation. If you start Horf and Smoove, Mo/Law/Chandler or Thompson/ is a good start to the bench. Eliminate some of the non-playing Hawks counting against the cap (Chil/Speedy/Gardner/Mario/Hunter/Randolf/Andersen/) . Rither bring them in, develop them or find players that will contribute to replace them. Having a cap hold on a non-contributing player is a management error (save injury). Fratello or SVG could do somthing with a core of: Horford/Zaza Smoove/Chandler MW/ JJ/Mo Sessions (example)/Law If Smoove/Zaza/2009 second/2010 first brings in Bosh, I do that trade. Horford/Zaza Bosh/Chandler MW/Mo JJ/Mo Sessions/Law Is a good looking 9 man rotation. Bring in Fratello or SVG. I think that thee are doable senarios if the ASG cuts the dead weight and actually spend the cap on active players. The Bosh trade is ? able, but the first senario with Chandler/Thompson is probably very doable and would look pretty good to me.
  6. Bad coaching has a tendency to make the TEAM look bad. Individual players usually will suffer from this, but in some cases it can inflate one or two players numbers because they are monopolizing the opportunitues. Put Smoove in a developed system, with a good coach and well coached players and I think that you would see the transformation that we've all been waiting for. Sund needs to find the coach to create that professional, well coached environment for the Hawks. He also needs to bring in some help. We are under-sized, under-coached and our long, athletic team usually appears slower than the opponent.
  7. His nose just got in the way of Zaza's elbow. It happens.
  8. There shouldn't even be a debate. They should've let BK fire Woodson and bring Andersen over. Sund's let me have a year to learn the Hawks is the biggest joke of the year. I hate that he took that approach, theat the ASG did't listen to BK. Don't you think that our team would have done more with a "better" coach and Andersen helping with the big rotation?
  9. Bumpy, you can probably apply that % to the avg fan as well. Bball is a team sport. Th good, well coached teams understand that. Smoove's dunk was an individual move. It's called show-boating for a reason. The only fans that appreciate that kind of mentality and expression are the fans that fall into the above mentioned %. I'm exclusively a Hawks fan. I encourage every player on the roster, but I expect a well coached, professional TEAM. Not individual show-boating. If and when Smoove understands this, he will fulfill his potential and the Hawks will soar; oh, don't forget the coaching.
  10. Anyone that doesn't understand that it was imature, classless, show-boating must be as immature as Smoove. Did you ever see Mr. Class Tim Duncan; in all his playoff opportunities, pull a stunt like that? NO. You can't give one reason that he should have done that, but many why he shouldn't have. I'm sure that the stunt only reinforced the national perception that Smoove is an immersely gifted athlete, who still behaves like a 14 year old. Smoove, please grow up and your game will follow.
  11. Woodson should tell rio to play him as well as possible WITHOUT fouling him. Tough order, but if you really want to benefit from rio's D, you can't have him out there sending Wade to the line for twelve FTs. Put him in for spurts, when Wade turns it on, and let him play good, tough D, with a minimum of fouls. Let the team D do the rest. Miami doesn't have much if you stop DW.
  12. There were moves available this season that he didn't make. I like the theory that you always try to win now, while building for the future. Sund is obviously building for the future, but why didn't he do anything to help now? We are in the playoffs, we are even expected to advance, yet, Sund didn't seem to think that it was worth investing in a little bench help to possibly improve our chances THIS season. I don't like it. For me it's a failure to seize the moment. At the trade deadline, there were many "small" moves that shored up quite a few contenders; none by Sund. Even to have signed someone after the deadline would have helped by taking some of the load off of some of other players. It's simple; a small move could have benefitted this team NOW, at a time when we've done the work to get home-court and we have our chance to make a run in the playoffs. Isn't that the goal? Isn't it a no brainer to bring in any little piece that could have helped now? Next year, we start the season 0-0. Whatever Sund does to improve the Hawks next season will have no effect on the present, which as of now, is much more important than next season. Whether Sund or the ASG is to blame; I don't care. I know the ASG is a joke, not much I can do about it. But, Sund has already let golden opportunities pass. If we advance to the second round and show that we had at least a chance this year, it will validate my position. Give a good playoff team (fourth seed) a little help and it can push them over the top. I didn't care for Sund's statement last summer "take a year to evaluate". What was he doing prior to taking the Hawks job? Was he not familar with our team or the contract realities? Isn't he a veteran GM? I see it all as a cope out. I'll hope that the Hawks have what it takes to win it all this year, while being disappointed that nothing was done at the management level to give them a little help. Sund = JWest is a great joke to start my day. For him to have said it himself really sets off alarm bells for me. Especially as he seems to be spending all his energy patting himself on the back while our young Hawks face the gigantic task of winning, with very little help from above.
  13. If the 3 is to become a bigger part of his game, then he needs to move to SF. It's evident that with him on the outside, playing PF, we are at a disadvantage on the boards. With Marvin out (a big SF that can slide inside and board), it seems like even worse strategy. I'm not surprised to hear that Woodson is designing plays to give Smoove 3 attempts; all the while, leaving the inside at Horford against two or three NBA bigs.
  14. If I have to choose, I move Smoove.
  15. CBAreject; it's a cultural thing. It's possible to discuss a stupid topic intelligently. It's possible to discuss an intelligent topic stupidly. For some people (percentages depending on culture and education), an intelligent conversation about anything is an impossibility. More people should try to discuss more intelligent topics more intelligently.
  16. I floated a Marvin / Bibby / 2010 top 4 prot. first / 2009 second for Hinrich / Sean Williams / VC VC / Sean Williams for Marvin / 2010 first Hinrich for Bibby / 2009 second Salaries don't quite match, but it could be worked out. I think it would make us contenders.
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