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Everything posted by Mdizzle5

  1. Woodson also did that in his final year of coaching....its not really comparable imo.
  2. not like woodson himself didnt suck....
  3. I don't think this squad of misfits would listen to anyone to be honest.... regardless of who the coach was.
  4. there's absolutely NO reason for "Professionals" to play this apathetically.... smh
  5. To be honest... I don't really see Kirk as being the SG in that lineup. I see it as two players sharing the duty of PG. But maybe I'm just crazy. lol. However, It does have potential for the team to have a pretty solid defensive duo on the perimeter. But I wouldn't mind that lineup if we had a 3rd PG (that could guard a chair) on the roster. That way Jamal wouldn't be the "PG" off the bench.
  6. what do you expect? he got 126 million... is it really so bad to expect someone who gets paid that much to play like they're worth a max contract consistently?
  7. Joe and his agent probably presented this exact highlight reel before he got re-signed. lol.
  8. like i said in the chat.... i think Kirk should be made "Captain" instead of Horf, Josh and Mad Max. Our current "leaders" tend to disappear....
  9. Mdizzle5

    Los Hawks?

    i think thats just for cities with large hispanic communities....
  10. what?! more HAwks fans living in So. Cal?! :drinks: but thanks jhay for this... i missed the game last night. i hope downloads of the games can happen more often for us non-GA residents or non-NBATv owners.
  11. Top 15? how'd that happen? lol. It is pretty entertaining in there though. Its good to go in there and have a laugh with mentions of Darkwing Duck.
  12. :read: To quote a popular movie : "Sh*t just got real"
  13. You seriously don't like this signing do you? Hopefully Teague will learn a lot from him....
  14. Anyone know where I can find game streams now? Justin.Tv never seems to work... and the feds snatched up the others.... :/
  15. Hideous? There's Far worse players in the league than Marvin....we've even got worse on our own team. I'd keep Marvin over Jamal. Easily. Just for the fact that We don't have enough players that are at least Average on the perimeter defensively as it is.
  16. I would cry like John Boehner if that happened.... tears of joy. :helpsmilie:
  17. How bout we just cheaply use his name in there? EnigMO. lol.
  18. the shocking part about that list is that there's no Mo Evans on it....
  19. On these two points... first of... that car metaphor doesn't work for me on a few levels... but I'll say this... I'll trade that Ferrari for a DeLorean and flux capacitor just to go back and time and not give Joe 120 whatever mill... He'll never be worth that contract and it's length. I mean The guy is good but not 120+ good. We could've used that roster for a more balanced team IMO.... Secondly, I'd personally try telling Josh to not worry so much about offense unless its easy... and throw it down any opportunity he has, I get nervous when he does layups. Put all that energy in defense. I know he's not the best man defender in the world but he's got enough length and athleticism to at least make things a lot harder for the opposing player. Third, when Horford takes the ball down the court he pushes the tempo...practically everyone on this team (outside of Bibby, Collins, and maybe Zaza) is capable of running down the floor for easy Fastbreak points. Don't get me wrong I like when we slow it down and run the actual motion because when we really do it... "The Sh*t works!!". Also Horford is usually undersized at the center position...so he SHOULD take players off the dribble more. We need more driving in general actually. Too much jump-shooting. Finally the point still remains... the team is flawed... nothing wrong with a fan saying that. Nothing wrong with a fan of a team saying "Let's try something new here", and because of that I still say that EVERYONE on this roster is trade-able if the opportunity comes to improve... I'd honestly prefer taking a few steps back just to be better in the long run. If you're ok with just have a Squad that just sits in the middle because they're better than 13 wins thats fine, but as we are now... sometimes we don't look much different than that 13 win team.
  20. i noticed that... everyone on the flash seem to have some of the worst hands of all time. lol.
  21. yea... and he drives with a reckless abandon... might wanna tone that down a bit.
  22. I think it goes beyond ready... Sheldon would probably do alright on the spurs...same with Acie.
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