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Everything posted by IllestPamfilis

  1. Austin Rivers is a joke. That being said I think Tyreke Evans is the most underrated of the free agents. The man can ball out he just need the right situation.
  2. Although I think Tyreke just needs a change of scenery and he's going to flourish...I don't know about 12mil
  3. Josh Smith + D12= .... A disaster waiting to happen
  4. Josh Smith and D12 on the same team spells disaster to me. Just my opinion though. I could see Iggy, Teague, and d12 though...what a fast team that would be.
  5. I'll say it again and again. We all know he's going to Houston, Dallas, or possibly back to L.A. With THIS staff we have constructed though, I'm personally comfortable with starting from the ground up. Could I say this with our owners, Billy Knight or Sund, and Woodson/Drew...NO WAY. The way we are currently constructed though, I say we bite the bullet this upcoming season. The 2013-2014 draft looks way stronger, as well as free agency. PATIENCE is a virtue my little grasshoppers.
  6. Wooooooow. I'm taking this Deke photo off my name ASAP. What a backstabbing asshole.
  7. MaseCase I'm right there with you my man. I don't see why these folks think we're gonna get something legit for Josh. It's either a 1st rounder/bench player or we just let him go for nothing. Everybody knows Josh is Josh, he isn't getting any better.
  8. No way in hell do they give up Drummond or Monroe. This ain't happening
  9. Apparently he "thought" about joining Dwight here in Atlanta. Thanks for the "thought" Chris....pffffft. I still don't see them as a championship team. We need to be O.K. with rebuilding. This staff WILL get it right this time I feel it in my bones. We just gotta be patient people.
  10. We can speculate all we want. And again sorry to be a Scrooge but Dwight IS NOT coming here. We need to pick it up and move on. Good riddance Josh. Give Bud and Danny a couple years that's all they need.
  11. No surprises here. Any thoughts? Dolfan I know you're loving this from a football standpoint lol
  12. How many of you are walking around with a hard-on waiting for this show to come back on? In all honesty, if the ending goes well, I put Breaking Bad ABOVE Sopranos so far as television goes. Just MY OPINION though. Can't wait....
  13. Best tits in entertainment. can I get an amen???
  15. Don't ever go full retard...never full retard.
  16. Unless we're trading up for Trey Burke, and only Trey Burke, will I package Teague. Josh Smith....GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE.
  17. Don't get me wrong, I want this Andrew Wiggins kid as much as any other, but tanking= losers and we're done with being "Losers" as a franchise. With our new staff, losing will not be acceptable. If you're building your team like San Antonio, you add winners and a couple "tough guys" and keep on improving. Say no to Tanking!
  18. No more Josh Smith please. Pekovic(sp)? Jefferson?
  19. More like: How much longer will ATLANTA as a SPORTS TOWN in general have bad luck? I want a championship of some sort god damnit, it's depressing. All the way down to my Yellow Jackets bball team losing the 2004 NCAA Championship to even the Atlanta Dream's 2 Finals losses, when it comes to postseason sports, we OOZE bad luck. That being said, I think the Falcons are a vagina hair (too raunchy? sorry.) away from a Super Bowl and I honestly think our Hawks are going in the right direction finally.
  20. Once I saw Doc wanted to go to the Clippers I immediately thought this. Like many though, I don't see the L.A. teams swapping stars like this, both not wanting to take the risk to look back at this move as the Lakers demise and the Clippers rise in L.A. or vice versa...On another note it DOES work for both squads. Lakers get younger and Clippers are immediately a Championship favorite.
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