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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Could/should and will are not the same. Not many players last 10 years with the same team anymore. Especially when they are not franchise players. Nothing against their merit. That would be a crazy dynamic frontcourt for us.
  2. They should just say that they don’t like the kid and move on. Enough BS excuses
  3. Unless it changed I think so. Draymond got suspended in the Finals against the Cavs because of this I thought.
  4. Part of me kind of wants Trae pick up 3 more techs to get his suspension out of the way before the postseason. Like even plan it to where he misses a low stakes game at the end of our schedule.
  5. People will always be better at overreacting to drama than they are at patiently waiting to hear all sides and letting things play out before judging. Things are almost never as bad as they seem. It's best to stay neutral and objective until forced to pick a side. I said months ago, I do not know if I will like every decision the new leadership will make, but what I respect is that they are moving in alignment with one another for better or worse. That was always a great sign, even when the gossip first started. I am STILL holding out for us to improve in the win column, but so far, all decisions have looked good on paper. I am as optimistic about this team today as I was in the offseason. It has been a rollercoaster season, but everything we want is still in front of us. Leave the drama alone.
  6. Just win baby!!! We can control our own fate by handling our business. We only have ourselves to blame if we don’t take advantage.
  7. Yes, this is why we went out and got all of those shooters in the first place. The issue is, except for recently with JC, all of those shooters were liabilities on defense, which was a negative when factoring in Trae. We moved on from those guys in order to strengthen our defense and as a result, we now lack on outside shooting again. We really need a bunch of 2 way guys around Trae, which we are still working towards. We are getting there
  8. Just make it to the 4th in one piece please.
  9. Welcome to Atlanta, Quinn, where even the most respected coaches can’t get the respect of the refs.
  10. These refs gunning for us right now
  11. Using his quickness as a weapon.
  12. Trae’s hurt. That one is going to linger.
  13. That’s all I need to hear to know we are in good hands. You need someone with vision, and who can see beyond the here and now. Jalen has game. Just find a way for him to contribute little by little as he puts it together and you may look up one day at a dang good NBA player that helps you win games. If everyone on the roster just gets marginally better by Quinn being here, you are talking about a top 4 team in the East. No overhaul, no rebuilding. The pieces are already here in more places than what the lazy outsiders care to research and talk about.
  14. I agree @Gray Mule AJ is definitely slowing down a bit, which is to be expected from a rook. I think adding Bey was a bit of a calculated move that helps offset some of the contributions of AJ, and maybe even JJ who is essentially a redshirt-rookie Great observation
  15. Whether due to injury or foul trouble, Bey is going to get plenty of floor time for us. The way refs treat Dre and JC, its good to have another 6 fouls available in a starting caliber player. Continuity matters right now with all of the changes we have with the organization. I think we stay with our classic starting 5 while Quinn evaluates the roster and it's strengths/weaknesses. Our bench unit is going to be bolstered by Bey's offense and maturity. Hopefully turning a weakness in to a stregnth.
  16. It’s hard to deploy a 10-man lineup consistently. With the addition of Bey, and once fully healthy, somebody’s minutes are going to be sacrificed. I believe OO and Bogi are solidified in the rotation, so the logical choices will end up being either AJ or JJ. My hope is that we commit to matchups and strategy, not just some predetermined rotation that sees one of the youngin’s permanently cut. If we need size, play JJ, if we need shooting, play AJ. If ANY of the top 8 are having an off night, sit them and play both of the kids. Don’t just decide in the film room that so and so is out of the rotation and not even be open to the possibility of adjusting your gameplan on the fly. That to me is growth and shows accountability. If Dre, JC or Bogi don’t have it one night, it’s okay to let others eat and get it going. I am saying them specifically, knowing our (2) PGs and (2) Centers will always have their minutes. Everyone else needs to be hot hand, what have you done for me lately.
  17. I said it a while back after the trade went official. Compared him to a less prolific Gallo or even moreso a Jabari Parker. A gunning forward from the outside who also isn’t afraid to go downhill and mix it up/get to the line. He is someone who can generate points for our frontcourt off the bench. Something we have been lacking as JJ still gain confidence.
  18. We have 4 good defenders around Trae and the best defensive 5-man unit in the NBA with JC starting. Defense wins championships JC stays in the starting lineup
  19. Beat them, head up, and yes, we certainly can. Knicks are definitely about to go on a little run of their own.
  20. This is our last chance to make a push and climb up the standings. Obviously, we want the 6th seed and avoid the play-in. We can still do this. Nets have a tough 4 game stretch ahead of them they could see them lose 4 in a row. Miami has a stretch of 10 games after they beat the Hornets tonight that will be rough including 2 games against us that we can close the 2 game gap that seperates us. If we can somehow manage to go on a roll, I can see us jump Miami and the Nets by the end of March. Knicks are closer to us than the Nets but I see their schedule being a lot easier, so I don’t think we pass them as easily. IF we handle our business, I can see us going in to April at #6 in the East. 5. Knicks 6. Hawks 7. Heat 8. Nets
  21. Robinson served in the military, no one was ever going to dislike him. Trae was hated before he played his first professional game. All because WE traded for him. He is only polarizing because he has done so well and made his competition look bad while doing it. He never asked for the hate, but here we are. There is an endless list of players who could have the exact same career to date as Trae and not have ANY of the same criticisms. His narrative was not earned, therefore in my eyes who cares what people think. They were going to dislike this kid no matter what he did. They literally have already proven this to be true.
  22. I can't ever remember MJ, Kobe, Lebron, or Giannis doing this. Just because this worked for Curry doesn't mean it will for Trae. Reggie Miller was the best off ball Superstar I know of and he never got over the hump. Critics continue to paint this narrative that Trae's play style holds him back, when the truth is nobody has duplicated the success of GS and their system. The system must fit your best players. There are ways to maximize ALL players strengths. Smart coaches figure that out. Before Curry learned to be an NBA PG, he was already a generational shooter. Curry had 3 head coaches try to convince him he was a PG because he was too small to play SG, before Kerr said no more, you are a shooter and we will play off of that. Trae is not Curry (no one is).
  23. I don't know how we can develop JJ more with Bey on the roster. Injuries withstanding I can't see JJ getting more than 10-12 mins a game at most. We would have to cut JC and Dre's time down to get JJ mins. If Prunty coaches to matchups and not just rotations, then JJ may be ok, with more DNP-CD's but more mpg when he does play.
  24. I would guess it's because (assuming even at full health) after the first 6 mins of each half, we don't see a ton of that group anymore. Also, it doesn't appear to align simultaneously on both ends. Either our defense is good but we can't hit the ocean, or we are scoring fine but giving up 30+ a quarter. We do not have much of a consistent identity. But yes, on paper, we have a damn good starting 5.
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