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Everything posted by LouFan

  1. My friend. You do not understand the concept of being a fan. I do not care if they notice me, or care about me. They give me entertainment because I love the game of basketball. Win or loose. I am just glad to have a team here. That is all that really matters to me. I mean look how many cities do not have a NBA team. We should be grateful. Even if they do not always perform. That is why I am Loyal, and that is why I will love this team.
  2. I agree. Not to mention, what can Joe do with a coach that can actually call offensive plays? I am interested to see Joe under new leadership.
  3. Sadly you are incorrect my friend, but I do respect your opinion. It has nothing to do with "family", it is a concept of loyalty. If this is the case, then that is a fair weather fan... A REAL fan always supports the team. I grew up with the notion of loyalty and that is what it is all about. I might get disappointed, or even frustrated... but never kick them when they are down.
  4. Joe showing up or not. A real fan does not "boo" his/her team. It is never ok. Win or loose you stick with the team and cheer. They gave us an outstanding run, with ups and downs. At least we made it this far. Only 7 other teams could say that this year. arhawkfan... We do not have the money to get a star anyways. Yet, I feel that the fans of Atlanta Hawks will get better when we have a championship or better leadership(Falcons for example).
  5. Time out.... *Whistle* "Flag on the play, personal foul on MC." This is ridiculous. Reporting has to do with finding the truth. Not changing headlines to interest people. We all know that that is not what JJ meant. We all know what JJ is about. I am personally disgusted with all reporters and media these days... It is not about the TRUTH, but about WHAT SELLS. Reporters are scum of the earth and I have lost all respect with these reputation d*ck riding manipulators. You want to complain about fans? Yet you try to make us hate the players and the Hawks organization? Hypocrites. You may fool the ignorant, but you will never fool the true Hawks fans. GO HAWKS!
  6. Diesel has a valid point. I think people fail to realize that offense is about creating open shots, which a friend of mine helped me realize. It is up to the players to score. ISO offense eliminates that ability, which causes more difficult shots... Which leads to more misses. It doesn't help that we stand and watch the ISO instead of getting to the paint for rebounds, which always baffles me. I disagree that our defense is weak(players), our defensive scheme is weak(switch defense). That is why teams get easy shots.... C vs PG.... Drive to the basket for a lay up. To Devon's point on all around players.... He is right and there is a reason. I do need to explain that a good offense helps defense... You attack them on offense and tire them down, which in turn makes it easier for you to defend them. The Hawks are letting the opponent get rest on defense! No cutting or driving to the basket. Which makes teams more efficient. Orlando had a great team, but I strongly believe that Stan Van Gundy is a huge part of it. He is an offensive genius.
  7. I agree. This would be a closer series versus the Cavs. Magic has beaten us to s pulp all year... How does these playoffs change this? They have a stronger coach and offense. We have a dumb coach with no offensive scheme. I feel that we improved this year, but our lack of coaching cost us in the playoffs.
  8. I understand what Joe Johnson is saying. Who are we to judge? We are not playing the game.... Who are we to boo? Like Northcyde said.... After the third miss. Way to go fans.... Way to show support for your team. Have we forgot what fans are about? To cheer for the good and bad. To always defend if they get blown out? I mean I am the only Hawks fan at work and all people are talking crap.... But guess what? I am still defending them with a smile on my face. That is what a fan is about. Before you throw this guy into the fire, remember that he is a human being. He has emotions. Don't you think he is very upset at himself? I think his reaction, even though left field, was human. Give the guy a break. As a professional player, you should not care what the fans think. Because one day they love you.... And then one day they hate you. You are only as good as your performance to them. Yet the team.... They always have your back and care because they are in the trenches with you. That is what he was trying to say. As a player in football and basketball... I understand this. I hope he stays and we get a new coach to lead this team so then next year everyone will be loving JJ again. As a manager I never blame the performance on my people, but on myself. Take Woodson out, keep JJ and see what we really can do.
  9. I would try this team with a new coach and JT0 starting before rebuilding.
  10. Marvin does not get a lot of touches anyways... At least he is stepping up on D and rebounding.
  11. Agreed. At least we made a fight game 2. Time to destroy them at home. We will get a lot of calls there, that we will not get in Orlando. Expect Howard to do more bench time.
  12. Who cares? This is what being a fan is about. Going through the insults and laughing it off. Because we will have our day soon.
  13. I am confused on JJ and JC's games last night. It was like they didn't even exist. They need to step up if we are going to have any chance in the series... they are the key pieces. I do not like how Al was taken out, keep him in to battle Dwight. I dont know if you guys see, but every time Al screws up he hits his hands together and tries harder. Hard to keep improving when you keep getting benched. Let the All Star play!
  14. I agree here... We were doing very well and keeping it close until we took Josh and Al out of the game. Leave them in, who cares if they foul out. Jamal Crawford was the reason why we started downhill. What a joke.
  15. I think with the level of competition they are playing, it could happen. I think that Jamal finally shook off the playoff rust.
  16. I would have to believe his statement because they are going to the next round. If they were falling apart like every said they were, the would have not won the last two games. I do believe that they grew from this experience and hopefully it helps against the Magic.
  17. To be honest I am not worried about the players. They do play to the level of their opponent. I am worried about the coaching. If Mike Woodson grows in this series and makes adjustments early, we could take it to 7 games easily. Stan Van Gundy is a wonderful tactician with offense. Orlando is a high percentage three shooting team. Perimeter D is very important. Al Horford will do fine against Howard, I think it will make him play harder to be honest with you. Expect great games from Al. Hawks just need to take a page from our recent opponents. Scrap, play with heart, and stay focused.
  18. If I am not mistaken the refs were against Howard the whole series vs Charlotte. Expect the same here.
  19. Thanks again guys for the posts. WOW GAME 7 WAS CRAZY! I cannot wait for the Orlando series.
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. @mrhonline No problemo.
  21. Alright gentlemen and ladies I would like to introduce myself. Name's Lou and been a Hawks fan for awhile now. I love all Atlanta teams and love this city. I have been living here all my life. I stumbled to this goldmine by posting on the AJC forums and I LOVE THIS SITE! I see a lot of true Hawks fans here and I love how we can criticize, but always want the best for the team. The chat room adds a lot of fun watching the game at home too. Very cool cats in there. I look forward to yelling, laughing, and having intellectual battles with all of you on here. I expect to learn much from you all. Just finished watching game six and looking forward to going to game seven. SUPPORT YOUR TEAM AND BE THERE!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to be here and LETS GO HAWKS!!!!!
  22. Rebounding is key for victory. And with the Hawks size..... We should be owning that department vs these Bucks.
  23. I give credit to luck. Because the Hawks almost let that one go. We are still undisciplined and hog the ball in key times. We will not beat the Magic playing like this. Hawks with ball movement = unstoppable. We should win game seven though, especially since they gave us confidence. Woodson gets credit for one thing... Taking his head out of the butt on switch D. As Sothron said though.....puts it back after the lead? What an idiot. Woodson = garbage.
  24. By the way. I hope they win game 6. We will see tomorrow......
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