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Everything posted by Mdizzle5

  1. So does this mean Joe is gonna average 30-5-5 this season? lol. but seriously if he did....whew. Marv could actually be working out... who knows. Likely? I don't know... but he's irrelevant enough that there would be no workout footy of him. I haven't seen any of Josh either... just those exhibitions where he's still shooting long jumpers.
  2. i wasnt prepared for such a change. lol. but i like it though... i like it a lot. good work sir!
  3. i think i speak for atleast 2 other people when i say "prove it." :threaten: but seriously... i hope this all works out.
  4. alright! fellow LA Hawks fan! thought i was all alone in my principles...lol. but is pizza loca any good?
  5. wow just to celebrate i may have to go down the street and try La Pizza Loca... i've been a bit iffy on it. until now... lol.
  6. If he gets the job.... i feel bad for Ricky Rubio... Name of external link
  7. if only Joe's rides matched his play on the court... :Yawn:
  8. so D-League is going to have a season? might as well let Pape, Rolle and The Butler get some burn.
  9. i thought the same when i saw that...wonder what they were going off of with that...or smoking. but Diesel would love that stat. :lol:
  10. per "Wins Produced". i came across this tonight.... JJ is the 16th most overpaid player in the NBA according to this list. Thoughts on the other players around the league? Agree? Disagree? Discuss. :biggrin: Player Pay Rankings I
  11. yep... it takes me back to the time of Latrell "I Cant Feed My Family" Sprewell. :rofl:
  12. don't most of NBA players make quite a bit more than the Average Joe? *no pun intended* most athletes just have no idea on money management. paying over 200k for vehicle is just ridiculous IMO. even more so because that thing is hideous. he should burn it.
  13. If only Joe was really crazy on the court... it'd make so much sense. Actually, given Joe's lackluster performances this past season, it makes sense with that movie quote anyways. lol
  14. If Lighty makes the team wouldn't that give us 5 guards? 1. Kirkland 2. Jeffrey 3. Joseph 4. Pepsi? 5. Lighty And then Joe and Lighty (if he sticks) could play some minutes at the 3 depending on the lineup, i suppose.
  15. it really is beautiful when you think about it... we went from a poet on the bench, to having a butler who can bring you a Pepsi. Atlanta: Where Dreams Are Made. :D
  16. it was just a little joke, Dolfan. i don't really care what position he plays as long as he produces.
  17. or him and his dad will complain about how he's neither a PF OR C, but really a natural SF.....
  18. I don't know who made this but I was wondering what the Squawk thought of this? I kind of like it myself.... http://behance.vo.llnwd.net/profiles3/153694/projects/508291/1536941273548076.png there's others as well: Name of external link but i think i'd rather we went back to the pac-man logo with the current color scheme...
  19. just ONCE i'd love to see pics of a beautiful woman doing taxes.... that's hot to me. lol.
  20. ah... anyone that "dougies" gets an automatic fail for me. lol she's not too bad though...
  21. i'm not familiar with Kate Upton... but out of the Kardashians.... Kourtney. All day... Kim has had too much surgery for me. lol. But back to the topic at hand... Mona is my pick. I don't care who else gets voted in.
  22. i say SG but can slide to SF depending on the matchups.
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