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Everything posted by Mdizzle5

  1. Honestly, I think he'd be the same or a bit less offensively. As a center, he has a speed advantage but for some reason, he doesn't really use it. I think defensively he may hold up better at PF but that's really about it. PS... FINALLY made 200 posts!
  2. I think its not so much that they're solely big name players as it's big name IMPACT players that would push us further. As many other threads have mentioned... there's various ways to get that. Sure... its all about what you do in the playoffs but is making the playoffs and getting kicked out in the first round damn near every time really all that much better than not making the playoffs at all? I personally don't think so. My point is this... the East is turrible and we haven't done anything in the playoffs ourselves. SO how can we be upset that non-playoff or early exit teams from the West are ranked ahead of us right now?
  3. I haven't seen anyone talk about this but if there's another thread on this same topic, feel free to lock it Mods. In many threads, I've seen posts along these lines when comparing ourselves to the rest of the league (not calling anyone out here): These types of phrases on some of the Western Conference teams are absolutely correct. They can't advance past to the 2nd round or make the playoffs, how are they better than us? How dare anyone say this! Off with their heads! Grab the pitchforks and torches! Let's go kill us a monster! However, these teams are in the WESTERN CONFERENCE. We all know that the competition is stronger and teams, with better records than a 5th-6th seed in the East, sometimes miss the playoffs. So my questions are these: If the Wolves, Suns, Rockets, Nuggets, and Pelicans were in the East... would we honestly be better than they are? How many of these teams would become contenders? If we were in the West, would we be a perennial lottery team with our level of talent? Like many of you, I want to believe that we are truly better than a lot of the 1st round exit and lottery playoff teams in the West but putting things in perspective makes me question that.
  4. Until he can get us a Duncan, all this "like-the-Spurs" talk is moot. It's like trying to copy the 96 Bulls and the Triangle Offense without Jordan and Pippen. We definitely don't have the sexiest roster and there are a lot of question marks. That said, they definitely won't lay down and quit even if they're down 30. Can't knock that mentality.
  5. I don't think being in the Western Conference helps them any. They'd probably make it in the East. Not at where we've been drafting anyways... Honestly I'd rather burn it down and arise like a phoenix from the ashes. Lol. But seriously, retooling seems to be a better option when you have already great pieces... not so much when you've got a 3rd (or second, depending on the 1st) option as your best player. And we're not even sure if he'll be able to play a full season ever again. Also, I'm not sure the EC will be as wide open as people think. It all depends on what happens with the rest of the signings.
  6. While this is probably true.... they don't want to be in the lottery either....
  7. Agreed. I don't know how many times in the chat that the need for more perimeter defense was mentioned but I know it was A LOT.
  8. Maybe. I partially think that was a PR thing. I'd like to think that Heat Bosh dies if he leaves Miami. He was so under-utilized there, all for the sake of LeBron and Wade. This is also true... maybe they really did neuter him.
  9. I wouldn't mind having Bosh if it ended up being CB4 Bosh as opposed to SB3Bosh.
  10. He's not a tweener according Al and Tito either. lol.
  11. Wow... 30 pages. This thread has now gone Hawksquawk Platinum... it hasn't even been 24 hrs. lol.
  12. It's hard to buy into a lot of things with Ferry at this point. Some bought into the D12/Cp3 hype. Some bought into building a team like the Spurs (without the engine that runs that tank). However, a move like this wouldn't surprise many. We just hope that at that price, Deng doesn't happen.
  13. Deng can't give us a Dukie Discount or something? 15m is ridiculous.
  14. I'm extremely curious to see what is going to be done to the roster now. It's moments like this that have me convinced that Ferry's "plan" is written in crayon. lol
  15. Looks like we've finally gotten our SUPERSTAR!! He plays every position too! Man... I sure can't wait to order my Cap Space jersey!
  16. So.... who'd be our Ron Harper? Cav's Harper was a beast. I'd say we still need a Ron Harper. lol
  17. You know who definitely won't be as good as Al ever? Cap Space, who'd be our star player if we lost Al for nothing. lol. But seriously, you may be right or you may not be. Time will tell.
  18. Honestly, I'd trade Al for a Top 5 pick in general. I like Al and he's a great piece but I have two concerns. One, injuries. Can he play a full season ever again? Possibly. Maybe. I don't know. Second, he could very well leave when his contract is up. He always talks about playing out of position but would he really be ANY better at PF? Possibly. Maybe. I don't know. Also, I really don't think he's worth more money than he currently makes. So, if we're going to move him, it'd be better to do now than waiting until AS break or next offseason.
  19. Nah... I think we have a better chance of getting 1994 MJ. Let's sign HIM instead.
  20. So this series makes me believe that what we are (at this stage) to the Spurs is as James McAdoo is to his father. I really hope that the FO aims to use the base and create something different but still as effective as opposed to striving for a carbon copy.
  21. If this is true, it makes that whole "Horford for Cleveland's 1st" more interesting...
  22. This is very interesting if true. I think Ferry would be a fool to pass this up or not at least strongly consider this. ESPECIALLY if they can keep the #15 pick. Even if its a step back for a season (don't we have the option to switch with the Nets next season as well?) or two, it could potentially pay off BIG TIME.
  23. I blame Donald Sterling for this entire topic. He must sell that team. But seriously, I think it's time to put down that liquor. lol
  24. Mdizzle5

    Game 7.

    I'd still like for us to not settle on the 3 so much. I know that our style is to camp, but thats so much riskier than it needs to be. If the shots are falling, great. If not, you have to find another way to be effective.
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