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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. atlantafalcons.com boards. Can't wait until next season. Lofa is injured(already) knew it would be a bad signing. Hopefully this means Dent will get the start. Would love to see a Georgia boy handle things at MLB. He's a tank.I'm more excited to see our defense instead of our offense surprisingly. Yeah Roddy and Julio will have good seasons, but i'm interested to see the schemes Mike Nolan throws out there. The guy has basically coached a top 5 defense every season he's been a D-Coordinator. And with the acquisition of Asante? Oh yes. We got him basically for pocket lent.
  2. In a nutshell. Instead, we treated Joe AS the superstar and it backfired. Can't do that when the man can't be "The Man"...
  3. I'm not worried about size at the 2 guard position. Look at what Iverson did. Although that may be an unfair comparison... BUT.... if we have bigs around the guards who are able to grab boards and play good offball D like Smoove does, i'm not too worried.
  4. Larry Drew is NOT a good coach. We've already seen multiple examples of him not being able to control his players on top of making 0 half time adjustments. There's a reason why he's the cheapest coach in basketball.
  5. I have no problem with Teague starting.Someone has to be moved though.
  6. Yeah, because he coached Melo and Amare so well, our former coach is now taking over his duties. No way do I want D'antoni here, overrated coach.
  7. lmao @ this pic. Joe is a f***ing joke. You trying to look like a hip hop artist in a photo shoot? SMH. Glad this contract is off of our team. Yeah, he'll fit in well. Especially because the team won't expect him to be the mouthpiece. He can sit back and not talk just like he wants, and be a Robin to Batman, just like he wants.
  8. Props for keeping the thread open, even though it is edited and toned down now. Didn't expect it to even be open after the two day suspension. Glad some of us are on the same page here.
  9. What do we have to lose? Give me a legit answer. What do we really have to lose?
  10. Both at the same time. We are destined for failure. The Atlanta Hawks are nothing but a void in the NBA. We do not even deserve to be in the playoffs. #*$&*# Larry Drew, Joe Johnson, Rick Sund, and most importantly #*$&*# THE ASG. OUTTIE.
  11. Lack of number one option. A real leader. We haven't had one in years.
  12. Yeah, let Josh keep working on that "stroke" and keep watching our team plummet. This team and coaching staff is a total fail.
  13. Really? You think he's a headcase now, imagine Rondo here under basically no coaching. IF this deal happened, KG would basically be coaching our team. What a disaster this would end up being.
  14. Who cares who it is, get Marvin and his contract off of this team while we can. GO HEAD, DO IT
  15. I don't even bother to watch these anymore. Not entertaining. The real stars of the game are apparently too good for the dunk contest now so F it. NBA All-Star weekend sucks now. I doubt i'll even watch the All-Star game tonight.
  16. That will never happen, because it actually makes sense. Radman still get the start.
  17. I dunno mannnn we just need energy mannnnn uhhhh you knowwwww some days we loook great mannnn but not when i just stand by the perimeter and never move mannnnnn
  18. Drew never had the team. This team has ran itself since last season.
  19. Jamal Crawford didn't even score in this game.... enough said. Blow it up.
  20. Irrelevant. Woody still built this team from the ground up, starting with a 13 win season. That's not even debatable.
  21. Did you watch the playoffs last year when we played the Magic?
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