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Everything posted by evilinkblot

  1. I chose the 10% cash refund deal on missed games. I probably should've thought it over more, but............
  2. This is my second year with season tickets, I've kept a spreadsheet on the ticket sales I made, so I know exactly how well I did. I think the tickets were pretty good for me, will probably respond more to this tomorrow.
  3. I questioned Bob Rathbun's sanity when Marvin made the huge block. He's awesome.
  4. The guy who's team is 1 game over .500 and got owned last game is talking smack. "watched Horford at Florida blah blah blah." You mean you saw him win two championships? He's a joke. BOSS is hardly Lebron in the celebration category. Apostrophe wants to be a huge star, and he sort of is, but it's undeserved. F him
  5. Chances of this happening, less than 0%. cough cough And this works too. 0.5% chance of happening word
  6. I go to Stegemann with my cousin sometimes, 4th row behind visitor's bench. Great time, I'd encourage it, plus can see 2 possible first rounders.
  7. VanExelfan, I'm a season ticket holder and the Hawks are very very fan friendly. Especially with plenty of notice there's no reason they shouldn't be able to help you out. I can't make the Feb 5 game unfortunately, but if you need help sending your request up the chain send me a msg on here.
  8. Last year's numbers were a little bloated too as we were the healthiest team in the NBA.
  9. Confused as to why the hell we'd want Baron Davis
  10. As I'm watching the game tonight, I've switched during commercials to check the Bulls-Lakers. I wonder what the ratings for that game, vs the Hawks game are.
  11. I want to see how JC2 can come along, see if he can take any of JC1's minutes if/when he's traded.
  12. I think much of what is being said here.........(not to be a jerk)........doesn't matter. This isn't a Hawks only deal with attendance. Look at the successful history of the Braves. You don't even need to bring the Thrashers into it (one playoff series sweep), the Braves have a great stadium downtown with lots of visibility and advertising. A lot of what you're saying is missing the point. Enough Atlantan's don't care about the Hawks, Braves or Thrashers. That's it. That's the point to discuss. The Hawks were briefly brought up in Carmelo discussions. I don't think we have a shot. But lets say that we got him, he's a star. Would he help attendance significantly? Would Lebron? I'm not feeling well today or I'd bring up some pro wrestling attendance talk........maybe I will later. Ticket prices don't matter as much as you think.
  13. If those tickets weren't sold anyway, it gets people in the seats........it's an added perk........can make $ at concessions...........it's an easy call.
  14. Sec 115 Row J. I have a full season. Just found out what sections my Thrasher tickets are in. All lower levels, all low rows. I like hockey and go to a couple games, but I have a lot of hockey loving friends so I'll give/take and it'll be nice. I just looked and found my Renewal/Playoff Guide for last year. The Ticket Bank ($200 per seat) and comp Thrasher tickets are listed as benefits if I renewed by March 19th. I don't see anything listed as far as the parking, but I did get CNN Center parking for free. Last season was my first as a season ticket holder, and this was the first time I'd renewed. I don't know anybody else with tickets so I don't know what their experiences may be. Just trying to offer some insight. I do think that tickets are fairly cheap, with all the Aaron's Lucky Dog and Chik Fil A packs, the Hawks holiday packs (get the Heat plus 3) that Bob shills. I know from my experience with pro wrestling (don't ask) that when a product is hot, you can price tickets high and they'll sell. When it isn't you can't give them away.
  15. My season tickets increased $1 per seat per game from last year to this year. However, the benefits went up. I now have free parking at CNN Center Lower Level ($15 value) I have a Hawks ticket bank for $400 to purchase tickets for other games I get 4 pairs of tickets for 4 Thrasher games. I didn't have any of those bennies last year.
  16. I'd say no more than 6000 were there. I caught two Aarons lucky dogs. The stuffed animals parachuting from the ceiling amuses me to no end. I have 3 cows, and have given several away. I'm like the Roddy White of receiving those. Tony Allen didn't really steal those, more like it hit him in the hands.
  17. Right, attendance as in tickets sold and how many people are in the building..............two different things
  18. Crazy stat game. Check out Mo and Josh's +/- ESPN Box Score Few other things...........good thing Memphis played Thabeet and Tony Allen........... Zaza had a +5 even though he never scored........... Jason Collins has a perfect stat line And.........this Attendance: 11,513
  19. Honestly, would've been interested to see Teague and Bibby play together. Might've been horrendous but it's not like Mo played 40 minutes
  20. hawkshomer- I don't know how you get to the arena, but the downtown connector was pretty awful. Should've been there about 640 and ran in about 710. What people were there were late. How did JC2 not get major minutes in this game? That was my biggest question, I figured with JJ out that he'd play at least 15-20
  21. Best part of Powell's game was Ryan Cameron. "Joosh Powell........" became "Jaaash Powell!!!!!" then "JAAAAAAASH POWELL?!?!"
  22. Athletes can never win. If they get hurt and take time off, they should "play through the pain." If they play through the pain and don't play as well, they get dogged. If they play through and are determined and don't tell anyone.........try to make a go Well s***. I say all this having no real idea what's wrong with his elbow, other than I'm glad that this came out the beginning of December instead of mid-April.
  23. I love Smoove and Crawford. But that team could be really good
  24. Well........ It does work FWIW. I'd assume that a draft pick from us would be involved
  25. Was reading truehoop and saw this at the bottom. Say what? Is this more "they have to trade Smoove" or have a few phone calls made........ Chris Broussard - ESPN
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