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Everything posted by itsslomotionbaby

  1. YEA,YEA ,YEA i can deall with what all yall said but ITS TIME TO BUY A DEER HUNTERS LISCENSE!!!!
  2. still there is a nother sore spot which is his lack of finding roles for his players on the bench and developement i will grit my teeth if we see the same thing from teague next year come to think of it it tookalmost 3 yrs. for childress to blossom and we have had morris and mario for at least 3 yrs. now. i have a room mate who has been to a few basketball camps in his day and he even says the hawks just frustrates the fundamentals i think the only nugget that makes the hawks win is the fact that the mangement has kept the core together.
  3. i have been wondering about the sentimental value we have benn giving zaza sense he has benn here a center that cant slam on the fast break and bats the ball backward, we can get any 7' googn off the street to do what he does and we act like their is nobody out their for us to sign.
  4. we won b/c te bucks went scoreless for 8 minutes , be fortunate they dont have redd & bouget but we owe the bucks for keeping ty lawson away from us. now with momentum aqarely on our side , it should be impossible to mess up this wet dream.
  5. you know i have a roommate that has benn to a few basketball camps and what he said was the hawks make the basketball game so hard. when crawford first came in it was jumpshot city no one tried to post at all their was no ball movement everyone tried to back the ball in like their leader joe johnson does. it also just pains me when i see witnower and kurt thomas putting in work on us two people that a lot of our posters said we didnt need. so another problem with this team is BASKETBALL IQ, BASKETBALL IQ, BASKETBALL IQ which is why you have to frown at woodson with folded arms. so i would offer joe17 mill a yr. just to say thankyou takeit or leave it, then send woodson to the wwe to be a wrestling manager.
  6. well just look whom is beating up on our front line old worn out kurt thomas and i remember posters ragging on him too. but i guess it was better to have faith in zaza a center who cant dunk on a fast break so he bats the ball backward.
  7. i am amazed no one is pointing a finder at management jenings score 12 points by himself why, b/c our backcourt is too slow joe fouled out why, b/c our backcourt is too slow. witnower came in and hit crucial buckets why b/c our backcourt is too slow we saw this by mid season but we continued to drink the cool laid with tons of suger in it and a blindfold gee thanks a lot rick sund
  8. but why pick up mario west seeing we wer woefully deficient at guard and how much would a nat e robinson cost us b/c he was out their for the taking.dont get me wrong otherwise he has done a grea job get us flipp and jamal what i hope sund was doing was giving woody enough rope to hang himself but not knowing ere we will be without joe, should have given sund an ergency to make sure this team was ready for a playoff run, and a playoff team in this leauge only have so many bullets left.
  9. you cant get rid of josh b/c he is the only high light player we have and the only one who can slap a ball out of the paint, but why is nobody pointing fingers at sund , boston upgrade milwaukee upgrade and they are just reaping the benefit, reallly before midseason we saw that bibby was wearing down and the opponents point guards were blowing past him on most nights, joe johson cant really get past anybody he out muscles some guards and bangs his but t against people to get to the paint. we could have solved that by picking up nate robinson and its sad on a night when donkey butt marvin stepped up we lose this game on 2 posetions when smoove fumbled that pass under the basket and crawford missed that wide open layup. but you know what crawford can stay , can bibby and joe if he cant live with 17 a yr. b/c they are 2 slow, get you a few europlayers that can hit a 3 pointer off the bench, get rid of mario and zaza for all that matters for a center that can dunk on the fast break, that shouldnt be so hard to find OH AND SEE IF YOU CAN SEND WOODT TO THE WWE TO BE A WRESTLING MANAGER
  10. well woody cant go deep on his bench to solve mathup problems and thats on sund we could have given this team a boost by one getting nate robinson when we found out teague wasnt ready and for the life of me why we didnt get one of those euro players that can dot the 3 knowing how if crawford goes cold we have no bench. ( we had a few euro players in camp) and i still say this we should have signed flip just to say thank you for last season for some reason he hasnt looked a s formidable on chiago as he did with us. but i knew that would come back to bite us in the azz. we have no guard in our starting unit that can drive and put pressure on the defense. but my sore spot with woody is he finds no roles for his bench, you got radolph morris who is 6-11 and has developed a 10 ft.jumper. yea he is lacking on the defensive end but he just waisting away doing nothing for us and im begining to scratch my head about joe smith what did we get him for when we dont use him in the playoffs.
