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Everything posted by Jody23

  1. Chris Bosh has made it clear he does not want to play center. I'll applaud Al Horford for taking the same stance as he knows he could be more effective playing his natural position.
  2. I think what Al is saying is consistent with his other comments this offseason. He wants to play the 4. I don't think he's saying he's not good enough, but rather that he could be more effective with "legitimate" big men and a move to his natural position.
  3. Horford is a natural 4 and Josh is a converted 4 (came into the league playing the 3). Right now, he relies so much on his athletic ability to compensate for his lack of size. When that athletic ability starts to fade (and it will earlier as has other guys who have made the jump from high school), how effective of a 4 will he be?
  4. More insight from Horford and here again, he's asking for help inside and it doesn't sound like he's talking about league minimum salary help.
  5. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/67510/20100628/hawks_will_offer_johnson_max_knicks_bulls_also_in_pursuit/
  6. Possibly, but I doubt it. If Boozer and Amare are playing the 4 in the east next year along with Bosh, Smoove will have a very difficult time making the All-Star team as a 4.
  7. I defenitely think Joe is gone and it's largely because the Hawks, for years, have been "satisfied". Joe had been asking for help for years, but the Hawks were content with their solid "core". So they pretty much never answered his request the way he would have liked. Now, Joe has a chance to go to a team that will pair him with legitimate All-Stars and has legitimate title aspirations. He won't get that if he stays in Atlanta. Losing Joe won't be the end of the world for the Hawks, but the reasons for him leaving, if he does, could be very damaging. Also, Al Horford is watching this. He's come out this offseason already and has asked for a center so he can play the 4. If they ignore his request, will the Hawks eventually lose him to?
  8. Agreed. To me, it seems many want to hold on to both Horford and Smith, more or less, for sentimental reasons. But, sentimental reasons ain't going to help you inside or get the Hawks out of the second round. The last two years in the playoffs should have made it abundantly clear that this team needs a low post prescence. I don't think it's a wise goal to try to be the "Pheonix Suns" of the east.
  9. And Josh had 29 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists. To me it's an indication that Josh can abuse smaller players. It doesn't matter that Maggette was playing the four. He's still a perimeter player. When matched up against a 3, everyone fears Josh will want to play on the perimeter and shoot jumpers. Instead, he relentlessly attacked the basket and put up some of his best numbers for the season. Why did he not settle for jumpers against Maggette? Because, he knew it was easy to post him up and attack the basket. Imagine what he could do if given that kind of physical advantage every night.
  10. I think you make some valid points. People making a big deal about what forward position Josh plays is overrated. Many want to conveiniently forget that Josh came into the league playing small forward and went to the 4 out of necessity and poor draft selection (you figure it out). I think Josh's success is tied to how he plays more so than what position he plays. If he's attacking the basket or posting up, he'll be a factor. For example, go back and look at the game against Golden State this season in Phillips arena. He was matched up with Corey Maggette for most of that night and basically gave him the business.
  11. It'll be interesting to see what happens. If the Hawks do draft a two, what message are they sending to JJ if they truly intend to re-sign him? Also, if the Hawks draft a two or three and then are successful in retaining JJ, you'll be looking at a guy who will be behind JJ and Crawford at the two and behind Marvin and Mo Evans at three and, as a result, won't play very much if at all. So, the pick is going to reveal a lot about the Hawks' confidence level to keep JJ. Also, Al has made comments about the team needing a center and his desire to play the four. With his free agency coming up, it would be unwise not to look at solutions to that issue.
  12. I think it bears mentioning that Josh deals with many of the same struggles that Al Horford deals with as far as being undersized at the position he plays. This also plays apart in the rebounding issues. Let's not forget that Josh came into the league playing small forward. Having to battle bigger and stronger guys for rebounds for a whole season will wear on you at some point.
  13. Simply put, no. That team would win some games, but would not win a title.
  14. Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself and as soon as the Hawks figure this out, the better off they'll be. Too many people focus on stats and ignore the importance of being able to match up or create mismatches at critical positions.
  15. I'd only tinker as well as oppossed to totally rebuilding. I don't think that's necessary. However, the Hawks have to address the weaknesses of this team instead of trying to hide it with gimmicks ala small ball front court and switching defense.
  16. I agree that this team has a lot of pieces to offer in trade (contrary to what others may say). I'll say this though, Horford is the one guy the Hawks must hold onto. He's exactly the type of physical, back to the basket power forward a team needs to have an advantage in the playoffs. Seeing as how he's said he wants to play the 4 in recent weeks, the Hawks would do well accommodate his request. If not, he may find somewhere else where they will grant his wish and he'll become a perennial All-Star and the Hawks will be left looking foolish once again.
  17. Precisely. This team needs a proven commodity. Experimentation time was six years ago.
  18. I hope they choose Avery. He's exactly the type guy this team needs at this point in time and his resume backs that up. I believe Sund has wanted Casey all along, but hiring Casey wouldn't make sense. Why would you turn to hire an assistant as the head coach for a 50 win playoff team looking to take the next step? Not trying to knock Casey, but if Rick Sund wasn't the GM, would he be a candidate for this job? Just sayin'.
  19. If the Hawks continue to play Horford and Smith together at the 4 and 5 for the majority of the minutes, the second round will be the ceiling for this team imho.
  20. I was thinking the same thing and if this is the case, I would be worried. The ASG should be VERY leery of allowing the GM to create a situation where his coach is essentially a yes man. We saw how that turned out earlier on in the Billy Knight era. Effective checks and balances are needed for successful personnel decisions in my opinion (unless your Poppovich or West).
  21. Conceptually, I agree with Diesel. The Hawks may not get Lebron, but if their really serious about keeping Joe, I think they need to use a couple of their current assets to bring in a major player. Simply hiring a new coach won't cut it.
  22. Honestly, defensively, Perkins, Wallace and Davis are better because they have both the size and skill to guard Howard single coverage with minimal help. In theory, one could say the Hawks should have done the same, but none of the Hawks bigs could hold their own and make it difficult for Howard the way the Celts did. I do think Woody had flaws that were detrimental to the team, but the fact that this roster has flaws cannot be ignored.
  23. Simply put, the Celtics had the personnel to defend Howard and the Hawks did not. The Hawks could not prevent Howard from getting right to front of the rim whenever he wanted. That was the center of the problem. That was what opened the rest of the floor up for the Magic against Atlanta.
  24. If they've done their home work, it shouldn't take this long or this many interviews on one candidate to make an informed decision. That leads me to question what the Hawks are really up to. Are they stalling or what?
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