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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. I don't think so but there's a 1st time for everything
  2. LMAOOOO I'm sooo glad we got rid of that virus All of that is very familiar Jaybird
  3. There are no words to express how much I don't give a shit about this
  4. We better not finish in the middle smh. And since we don't have a chance to do anything in the playoffs I hope this team is absolutely horrible becuz the draft is deep. We need to snag a franchise changing player there
  5. Agreed We don't know what this team can do. Stop being a homer
  6. Meh I don't really care at all Im ready for preseason to be over. Players don't care about the preseason and neither do I
  7. I saw that shannon sharpe impression too lol
  8. Who woulda thought the Hawks would be Atlanta's only hope Wow lol
  9. Yes this is what Im looking for Will Scott fulfill his role of becoming the next Marvin Williams by providing laughter for us with his ability to constantly get rejected. We can only hope lol
  10. Yea that's the 1st thing I thought about Lebron has some competition lol
  11. A forehead implant LMAO He's looking like Robocop
  12. So I'm watching the video about how the rooks are feeling about their 1st game and I noticed something Look man I like Dennis a lot but when that video started and I saw that hairline I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING lol. Man Dennis wow haha http://www.nba.com/hawks/video/2013/10/07/ROOKIESTALK1STGAMEmov-2612946/
  13. Usually back problems don't go away
  14. Yea I love hearing about Defense too becuz when u have no Superstars on ur team the way to get to the top is to play Superior defense and become a team thats a defensive juggernaut
  15. Congrats Jeff u don't have to deal with that Nut case Josh anymore lol
  16. Sorry, I respect him and players in his era but his era was not full of athletic monsters who played above the rim + the guy was 6'9 205 pounds. Think about how that would work today No u can't make an argument for him being the GOAT
  17. I can't wait to see Milsap in action
  18. At least he wasn't caught with Hookers whew
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