  11. please can someone please tell me why we couldnt grab nate robinson for our bench getting mario was like picking up a pair of dull clippers, you cant afford to pick up players for sentimental reasons
  12. well their is nothing you can do once a player starts hitting 3 pointer like delfino and a big goon in godzerich come off the bench to haras your front lin i see skiles made an adjustment to calmm biibby down by puting witnower on him. but we have too many scrubbs on our bench to counter other teams hot players
  13. coming to the playoffs with too many scrubbs off the bench we get outplayed by delfino and god zurich, who the hell are delfino and godzurich but i guess you can say the same about us who the hell is joe smith and mario west and the guard name teaugue who barely tore off his sweatsuit.
  14. well they are more talented on paper and if they didnt loose thier center it would belike having a hard bowel movement trying to beat them. i cant blame the hawks efort tonight they were competitive but woody never made sdjustments when jennings was eating us alive on the switches leaving our big men vunerable.You can again shine the flash light on sund: please tell me who is delfino and godzuric , why must we settle for scrubbs coming off of our bench that dont factor teaugue doesnt even have to take a shower, joe smith why did we pick him up again and did we not pick up mario west to stop penetrators like jennings.what in people right mind gave sund the arrogance to think that you couldnt use an upgrade, we neede an attacking point guard, what was wrong with picking up nate robinson instead of mario west, what was wrong with getiing us a strong young atheletic rebounder or one of those euro players the bucks got in delfino. that can hit th3 i know we had afew in campi once argued with a poster that the bucks wer better than us on paper when they signed stackhouse and salmons my god the bucks are not a big narket team and they made upgrades why we couldnt knowing we might not retain joe and it maybe our lastrun with him
  15. bringing him back sounds likea real good idea sense he is the only one we could give any real amount of money to.especially if we loose joe i know he could at least help bring the ball up the floor and he gives us more atheleticism. if we still had joe he could come off the bench with crawford and be that rebounding catalyst to start the fast break like he did when he was here and every once and a while he hits jumpers i dont know if it was matador defense in that flash recorder we just saw but man he does look explosive like he could be a handfull
  16. i dont know with kentuckys whole starting five entering the draft we bound to get a good draft pick down the line
  17. i can definately agree with giving him 17 maybe even 18 just to say thankyou but 20
  18. a-men to that thought process i think you have politely explained our disapointments b/c we arent saying we dont want joe on the club, but for 20 million. maybe he is the only one we can pay that money too which is screwed , johnson has not been the main cog of the offense coming down the strech in quite a few of these games i feel like their ares some directiond sund could go i beleive he could find someone that could put 18 pts. a night in the shooting guard spot and replace bibby with a point that puts a little more pressure on the defense and their you have the intangibles with horford and smoove improving this team has emerged far from a jj only team. we might loose out on the defensive end but some guards run past joe every now and then
  19. i was ragging on joe myself saying that he doesnt deserve to get paid like lebron and wade b/c he doesnt make enough shots at the end of the game with time expiring. its been a long time sens ive seen one from him. well if you could still phantom giving him 20 million a yr. kudos
  20. kudos to old donkey butt marvin whom did not back his guy out of the paint on the rebound
  21. teague is not ready for prime time i would start giving mario most of his minutes to get ready for the playoffs right now
  22. me and a friend were arguring about joe last night i said i wouldnt give joe over 17 million but he says joe deserves a max contract( his argument was whom else were we going to be able to give the money to) which is a valent point sense we can give joe more than any team. my partner also brought up the fact that his average is 20 pts. a game well just like some poste r just said a lot of games you dont see joe with 20pts. and we know how stats can fool you. i remeber last year when joe went 2months without scoring 20 pts. we won last yr b/c we shot the 3 well with (bibby, flipp and marvin was hot) this year we are winning with the improved play of horford and josh with jamal hitting the dagger shots. i told him i would rather have a kevin martin on my team someone with a high basketball iq just as well as joe or a ben gordon then he goes on to say they wouldnt compare with joe. all i can say if the asg doesnt pony up to joe i want be mad at them i would take that money and build around josh and horford
  23. if any team is willing to give him 20 million then be my guest i wouldnt be mad at asg for passing
  24. i agre crawford had us in the game with his shooting but he stagnated the rest of the offense
  25. man i agree with you like i said i wouldnt mind givjing joe 17 a yr. right now but i would give him a take it or leave it opption and if he walks on that i have to build the team around horford and smoove because i recently seen a lot of players i could give that money too before joe, their are some rookiesthat fill the basket up on a more consistant basis like curry and the guy from oaklahama city.durant
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