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Everything posted by JJFAN4LF

  1. Lots of teams are calling Atlanta for its pick -- New York Knicks, Dallas, Portland and Cleveland -- but Hawks keeping pick. http://twitter.com/ESPNAndyKatz
  2. Alabi impresses me with his interview. I didn't get to see him play, but he seems like he has a motor. It seems like he wants to improve.
  3. No point guessing on where everyone is going. It's too tough. But I see Hinrich staying with the Wizards and play the 2 or play behind Wall. I still think Arenas will get dealt this off-season. I just don't see Washington being comfortable having Wall and Arenas together.
  4. If Joe comes back, I believe he still stays in the bench. It's nice having a scorer that can create his own shot as your 6th man. If Joe leaves, he'll definitely be in the lineup. I don't see LD moving Joe to the 3 and put Crawford at the 2....at least I hope not....I want to first see what improvements Marvin has with a new coach. If he's still the same player from last year, I think LD will insert Crawford and put Marvin in the bench.

    Mike Miller

    Source: http://www.argusleader.com/article/20100620/COLUMNISTS0104/6200331/1057/COLUMNISTS Mike Miller wants to play for a potential contender and we match that bill. I also remember Mike Miller and Joe Johnson hosting a charity event together a few years ago, so they have to be pretty good friends right? Plus, if we can't sign Childress, Mike Miller would be a good fit since Larry Drew is looking for 3 point shooters and Miller shot close to 50% from 3 last season (I think).
  6. I wouldn't mind drafting Solomon Alabi and Darrington Hobson in the 2nd. It's highly unlikely that Hobson fall all the way to our 2nd round pick but I saw one Mock Draft that had the Hawks drafting him in the 2nd round. :cant believe:
  7. I wouldn't mind Haywood but I would rather sign a big like Joel Przybilla. He has injury concerns but I think Joel's height, size and blocking ability trumps Haywood. I think he's better suited on guarding Dwight than Haywood is. Again, like someone said, Haywood says he's happy in Dallas. Joel is a player that teams will hesitate on signing because of injury problems. I would think Joel Przybilla will be easier to sign than Haywood.
  8. Am I the only person who thinks that Bibby won't be okay with taking the backseat for a young point guard that is questionable on how ready he is to be a starter? I think if we're putting Teague in the lineup, might as well trade Bibby just to avoid any more locker room problems.
  9. It makes you wonder though....did Bibby only make us look good because Mike Woodson had no offensive gameplan whatsoever? Bibby acted like the coach on the floor on the offensive end making sure everyone is in the right spots. Woodson didn't care and had no clue about the offensive end but LD sounds like he does. Now that we have Drew, who supposedly will run an actual offense..... does Bibby's value on our team lessen since his greatest strength on our team is his ability to make sure everyone was doing their job in the offensive end.
  10. I don't like the assumption that Joe wouldn't want to come back because the offense isn't going to be only him. I actually think that's more incentive for him to come back. Some fans here say that Joe doesn't want to stay because whenever the Hawks lose big, they come down on him pretty badly. The only reason the fans do that is because the offense is ran through him 90% of the time. With the iso-ball being avoided now, I think that takes a lot of pressure off of Joe. Great article by Lang as always.
  11. I never got the reason why everyone is so excited about Jeff Teague and I don't see any reason why everyone thinks he should be given the starting point guard. He rarely showed any flashes of being a good player during the season. Heck, I think Acie Law looked better when he was with us. I hope I'm wrong though. But I do still see Bibby, Mo, and Marvin possibly getting moved this summer. I think with Larry Drew's uptempo style, we can't have him skipping down to the halfcourt line. Mo Evans is good trade bait now with his contract expiring.
  12. If he comes with Larry Drew Jr. from UNC, I'll be happy. :thumbsupsmileyanim: But seriously, I'm not enthusiastic about it but I'm not overly disappointed. I'm more worried about what happens in Free Agency and if we will re-sign Joe. Getting a new coach won't matter if we don't sign Joe. I honestly think that if we keep the same roster we had last year and had Larry Drew as a coach, we would have done a lot better in the regular season as well as the playoffs.
  13. Two points I need to make. Don't assume Dwayne Casey is the next new coach. Mark Jackson and Larry Drew are candidates as well. And we never know, there could be an unknown coach that we could be interviewing privately like a Byron Scott or someone of that sort. Just because we missed out on Avery, doesn't mean that ASG didn't push for him. We had a pretty bad chance of getting him since New Jersey has a GM that has a lot of money to spend. Also, it doesn't automatically mean that Joe is most likely not going to stay. Joe is not going to base his decision solely on who the coach is. It would have been great to hire a reputable coach like Avery, but you can't predict what Joe is going to do with this incident. I really hate how Hawks fans overreact....
