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Everything posted by itsslomotionbaby

  1. well i agree with trading smooth i wish we could trade joe to get a different mix & get somebody in williams place that give us something consitant rather its 15 pts. a night ,rebounding or some stengy defense.its going to be alot of free agents out their.i was just talking to my boy in la & he said the lakers will brake up their twin towers if they dont win a championship. i asked him would he take josh smith he said yes. See they feel they could use another high energy guy.i also hear riley said if the heatdont make it he would keep lebron & try to trade wade.WOW!!!
  2. to be safe we can allways pick up whomever played for the spurs sense their player personel allways seem like they pick up good players. that hill character looks good for indiana
  3. so you telling me you can loose your superstars and you should still win, well what happened to chicago which played well without rose during the regular season. what the hell is happening to lebron & wade. all of a sudden they cant hit 3 pt. shots or hit free throws b/c they lost chris boss WHAT!!! i would really be pissed if i was a heat fan.
  4. vlad totally disapeared after the first month, prago & willie green will definately have to be looked at hard.i like the way t-mac directed the offense coming off the bench which i thought was crucial at times.f we cant make any improvement in the post i would like to bring damp back in shape to see what he can give us (dont laugh but our wish list never comes to past)
  5. chris kaman might not be allworld but i know the guy can get you 16 a game, i didnt know about lopez had these health issues but i do do know he once put up 30 pts.in a game and offers some deterrence to the basket. i remember when we had that iso joe offense & did not move the ball he gave us hell.
  6. see hawks fan look at what happened when they lost one of their superstars the premadonna miami heat,missing 2 straight freethrows (not lebron) wade mising layups at the end.loosing to an offensively enept pacer team.but i knew you can beat the heat if you just got sufficent scoring from your players in the paint . daammed hawks with a little bit of luck you could have made it to the championship.Like i said hawks fans count your blessings.
  7. dont forget about some of those asist finding bigs up under the basket and shooter on the 3 pt. line.at first people razzed him b/c all he knew how to do was dunk. then he tries to establish a jumpshot he is villified.ironically some nights his jummper brakes up droughts, its a shame some nights he is hitting the 3 better than our million dollar man.its allso a head scratcher how some nights he ends up with more assist then our pg & sg combined.I personally think the reason why he takes so many shots is b/c he wants to be a superstar and he realises this team needs one.
  8. i do notice this if we could find somebody other than joe horf smooth can give us 15 pts. we win, b/c whether its from the paint or the wing we usually win or allways in the game nomatter who we play.when marvin gives us that we usually win, when zaza gives us that we win. so i feal whether is from the wing or the paint if we could get somebody we could dam near pencilin for 15 a game that would help b/c it takes pressure off of our core players.now chris kaman is nothing to write home to moma about but he can get you 16 a game.
  9. its not about moving joe to make josh the #1 option its about getting some one that could be a little more productive in putting up bucketts yyou can put somebody in the shooting guard spot that can give you more than 3 pts. at half time . and average you 20 pts. agame.you shouldnt have to wait till 3mins. left in the game b/f he hits a key shot.
  10. well you know the hawks your wish list cant be too high thats one reason why i went secound tier like lopez & kaman believe me i wish we could get a dwight or hope we get la center which they are sometimes pissed at bynum.
  11. well we put the abatross around our necks with signing joe to that contract, but we ar not anymore disfunctional then some of these other teams.
  12. if everybody just slow down and catch their breath i think we are a good ownership away from becoming a good contender. i dont believe we have to blow up the whole core.i can see letting go marvin, nobody will touch johnson contract , if we trade josh we must get a decent center for him. i can hope for a brook lopez and on the low end a chris kaman.this guy wants to be the superstar we dont have, which is why he takes the shots.
  13. usually i am the first one to critsize the hawks.but dam hawks fans have you looked at these other teams in the playoffs.look at the seventy sixers they run the celics off the court 3/4 ths the game.at the end of the game they looked way worse than we do.they looke like little school children trying to put a square peg in a round hole.look at the indiana pacers which most people say are put together with better pieces then we have.whats their problem they still need somebody with some balls to take over the game at the end.look at the memphis grizzlies which was touted as the most dangerous team in the playoffs. it would not surprised me if they ende up represinting the west in the finals,but look who shouldnt have lost their series. evedently they havent developed the mental toughness to go to the promised land.yess we missed our oppertunity but we do have an excuse , our superstars were not at 100%.we dont have a superstar,sund put a bench together withstraw & mud & they sustained us through the loss of horford. we were expected to not even make the playoffs.i saw a post of us complaining about the bench. how could we? i believe if tracy mcgrady would not have gotten injured he gives us 10 more pts. and stops us from loosing one of those games.even stack house put a few jabs in a couple of times. the only one that i was dissapointed with was vlad. he was hot that first month after that he gave us nothing.
  14. boy atlanta fans you all are sure picky i felt at one time or another did something for the team even t-mac even though he could not give us many minutes gave us great leadership as far as bbiq on that 2nd unit even stackhouse put in some jabs. the only one i was disappointed in was vlad.its like he couldnt hit diddly after that first month.
  15. and for a lower expectation aime how about chris kaman
  16. sense we want josh gone please lets try to get a brook lopez for him.maybe golden state will give up mcghee for him.
  17. i could have just put a snow crab down my shorts when 790 said joe will be making 24 million his last yr on his contract.what the
  18. why is sund catching all the hell, i think he has done wonders for what he is given to work with.
  19. wow if only 18 million bought us 27 pts. anight instead of 17.
  20. this is the other argument i had with my friend .wher the hell was joe? another 7 pts. at halftime wow. i saw a lot of time when he drove the lane and passed the ball back out. the lane was wide open.
  21. i definately can say as far as the refs were concerned we got no calls in that paint, we should have had a lot of and 1's
  22. i am a josh homer but dam. joe did miss an open jumper in the lane to increase our lead by 3.maybe josh wants to be a superstar.is why he took the shot. i have a friend that calls and argues evrytime he does something foolish i couldnt defend him tonight.
  23. MARVIN everyones goat made some key 3 pointers to keep us in the game
  24. if only al could regain his touch on his 15 footers then boston would really be in trouble.
  25. boy i have been a josh smith homer lately but he almost passed the game away twice, once during that 5pt. swing with him inbounding & at the end of the game.
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