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Everything posted by TheFuzz

  1. Trading Josh to the Celtics ain't worth it if Rondo ain't coming back (and he's not). Bradley's not that good.Edit: Unless we're having a fire sale and decide to really tank it. And tanking ain't happening.
  2. I somewhat agree with this. Either Josh agrees to take a bit less than the max, or he's traded/signed and traded. There's not a whole lot of trade value for him right now, but we could get a couple of role players and a pick or something to help us stay under the cap next year.
  3. True. I didn't mean he would just camp out just in front of the three point line all game. He could just space for Josh in a few sets. Obviously, with Tolliver now we've found our guy.
  4. Hopefully not too near it. I love Josh as much as the next guy, but he's really just not that good. It would be a lot like signing Joe to the max. Hopefully Josh improves enough this season to make me eat crow.
  5. Well, Horford can function as a stretch 4.Slightly related, I read somewhere Atlanta was interested in Fesenko, let me see if I can find a link...Edit: Chuck Testa. That was an old Yahoo sports article.
  6. TheFuzz

    Some info

    They don't have their pick this year (maybe next years), but Bargs' value is pretty low. Josh is worth more than Bargnani probably. If we could get Bargnani without trading Josh and roll with a Horford/Bargs/Smith front court that'd be pretty sick, but I don't see that happening.
  7. I agree. I really like Teague and he could become better than Harris, but I think we should just keep whoever will be cheaper and trade the other one in a deal for a legit player. Teague could almost certainly net the better player.
  8. Agreed (except maybe on Holliday), but PGs in general aren't great defenders. There's Westbrook and Rondo, and then there's Rubio and Holliday. Maybe Teague, he's got some learning to do.
  9. Maybe. I still say Rubio's a much better overall defender than Teague, and Rubio's got a real nice wingspan. If in 2 years he starts sucking it up defensively then sure. But he looks good defending point guards and assuming leg injuries don't catch up to him I don't see that changing much.
  10. Yea, Rubio is one of the best defensive PGs in the league (starting at least). He's pretty much Rondo 2.0 with the potential to be a better shooter while being less athletic.
  11. You're really underrating Conley. And Rubio, I think. Minnesota is a playoff team in the WEST with Rubio last year, and all they had was Love and Pekovic.
  12. Edit: I guess I'll add a list.PaulRondoRoseWilliamsParkerWestbrookNashLawsonConleyLowryCurryRubioIrvingWallThen you got people like Teague, Holliday, Jennings, Dragic and Lin.
  13. Agreed on Irving and Curry. I'd say Teague is around the 15-20 mark with the potential to be much better. Hopefully he gets there, but having a solid PG in this league ain't that hard. There are A LOT of good PGs and PFs in the leage. There aren't many 2s, 3s, or 5s.
  14. Hm.In terms of people who actually play the 4 position (as in, not any 4s who are playing center), I'd say it's something like this...DirkGasolLoveLamarcus AldridgeGriffinJoshJosh, Griffin, and Aldridge are all pretty interchangeable. Come playoff time, I'd still take Duncan, KG, and Bosh over him, though they have started to play center more. And I might take Horford at 4 over Josh too (not trying to start that debate, just stating an opinion).There are a bunch of solid 4s in the league now.
  15. I think Al should be our "leader," while Josh should be our fire, if that makes any sense. Josh can get people fired up, but Horford has more room to hold people accountable.
  16. In a vacuum, right now, Pau is better than Josh. He was A LOT better than him for a long time. But between the contract and age Pau ain't better enough to justify a swap, especially with Marvin included (yes, I did just say especially in a good way involving Marvin).
  17. I agree Hawes would be a decent fit. Maybe Channing Frye? He's overpaid though and not that great. Him and Zaza would be an ok combo.
  18. I know Ferry said he's looking into acquiring a wing, but has he said anything about Josh playing the SF position at all? Not full time, of course.Also, one of Houston's wings might be available for a pick and our TPE. Parsons maybe?
  19. Gotta say. Never really watched a Dream game before, but they do play a nice brand of basketball with lots of passing. Who's their coach? Maybe they can coach the Hawks.
  20. As has been said, the issues with Al are he's not a great passer, not a great defender, and he's more of a PF.
  21. I think whether Smoove can succeed at the 3 has more to do with who we put at C. I don't think Zaza is that guy. We'd need an adequate defender who can pass and shoot at 3. Marc Gasol ideally, someone like Hawes or Brad Miller more likely.
  22. That makes some sense. I must say, undersized shooting guard or not, I like this signing. We got him for pretty darn cheap.
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