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Everything posted by JJFAN4LF

  1. I'll be there Wednesday, and early too. I'll be going with some friends so expect at least 12 people in the stands by tipoff. :D
  2. I expect another win. We have a good momentum right now and I bet our players are still feeling good about the win against Boston. With Outlaw out, a player that would hurt us a lot of times, we SHOULD win this one. Any chance Woody matches that lineup by putting Marvin on the bench and bring Crawford to the lineup? Nah.... ;)
  3. Great effort by all our frontcourt players today: Smoove, Horford, Joe Smith, and Zaza (or what Hubie would say PACHULA :) ) I love hearing praise about Josh Smith. The more praise Josh Smith gets, the more he'll get that what he is doing is the right thing to do for the team.

    Our Bigs.

    What makes Jason Thompson so different than Al Horford? For Al Horford, we hear he has good defense but decent offense. For Jason Thompson, we would hear he has good offense and decent defense. I would rather keep Horford because if we replace him with Thompson, our defense is going to get worst. I would rather see us try to score from the outside than have the opposing team score on the inside everytime. I would really like for us to try to make a move for a Brook Lopez, Al Jefferson, or more realistically...Andris Biedrins.
  5. Look, I know we had a tough loss against the Lakers yesterday; but honestly, it's not the end of the world. You can blame the refs, you can blame Mike Woodson for taking Joe Johnson out, you can blame Josh Smith taking horrible jumpshots, you can blame Marvin for not showing up; but it doesn't matter.......we lost the game and we just need to move on. Hawks fans need to quit overreacting after every single loss because there is no way a team can go undefeated in an 82 game season. There is no way someone should predict again how our team will play or how an individual will play just by watching one loss. I don't think that anyone should say "We're going to be a bad road team this year AGAIN" just by watching the Lakers game. What Hawks fans need to do is just try to move on from that game and look forward to the next game and see how the Hawks will react after a road loss. Will the Hawks start playing some defense? Will the Hawks be more hungry? Hawks fans right now should just be asking questions and see if our team can answer them instead of going emo about everything. Hawks fans should at least watch the next game against the Blazers and see if our team is really hungry to win some games on the road, before forecasting anything.
  6. You got a nice camera there pimp. For those who went, I was the guy that won 2 tickets to opening night by having the most Hawks spirit by their clothes. :)
  7. Please let this be a joke. Ryan Anderson isn't a great rebounder, he has decent strength at best, isn't a banger, and is a liability on defense. Al Horford's offense may not be as good as Ryan Anderson's, but his defense tramples his. Just because a big man can shoot a 3, doesn't make them a good player, you might as well say Donyell Marshall is better than Al Horford. Horford is probably the best pick we've had in recent years. You must be forgetting he had people questioning and arguing that he should have been Rookie of The Year over Kevin Durant. Jason Collins over Horford? :beathorse:
  8. Pre-season does mean something, but you're treating it like it's a regular season game. They are two completely different things. I think I agree with you that fans should care about that embarrassing loss we went through yesterday, but I don't think anyone should predict how the season is going to go or how Joe or any of our players are going to play just by watching ONE pre-season game. All Hawks fans should be disappointed with the effort the Hawks gave yesterday, but I think every Hawks fan should wait and watch a few more regular season games before making any kind of statement how the season will develop.
  9. lol. You can definitely tell he is reading from a teleprompter. The camera crew didn't do a good job of placing the teleprompter. His eyes wasn't facing us the whole time.
  10. Like I've said before, West and Hunter are the two people that will make the cut on the team. :)
  11. I disagree completely. When looking for the last spots on the team, I think you're looking for players that stand out and Mario West is just that and Juan Dixon either. I only went to the first preseason game and Dixon wasn't a player that I notice but you always notice when Mario West is on the floor. Chances are these players aren't going to play much during the regular season and I would like to have a player that will give it all no matter how low the minutes is. I really don't see Mario West getting cut from the team at all. He and Othello will re-take their spot if I have to take a guess.
