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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. I guess he's gonna bash John Stockton next lol
  2. That's sum good execution Thankfully there isn't a CERTAIN player on the team that messes up the flow of the offense
  3. Dennis SMH Man I have no words for how awful he looked. WOW If u think we're trading Jeff u better wake up from whatever dream ur having and slap the hell outta urself
  4. Jeff has no competition right now Cuz Dennis can't shoot WORTH A DAMN!!!
  5. Man chill out there is nothing wrong with Dennis
  6. It's almost as frustrating as when we had Boris Diaw and whenever someone would pass it to him he would NEVER SHOOT THE BALL lol
  7. I'm trying not to have nightmares from those jab steps tho lol
  8. Ok I jumped to conclusions to fast. My mistake But Al's jab steps have been driving me crazy lol U could. I don't remember him doing anything
  9. How ironic we lost in Den last year cuz Zaza messed up a layup smh
  10. Al Mack Carroll Take ur damn pick
  11. I don't know what's wrong with u but u are getting on my last nerves with jab steps, the mistakes in crunch time, and the missed layup!!! Sap>>>>AL
  12. Dennis the Menace II Society All he needs is the O-Dog Gangsta twists. With that hairline he would look really weird tho lol
  13. Using BMI for athletes???? LMAO Do they even know the flaws of using BMI
  14. I said last season anybody who is a fan of Josh is NOT a fan of the Hawks and I was bashed lol I was telling the truth. Anybody who wants him on this team does NOT want the Hawks to succeed
  15. U mean his help defense??? Cuz his 1 on 1 defense was always mediocre
  16. Man lmao this is just too good to be true!!!!
  17. I'm so glad none of u are the GM of this team
  18. Not quite ready??? He just has to gain experience and what better way to get experience than to play him??? We're fine with Shredder backing him up. I don't know what yall are talking about. Not even patient enough to see how he develops smh
  19. LOL u must not know a few years ago an anonymous player said about ATL that players love to party there but never think to play there I wish I could find it
  20. But the Rockets are a place FA wanna go to (ie. Howard) No one wants to come to the Hawks so to get a future superstar we HAVE to get him thru the draft. There is NO other choice
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