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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Obama for sure, Abe would be a load down on the block though lol!
  2. Winning cures all. If we were winning while he was playing his best basketball of the season, he would still be disrespected, but it would be a lot less noise. People don’t like him. That will never change. Just win, and they have a lot less to blame on him.
  3. Interesting how many of those mistakes were not Trae’s fault. We have a poor defensive culture. We lack discipline. Coaching strategy is lacking. Back to the drawing board.
  4. I believe #2 is SGA actually which makes sense with the dialogue and plotline. Being a star on a rebuilding team, deciding whether to stay loyal or join up with a super team.
  5. The new Game of Zones. Trae makes an appearance in this at the end.
  6. I agree that JJ’s minutes are most at risk. I can’t imagine Nate moving off of Bogi too much though. AJ will see his mins decline before Bogi. I think matchups (aka Nate’s pre determined rotations) will be a bug factor. On a given night, if we decide we need more shooting and Bey will play more 4 then JJ will drop. If we want to go with more size and keep Bey at the 3 then AJ’s mins will drop. Currently it’s: Dre: 32 mpg Bogi: 30 mpg AJ: 20 mpg JJ: 15 mpg With Bey it will likely be: Dre: 30 mpg Bogi: 25 mpg Bey: 25 mpg AJ: 12 mpg with a few DNP-CD JJ: 5mpg with mostly DNP-CD
  7. Bey is a bit of gunner. He has good height, weight, length as a forward and what looks like tighter handles than any other frontcourt player on our roster. I think people are overestimating his shooting while underestimating his ability to iso and get in the paint as well as post up. From what I can tell he has that Pascal Siakam style game where he sticks that butt out and keeps his dribble while he manages to spin his way in to a shot in the paint and draw contact while doing so. Bey averages 4 FTA per game which is better than any player on our roster not named Trae. So, while he is being touted as another floor spacer, I think his real value will be as a throw it in and make something happen type player for us similar to Gallo (but a lesser shooting version). I see Bey adding to our offense by helping to get more cheapies in the paint and at the line. He will fire away some three’s on pedestrian efficiency , but 86% shooting on 4 FT attempts is where he should make the best impact for us. Anyone remember Jabari Parker? That’s kind of what I am seeing from Bey’s clips. A gunning forward with savvy scoring instinct. Not afraid to play in a crowd and draw contact. We have been missing that type of guy . The highlight 3’s are nice, but like Trae they are often poor shot quality. So maybe playing next to guys who draw so much attention will give Bey more wide open attempts that see his efficiency rise from outside.
  8. Now that it’s official, I believe this move immediately puts AJ and JJ’s minutes at risk. They will still be in the 10-man rotation, but Saddiq instantly becomes no less than 8th man for us behind the starters, Bogi and OO. He could realistically challenge Bogi and OO for time too. He, like Dre, has the ability to play both forward spots and gives us more versatility with our bench lineups. Our playoff rotation will be locked in: Trae Murray, Bogi Dre, Bey JC CC, OO
  9. Hope for the best, plan for the worst. You’ll never be surprised.
  10. Love that everyone touched the ball on that play from start to finish. That was 5 players working together on both ends. Clint-Block Dre- Strip JC- diving for the loose ball Bogi- pinpoint pass Trae- catch and finish in stride. Teamwork baby!
  11. Just laugh and keep it moving, This whole thing is a complete joke lol!
  12. So, for the third year in a row, can we just accept the fact that we are not shopping JC like everyone wants to believe?
  13. These insider threads get mad toxic. Just gossip, speculation, and tearing our own down just to validate personal opinions. All to discuss trades ideas that 99.67% of the time never occur. Mental health is wealth, protect your peace kings.
  14. Just randomly realized that we realistically won’t win 50 games this season. We would need to finish 23-5 to get to 50. Im hoping we can at least finish 10 games over .500, with 46-48 wins.
  15. I bet its shot quality. Trae plays to the home crowd and likely takes more of the 30 footers at home when he is feeling himself. Meanwhile on the road he is more motivated to prove the hecklers/haters wrong and tightens up his shot selection. Villian mode Trae is always more lethal than showstopper Trae.
  16. End of game, down 3, ball in Kev’s hands. He gets in the paint off a dribble hand off, the defense reacts. Pause the tape. What is the right play? Each shooter is open, Sabonis was rolling free, and Kev actually has a free run to the basket as two defenders are left behind him. What should he do? Take the easy 2 and play the foul game, or kick to a wide open shooter? The answer: Don’t put the ball in his hands in late game scenarios. He can knock down a catch and shoot but if he has to dribble and make a read in the clutch, it’s a turnover or clumsy play waiting to happen. In this scenario, Trae or Murray would have laid the ball in and survived for the next possession. There was significant possibility that if Kev went strong enough, the helping defender would’ve had to foul him and Kev could have gotten an And-1 out of the possession. The Sabonis pass should have been option 2 for the same reasons. Shot right at the rim and potential for an And-1. The next play is the short pass to an open #3 for the Kings. Kev bypassed each and went with the longest off balance skip pass to Barnes. By the time Barnes shot it, he had a hand all up in his face. Moral of the story, it’s not Kev’s fault he didn’t get the clutch gene. Few have it, many don’t. After watching him fold in the playoffs against the Heat’s pressure, I was pretty convinced on who and what Kev was. He is a great story for the Kings this year, but come playoff time, full court pressure, late game inbounds, physical defenders getting away with contact, Kev will come back to Earth.
  17. For all the hoopla surrounding Kev’s breakout season with the Kings, he and Bogi have nearly identical counting stats. Kev’s efficiency has been impressive. I just find it notable that in a career best season he is still on par with a rather average season by Bogi. Still would have been nicer to have him compared to what we traded him for 100%.
  18. Clint mad jealous right now at OO making that 3 lol
  19. So Bogi, they made this rule change and see, you can’t do that anymore. I know, I know, its not fair. But rules are rules.
  20. Second game in a row missed free throws are looming huge down the stretch. This a 1 point game if Collins hits his foul shots.
  21. Those missed FTs are huge right now
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