  12. 1. Teague is way better than Acie judging by this game. He missed a couple wide open jumpshots and he seemed to struggle during the 1st half but I think once the second half started, every time he would drive the ball, he would either get fouled or make the basket....or sometimes both! He showed he can make the free throws too. 2. Teague's point guard skills isn't anything impressive. I can only remember 2-3 passes he had that were WOW! But his court vision is just sub-par. Teague's defense is average. He would put in the effort on defense but Paul would still cross him up or pass him. But then again....there aren't too many players that can stay in front of CP3. 3. Bibby still can't stay in front of Paul. 4. Josh Smith didn't shoot a lot of 3's but he did shoot a couple of mid range shots in the 1st quarter. His midrange game seems to have gotten slightly better. 5. Josh Smith was focused on blocking shots or altering them, took a couple charges, deflect some passes for a steal, and he went for the loose balls. If we get the kind of effort he gave tonight on the defensive end, it would really bode well for us. 6. Marvin didn't have any particular play that stood out for me. But I can say that his 3 point shot did get more accurate. He wasn't missing during pregame shootaround. Also, Marvin did hustle a lot on the defensive end and had a couple good steals and a couple hustle rebounds. 7. Zaza drew contact every time he had the chance, whether it be on the offensive end or defensive end. 8. I don't see how we can take Mario West off the team. The guy is a straight up hustler and plays the game with so much intensity. Every time a shot would go up, he'll try to go for a rebound. He would outjump the big man on the Hornets team. I swear if he gets as much minutes than our big man, he would outrebound them all. His offensive game still needs work, but he did have a nice drive and lay in. 9. Joe was on scoring status. I love Joe at the start of the season since he's all fresh and can score at will. Hopefully Woodson can just decrease his minutes this season. Joe was taking shots that Kobe would take and he would make it. His crossover was deadly tonight. 10. Crawford did two things. Either dribble dribble, call for a pick and take a jumpshot or drive the ball and dish it. He seemed predictable today, it wasn't what I was expecting from him at all. I think all of the field goals he took were all jumpshots. 11. Crawford's defense was better than what I've heard. He didn't seem lazy on defense to me whatsoever. He had a good defensive stance and would try to stay in front of his man at all times. 12. Othello showed far more flashes than Siler did. But then again, Siler didn't see minutes until around 6 minutes left in 4th quarter. But Othello can really run and he seems really mobile. Siler on the other hand seems way too slow for the offense we were playing tonight. Siler loves to play in the post, maybe a little too much because he got called for an offensive 3 I think the first possession he got in. Hunter I think is a better rebounder, I didn't see Siler box out anyone during his play. That was just a couple of thoughts of mine from the Hornets game. It was fun to watch. Smoove, West, JJ, and Teague really put on a show tonight. If you guys want to ask a question about something I didn't mention, feel free to do it. I just didn't want to post too many thoughts of mine.
  13. If the Hawks win more than 47 games this upcoming season, we will become the first team in NBA history to increase its win total five consecutive seasons. I read this in a magazine that previews the upcoming season.
  14. we only have one televised preseason game and that's the last one against Orlando on the 23rd. It's televised on ESPN. :) Anyway, I'll be going to the game. I always try to make the first game of every new season. So I go to the first preaseason game and also the first season game. So I am always guaranteed two games per year. :D
  15. Sorry, I disagree with you. There is no reason why we should extend Woody. What Sund needs to do is evaluate Woody this year and decide to keep him or not, because this year, there really is no excuse when it comes to talent. We have a good team and we should make some noise this year, and Woody has to show that he can utilize all the talent we have and make us play at the highest level. As for Stackhouse, no thanks. We have already enough scorers and jackers in this team. If we didn't have Mo Evans, I would like the Hawks to consider him but there is nothing that Stackhouse can provide for us that the players we already have can't. We have better scorers than him and Mo Evans is a better defender than him at the 3 spot. Why overpay for a player that we don't need?
  16. Sekou is obviously in the denial stage in the coping process. Flip did win us games last season, especially in the second half of the season. There were a lot of games that Joe Johnson didn't show up and Flip Murray helped a lot with the scoring load. Flip Murray had a much better impact than Mo did last season and anyone who says different, is either in denial or didn't watch the hawks games. That argument about the Hawks winning a high percentage of their games when Mo Evans started is dumb, because there were games when he started and he didn't make an impact offensively or defensively. The only reason why Mo Evans started when Marvin went down is because he plays the 3 position and Mike Woodson wanted to keep Joe Johnson at his natural position while also having his best bench player still coming off the bench. Mike Woodson did the same thing to Josh Childress. When a starter would go down with an injury, he would choose a different player than Josh Childress because Childress plays well off the bench. Woodson chose Mo simply because Flip Murray plays well off the bench and he doesn't want to ruin his rhythm. Just because Mario West was called in as a starter more than Josh Childress was two seasons ago doesn't mean that Mario West had as good of an impact as Chills did.