  14. I don't get why Mark Jackson gets so much hate. I actually wouldn't mind him. I think experience is good, but I bet he'll learn as the season progresses. I think what separates Mark Jackson from other coaches in my opinion is that he follows the NBA. He's seen a lot of teams more than a couple of times. He's seen plenty of the contenders as the tv broadcaster. He probably knows tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses of most teams. Sometimes I question if Woodson knew anything about the other team. Also, he always talks about how to stop LeBron, or Kobe, or Wade, or Nash, etc. If we do hire him, we'll see how much he knows.
  15. Simple. He'll probably come cheap and he'll be a low risk, possible high reward coach for us. With his reputation as a tough-nosed player and leader, maybe he could bring some toughness into this team that we lack.
  16. I agree. I've always been a Marvin supporter but it's time for a change in that position. I say package Marvin and Jeff Teague for a more proven Devin Harris. Also, I really wouldn't mind seeing Tracy McGrady in a Hawks uniform. We'll be taking a risk with injury problems and age problems but I wouldn't mind having a player that can pass the ball in the SF position. I would love to see our 1-2-3 players that can pass the ball and make plays on the floor. Some may disagree but I would look at T-Mac before I look at Childress. I love Childress as he was my favorite player when he was here, but T-Mac could be one of those signings that could really benefit our team. T-Mac will probably come cheap......so low risk, possible high reward.
  17. I can't imagine what I would do if we did sign LeBron. I'm really not sure if I would cheer for him if he was in a Hawks uniform...but then again, I don't see myself not being a Hawks fan either. :help wanted3:
  18. I honestly couldn't agree more. That is why I pray that Joe Johnson stays....I want to see him under a new offense playing with the guys we have playing alongside him. Here is my priority list for the offseason. 1. Re-Sign Joe Johnson back. 2. Hire either Byron Scott, Tyrone Corbin, or Avery Johnson. 3. Sign a DEFENSIVE big man. 4. Sign Josh Childress and trade Marvin Williams.
  19. Mike Woodson and Larry Brown are basically the two best friends in the NBA coaching world. They always have each other's back. Anyway, Woody needs to ask Larry Brown on how you can guard this team and how to beat this team. Larry Brown coached pretty well against Orlando in their series, unfortunately, they just don't have the talent to beat Orlando. For us, we have the talent, we just need the gameplan. If Woody could use Larry Brown as sort of a scout for the Magic, it will definitely better our chances.
  20. I definitely plan to go. I'm looking for a good deal for lower level seats. If anyone can find a good deal, please tell me. With this economy, I just can't afford $75 for a lower level ticket.
  21. The way I see it, there are 3 teams that can possibly stop us from going to the Finals: Cleveland, Orlando, and Charlotte. I'm not scared of Miami, Boston, or Milwaukee. If we go in a series against them, I'll be confident we advance. That being said, here is our easiest realistic path IMO. 1. Cleveland 2. Orlando 3. Atlanta 4. Boston 5. Miami 6. Milwaukee 7. Charlotte 8. Chicago or Toronto? 1 vs 8 seed: Chicago IMO would probably give Cleveland a harder time than Toronto can. I doubt either series would go past 6 games though. Cleveland wins. 2 vs 7 seed: I see this series possibly going to 7 with each team winning in their home court. Orlando wins at the end. I just don't see Charlotte beating the EC winner last season. 3 vs 6 seed: I think Milwaukee is our easiest matchup. Bogut is injured and they don't have any defensive players that can guard both Joe and Jamal besides Delfino. 4 vs 5 seed: Boston will probably win this. I can see this series going 7 though since Wade does get calls in the playoffs. 1 vs 4 seed: Boston can give Cleveland a hard time and Boston winning would favor us. Boston wins. 2 vs 3 seed: Our toughest matchup of any team in EC. We beat them once during the season and if Al Horford can score on Dwight in the perimeter, we have a good chance. 3 vs 4 seed: Boston vs Atlanta. We swept them in the regular season and I think we are too athletic for them. Atlanta wins and moves on to playoffs.
  22. I don't even know why you guys even bother listening and watching the people in ESPN. They're a bunch of superstar di** riders who have no clue what they talk about. The people of ESPN is a big reason why I hate talking about sports with a lot of people. Too many people watch Sportscenter and not watch the actual game so when it comes to debates or feedback about a game, they only reiterate the opinions of the analysts on ESPN. I only watch NBATV if I want to see what the "experts" think about the Hawks or if I want to listen to what other teams are doing around the league. The only time I tune in on ESPN is when the Hawks are playing there....and sometimes THAT is even dreadful to watch.
  23. The Warriors waived Raja Bell to make space for another D-League player. I have no idea if we can sign him or not, since I have no knowledge whatsoever when it comes to cap space or contract issues. If we are able to sign Raja Bell, should the Hawks target him or is Raja Bell just another Mo Evans clone?
  24. #10 Georgia Tech over #7 Oklahoma St. #9 Florida State over #8 Gonzaga #12 UTEP over #5 Butler #11 Washington over #6 Marquette #9 Louisville over #8 California #10 St. Mary's over #7 Richmond #13 Siena over #4 Purdue #9 Wake Forest over #8 Texas #9 Northern Iowa over #8 UNLV #10 Florida over #7 BYU
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