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Mrs. Joe Johnson

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Everything posted by Mrs. Joe Johnson

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :line dance:
  2. That's ok they will learn one day. The hawks will be the SILENT KILLER next year!!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  3. There is nothing wrong with loving the sport and he probably will always love it. I think he enjoys playing the game of will I retire or won't I retire its like this is the only way he can get attention or something. Espn does worship him but to me he does nothing to diffuse these situations, he acts as if the NFL owes him something or if he is MR. NFL. I THINK NOT!!
  4. Well I didn't mean for the country bumpkin statement to be racist I have been called that. but anyway thats just how I feel about Brett I hope he stays away!
  5. Are u serious? this has nothing to do with his race. Its about the media love affair with certain players regardless of race. The fact of the matter is Brett has not been that good the last few years, he has 1 superbowl ring not 10. I mean he is not Tom Brady, or Ben R.(NO I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL HIS LAST NAME) but anyway the point is the media critiscize other players for doing the same thing Brett has done. I just call a spade a spade.
  6. I know this will probably get moved but Brett Favre gets on my DAMN NERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS T.O. A DIVA BUT BRETT COUNTRY BUMPKIN, WRANGLER WEARING ,LAWN MOWING RIDING FAVRE JUST COMPETITIVE I DONT GET IT I KNOW HE IS A GREAT FOOTBALL PLAYER BUT GOODNESS GRACIOUS HE AINT JESUS!!!!! Whew I had to get off my chest sorry for yelling. :shake_puter:
  7. Again I say if Eric is still married to her why is it any of your concern. Hell I am from ATL and I have seen the flock of transplant groupies as well as native groupies or video hos who would do anything for a guy who even just sniffed the nba. If he wanted that he would have got with one of those women clearly at the end of the day he wants more. Deshawn is not a size 2, or a 4 but she is pretty. I guess you are one of those men who want someone who is the size of paris hilton but cant walk and chew gum @the same time
  8. Why are you so worried about the size of Eric Snow wife and Rev Run wife? Clearly they are not complaining if so they would have been divorced long time ago. I know maybe they aren't shallow like you and actually have unconditional love for their women. SMH
  9. Okay I know I don't keep up to much with players overseas. If David Anderson was that good he would be in the NBA by now plz give me a break. Prove yourself over here first, I mean first Rubio now this dude go eat a huge slice of Humble PIE
  10. Y DON'T U JUST FIND A TEAM U LIKE! I mean seriously dude spending your time hating, bashing, and critisizing a team everyday of the week just doesn't make sense. There are 20 something other teams u can choose from and become a fan of because cleary u are not one of the hawks fan. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and yes the hawks organization and players have made some decisions to make u scratch your head but I still like this team. I bet there r plenty of peopleout there who live in cities with losing teams that would love to have our team, so dude chill. I just had 2 get that off my chest spending all your time and energy to hate on the hawks is just CRAZY!!! :angry22:
  11. RIP Michael Jackson There will never be another like you ever
  12. I feel the same way, I mean I am not an expert just a fan but y cant we keep everybody and just add to the roster not subtract. (Thank God Speedy is gone though lol)
  13. This is riDAMNdiculous as much as Josh gets on my nerves for sometimes makin mistakes there is now way I make a trade like this unless I am getting someone proven. When are the hawks organization going to learn you cant win a CHAMPONSHIP which i think is our ultimate goal on the cheap!!! You will have to pay sometimes u dont have to break the bank but u will have to pony up some money. For the love of God please let this not be true. COSIGN WITH THIS
  14. Okay I really dont care who wins btween lakers and magic but since Dwight is a native of atlanta I was rooting 4 the magic. What the hell happen to them I mean I know cleveland and L.A. are 2 different teams but i just cant believe this is the same team. I think skip2 mylou confidence is just gone and A.j. needs to play more. I also think dwight needs to get tougher eventhough that is not his personality,Idk I guess I Just expected more from them. I sure wish the hawks was still playing one day we will get there.
  16. Go to the heat board with that plz!! :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
  17. Boy :helpsmilie: I pray u are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :helpsmilie:
  19. If u are a fan u will support this team when they are playin whoever. The problem is the fans or groupies (men and women) only want to come out for superstars like LEBRON,DWADE,KOBE,ETC. Only want to be seen tryin to be cute.
  20. Miami is pretty good especially havin a player like dwade. It still took them 3 overtimes(MIA) to win, just like it took them 2 overtimes to beat chicago. We swept Chicago and we beat Utah in regulation. Hotlanta u really need to find a team u like because u are not a fan of the hawks all u do is be critical in a win or defeat. I am not sayin u cant get upset with the hawks when they are not living up to their potential because I do. However when they are winning and playin the right way I will praise them maybe it is because I am a teacher, I am always trying to find the best in people and different situations. Regardless the hawks cant worry about the heat, pistons, sixers, and whoever else behind them they have 2 worry about them and put forth their best effort to win these last few games and everything else will fall in place. Whatever is suppose to happen will happen and whoever they are suppose to play they will play them to the best of their ability. I like the hawks chances and I am hoping that we :super: will still be the 4th seed and to me I Think its going to happen. LETS GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I just have 2 say I really hope the hawks after beating 2 hot teams although at home have regain their swagger. In the begining of the year the hawks looked like they were unstoppable but after injuries,bumps,bruises, etc the hawks looked like they were heading on a downward spiral. Recently they picked up the d and beat the pistons and hornets convincingly however as of today all I Hear about is how dwade beat chicago whos record is below 500 and it took 2 overtimes. You would think they beat L.A. or something anyway I just want 2 tell JOE and the other guys buckle up and secure the 4th spot because not only are u gonna have to beat dwade you are gonna have 2 beat the refs and the media as well. They would love to see flash advance in the playoffs considering the season he had last year. JOE,JOSH,MARVIN (GET BETTER)AL , ZAZA, MIKE,SOLO,ACIE,FLIP,MO and whoever else I 4got 2 mention lets get ready 2 SHOCK THE WORLD ONCE MORE!!
  22. This is my struggle when I go to the hawks game as well. I really get so upset with the fans cheering for the oppossing team I just want to fight(almost did last year during the playoffs lol). It is so hard especially when you are a native atlantan like I am. But u are right Atlanta has become a city full of groupies down to the celebrities as well u dont even seem them come out until some superstar player is in town. It is frustrating but we know thats how it is and probably will always be, true fans will be there but unless we get a bonafide superstar in all areas it is gonna stay the same. The last statement pains me to say because as much as I love Joe to the casual fan they dont know who he is because he doesnt have 50million endorsements, magazine covers,celebrity actress girlfriend, tv appearances,tatoos,etc. If this was the orginal southern charm Atlanta Joe would fit right in, but since this is a little NY, LA, CHI And everywhere in btween he doesnt. Joe personality is to quiet but his game is not. Lets be honest Lebron was not that great last nite dont let the 26 pts fool ya but any way one of these days all of the bad breaks will pay off for the hawks I PROMISE LETS GO HAWKS!!
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