  17. If I have to take a guess, Mario West and Garret Siler (or Othello) will be signed out of the group. Mario West just has too big of a heart and too determine to give up his spot from last year. The coaches and our current players love him. His time with us before will definitely sway the decision on who to sign his way. I think signing Othello or Siler would be good as well. I would much rather see the Hawks sign Siler since he seems like a player that likes to work hard and will battle for minutes. Plus, we wouldn't have to worry about being undersize if one of our main bigs go down. I wouldn't mind hearing Othello get signed since he's reportedly improved a lot since last year. The one thing he doesn't have that Siler has though is size.
  18. Weird to see Phoenix at the top ten....Anyway, I think we could make a case that we are better than the Portland Trailblazers. Still, I'll take top ten.
  19. Let's just say that we never did the trade for Crawford and we still have Acie Law and Speedy Claxton and have Bibby and Flip in the market. Who would you have wanted the Hawks to sign back? Bibby or Flip? Personally, I would still be wanting Bibby to sign rather than Flip because I really think Flip is a player that can easily be replaced. That's just my opinion.
  20. We still haven't gotten past the hump between us and the top 3 teams in the East. Unless we see great improvement from Smoove, Marvin, and Al Horford, we're gonna still be the team that will make playoffs but have a low percentage shot of winning the whole thing.
  21. Anyone can post up a video of someone and make them look good. If you watch Tyronn Lue plays, you'll think he's a legit point guard that can score the ball easily.
  22. I'm not sure if this is considered spamming, but if it is, I am terribly sorry and you may lock the thread. I need some ideas for a domain name. I'm trying to create a website for my "Mixes" and general blogging about the NBA. I am terribly uncreative when it comes to names and I could use some help. I was hoping for something clever like "need4sheed" or "humanhiglightblog". I'm trying to incorporate the Hawks in some sort of way like the way "humanhighlightblog" did. If you guys have ANY idea, I would greatly appreciate it.
  23. I think our bench would be fine right now if we get an upgraded Mo Evans. Mo is still a problem for me. He doesn't impact the game that much for us and doesn't affect the outcome of the game. I'm satisfied with all the rest of the backups for each position except for the Small Forward spot. Here are some ideas: Mo Evans for Jarvis Hayes. (It'll be nice to get more scoring off the bench and New Jersey fans aren't big fans of Hayes. Why not right?) Mo Evans, Morris, and a future pick for Kelenna Azubuike. (The Warriors have a lot of similar players on the two and three spot. Losing Azubuike won't affect them that much since they have so many players in the 2-3 spot. The Warriors are wanting to get younger, so a pick is nice.) Mo Evans, Morris, and a future pick for Brandan Wright. (The same situation of Kelenna. They have a good amount of 3-4 and it's not like Brandan Wright is getting the opportunity to develop there playing behind Stephen Jackson, Anthony Randolph, and Corey Maggette.) Mo Evans and Morris for Rasual Butler. (Butler is a better scorer than Mo and New Orleans are always wanting more defense.) Mo Evans, Morris, 2nd round pick for Ryan Gomes. (I'm unsure of Minnesota would want to part away from Gomes, but it would be a dream trade.) Mo Evans and a future pick for Corey Brewer. (Same situation as Gomes) Mo Evans, 2nd round pick for Michael Finley. (Finley is a veteran player we need and the Spurs gets better at defense.) Just some thoughts. ;)
  24. Do people call Josh Smith 'Josh'? Whenever I talk about Josh Smith, I always say "Smoove". Joe Johnson is just "Joe" to me. So Joe Smith will be just "Smith" now. ;)
  25. They won't play heavy minutes if Horford isn't injured. Boston's frontcourt was still solid even when KG and Powe went down. We also survived last year when Josh Smith and Al Horford went out. Solo was a good prospect, but it's not like he was so much better than Othello who seems to have improved a lot this offseason. If you don't look at it in a worst case scenario, I don't see any reason why Powe would be a bad signing.
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