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Everything posted by lethalweapon3

  1. I'm expecting the Hawks will have their hands full with Ed Davis and Amir Johnson, particularly whenever Bargs draws the centers away from the basket. Both are playing much better of late. ~lw3
  2. I think they just landed, if Twitters are to be believed. ~lw3
  3. On the subject of Great Free Throw Transformations, how about the Chuck Wagon? The guy who used to shoot like this... ...has gone from 36.8% shooting two seasons ago (a merciful 0.3 FTAs per game) to 71.2% currently (1.7 FTAs per game). Amazing! ~lw3
  4. Based on the responses, sounds like the answer is "yes," so far. More specifically, it sounds like the onus is on Josh to drive more from the wing and post-up more often to get to the line, now that free throw shooting is no longer a strong liability, rather than forcing LD and company to "live with" his perimeter shots. He appears comfortable taking initiative to bring the ball up the floor, when he has a little space and not much pressure, so his next step is to take the initiative to drive the ball to the rim from the perimeter instead of taking so many predictable jumpshots. My theory is he remains uncomfortable with his ballhandling, and compensates by shooting (and dribbling) wherever he is most likely to be free of his defender. If the coaching staff is helping him with his ballhandling, we may very well see another positive transformation in the near future. And yes, playing nicer with the refs may help, too. Not crying wolf and screaming on every alleged hack may also cause refs to come around and blow the whistle more favorably. ~lw3
  5. ...Free Throws! Josh has been quietly and smoovely sinking his shots from the charity stripe this year, and he seems to be better than ever at doing so. In January, he closed out the month with eleven straight free throws made, resulting in a 51-for-63 (81.0%) performance. The prior month, he went 47-for-70 (67.1%), and 48-for-66 (72.7%) prior to that. Any of those figures are a long way from the nadir he reached in 2008-09 (58.8%). His present season-long rate (73.4%) would be a career high, surpassing his sophomore season (2005-06) clip of 71.9%. Is it safe to assume Josh no longer wears the albatross of Shaqish free throw shooting, a deficiency once seen by many fans (yours truly included) to be another "lost cause" for him? Have his mechanics clearly improved, and is that more attributable to feedback from ex-staffer Mark Price, or the Hoops Whisperer, or someone else? And if Josh is indeed getting his groove back, should it change the team's offensive strategies at all? His free throw attempt rate is nearly as low as it was back in 2005-06. ~lw3
  6. ((One vote to create a "Random Player Comparisons" subforum)) ~lw3
  7. http://gantdaily.com...t-infringement/ Homeland Security getting the job done.Or, at least, what it thinks its job of the moment is... http://torrentfreak.com/us-resume-file-sharing-domain-seizures-110201/ Thanks, DHS! I can sleep better at night now. ~lw3
  8. Cool, talk to you tomorrow. ~lw3
  9. Beyond what he contributes now, Smoove could stand on his head and recite the Atlanta Compromise speech for all I care. It's the turnstile D that Avi Lee offers up that requires the 15 or whatever more points-per for comparison purposes. Make an effort to stop somebody every once in awhile, and if you can't, at least get out that and put up some World B Free numbers. ~lw3
  10. If DLee could score, like, 15 more points per game, I'd be tempted to call it a wash. ~lw3
  11. Josh: "What is this, Dancing With The Scrubs?" ~lw3
  12. "Somebody need to tell that girl... that beard is NOT a good look..." ~lw3
  13. http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=18642 (click the link above for the interview video... and before you ask, no, you can't have those two minutes back) ~lw3
  14. J-Pow: "What organization is this, Joe?" Joe: "I think it's Women Without Borders..." ~lw3
  15. "The pole is ready, Joe." ~lw3
  16. Mo Evans enjoys the NBA Players Association's Job Shadowing Program for players with expiring contracts. ~lw3
  17. Suit: We checked with frumpyescorts.com, Mo, and I'm sorry. Natalie from "Facts of Life" was unavailable, so... ~lw3 Inductees gather together at the All-No-Defense Hall of Fame ceremony. ~lw3
  18. Teague: "So, how's your sister Venus doing?" Madam: "I've always loved your songs! 'Can we talk... for a minute...'" ~kw3
  19. Yeah, the Worldwide Leader implemented a "Heat Index," or whatever they called it, after LBJ took his talents to South Beach. They've always had team pages but they figured it was worth the trouble to pay a couple of their hoops bloggers to focus on the Heat given the extra attention their run would get. Kind of unfair, but as long as no one's really paying attention to it, it won't matter. ~lw3
  20. Shawne said: "I unpeeled all the stickers off your Rubik's Cubes!" ~lw3
  21. Nothing to add. I'm just pushing a thread with no legs to page 3 since it's going there anyway. Go Hawks! ~lw3
  22. I saw a duck go buckwild on this poor dude last week. Oh, wait... ~lw3
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