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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. These moves signal expectations for Coach LP. Trae asked for help. Sure. But he is still just entering year 3 and so far has exceeded all previous expectations. The pressure wont be on Trae until he signs his future Max Contract. Only then can we say okay, now prove you are worth it. Right now Trae is playing on a discount. The pressure is solely on the organization to create a winning and competitive roster around him before he becomes a FA.
  2. To be clear, none if us want Collins to play Center. But you want to find a way to get both him and Gallinari 30 mins every night. So whats the lesser of 2 evils, Collins at C or Gallinari at SF? I think its easier to play him at the 5 in small streches than it is to have Gallinari at the 3 defensively.
  3. Atlanta likes winning. You saw how this city embraced Korver when he was helping us win. Play well, play with heart, thats all that matters to the fans.
  4. I wonder who gets to wear #8 between Gallinari and Bogi? This season is going to be so dope lol
  5. Say it louder for the people in the back!!!
  6. I was about to say do we truly even know how old Buddy is haha
  7. I didnt see that article but thats truly good to hear. Im glad they worked it out ahead of time.
  8. Dude has some nerve to think we would actually trade for Hield just because they match. Has he not been paying attention? WE are in the drivers seat. Nobody, especially the Kings, is going to take us for a ride.
  9. John Hollinger must hate our wings. We dont NEED Bogi. I like our rotation as is. Bogi takes it over the top.
  10. Adding Hill makes me not want to bring in anyone else if the Kings match. We have enough depth on the wing and no true upgrades out there worth our while.
  11. I could be wrong but the clock didnt start when the Hawks offered Bogi, it started when Bogi actually signed the offer sheet. So the Hawks thinking may have been to give Bogi the time to actually mull it over so that it could be signed by Monday at the latest. Bogi just happened to sign a lot sooner. If we waited til Monday to offer and then Bogi took his time to sign, this could have lasted even longer. Hawks made the right play to put it out there so this could be wrapped up as soon as possible.
  12. I keep hearing 1pm, Is it 10am Pacific time ?
  13. I dont even want BB that bad or as much as I just want to stick it to the the rest of the league. No matter how this plays out, we are sending a clear message that the Atlanta Hawks aint nothin the mess with lol Stay woke NBA
  14. Hey man, things happen. Like I said, I ignored it originally. Look at it like this, you are right, there are no editors and its easy to make a small mistake. We all do it. But by us checking each other it makes us all better in the end. What you did this offseason was pretty damn extraordinary. Im not going to sit here and pretend like I wasnt tuned in to every post. Drinking all the Supes Kool-Aid. And thats kind of the point. Whether you intended to or not, you are now on a different level. Im an opinion poster. I have ZERO insiders. I take info from people like yourself and formulate my own opinions. I Iistened to a little bit of your podcast. That was also pretty dope. Long story short. Keep doing you. But accept the fact that folks are going to charge you up every chance they can when they find a chink in the armor. That comes with the territory. You have a spotlight on you, and haters are attracted to that light like mosquitoes. My advice, don't react. Just shine. Because every doubter is still going to come back and hang off every word, just as I will. You aint got nothing to prove to anyone but yourself bro!
  15. Okay, so, yes; when the conversation is based on your insider's info that people are following and eating up like hot cakes, you should make it a point to be explicitly clear when you are deviating from the source and dropping your own personal opinion. Because in the exchanges it gets blurred when you are updating us with his info and slip an opinion in out of nowhere. We think its all based on something you know that we don't. 2ndly, I saw this in the thread and I ignored it, but no where did I see anyone ever say Rondo was getting 15 for 1 year. Everything I saw had us offering him 2 years for 15. When you said it I was confused. It ended up being 2 for 15 as reported the whole time.
  16. You did say that. But before the numbers you said we weren't going after him at all. I dont care either way. You have nothing to prove to me and vice versa.
  17. Perkins also claimed the Celtics were big winners in FAgency. Even when the other 2 were like, nah they are definitely losers. He doubled down after. Cant take him seriously. He is still better than Paul Pierce though.
  18. To be fair, I dont think Supes would lie to us. I believe that what he shares is as accurate as he is allowed to share. I do, however, question the source. Some things that were flat wrong, like Rondo for instance, make me believe the source is either not getting 1st hand info, or if he is, he is being misled to keep him off the actual trail. And potentially, the source has the correct info and is just misleading Supes. All are plausible, because in general most of the moves that were made weren't broken any sooner on the Squawk than they were the open web. Which truthfully is a relief. I am glad that our front office is not able to be infiltrated so easily and openly discussed on a fan sight. My guess is that the source gets filtered info that is based on truth but deemed as non consequential. He then filters and shares from this with Supes. And Supes then filters to us. Thats why some things are accurate-ish, and others seem out of the blue. The info has been watered down via the telephone game. Either way, thanks Supes for putting the work in and keeping us entertained during the slow times.
  19. There is something to be said for a big man that knows how to get himself open. I think that is an aspect of his game that people sleep on. I've seen a lot of talented big men in Hawks uniforms that did not work the PnR as well as JC does. His feel in the half court is as natural as it gets. There is a reason you dont see guys with his stat line AND percentages everyday. Its not just because of Trae Young, because JC displayed it his rookie year too without Trae. No other Hawks big looks as good as JC does next to Trae either. Finishing ability is a talent, getting open is a talent. Setting good picks, reading the defense and knowing exactly where to be so that the guard can find you is a talent. Being able to bang with all your weight, find balance, jump and still have a soft shooting touch with either hand is a talent. Rebounding, as we have seen from previous bigs, is not a given just because you are tall and can jump. John has more heart, toughness, and durability banging for rebounds than Captain Al did, especially after his peck injury. People see easy buckets, but I see a skilled, smart, tough, and athletic big man with a ton of talent, and none of it wasted like so many other Hawks before him. He plays hard and he plays the right way. Thats why you keep him, thats why you pay him. And on yeah, all this "winning impact" nonsense gets put to rest when the Hawks are a playoff squad next season. JC was never on a team that was built to win. Now he is. Narrative going to change real fast just like it will for Trae.
  20. Exactly, the only negatives were shooting and short arms. He is a stud
  21. Did anyone else catch Trae's commercial on prime time during the Draft? When is the last time we had a player on a national commercial spot? You bet your butt he is a draw.
  22. I think we are ahead of Indy. They have a proven squad but thats it. We far outclass them in talent. Heat are a better postseason squad than regular season, they should still only finish with 4th or 5th best record, and upset whoever in the 2nd round. Talent wise we compete with any team besides the top heavy BKLYN and MIL. This season should be exciting for sure. Cant wait!
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