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Everything posted by DS17Fanboy

  1. I agree largely, but this: Is what MDMA does to most people who use is for recreation. Its party hardy, and the next day the body is zombiefied. All hormones that cause the feeling of happines are spend in one rush. The next day the body is spend completely. I've been around allot such people as in the vids and seen healthy young men die because of taking to much MDMA. In any case its severely straining the body and a person who has a shot at an NBA career should be as far away as possible from that drug. I'd be so openminded to somewhat understand cocaine, but not this dreck.
  2. So I did a google search to see how Dennis spends his time these gay ass basketball-less months. Is he really working hard on his shot etc? Its said he does allot of work with Kyle Korver right now after he spend some time home involved in an instagram war with soccer player Jerome Boateng(who's older brother I played allot with in the park, way back). And it seems he pwnd dunking Jerome Boateng easily. http://www.rp-online.de/sport/us-sport/nba/dennis-Schröder-trifft-von-ueberall-aid-1.5258050 In other vids he shows halfcourt shots and the like. Not much value to my original question, but he does seem more bulky. Im really excited to see him play in the comming European Championship. In any case, he does know how to sell himself to the young audiance out there. There is also value in that these days.
  3. He often seems slow for a guy his size. Also his mainstay, shooting, is slow on the release. I think he's pretty high IQ and tries defending, but he's nothing special really. Plenty of basketball-educated tall people who can make an open 3 now and then. Mike Scott at least has a big body and doesnt shy down from hitting 3's in peoples faces.
  4. Im kind of the same way having huge ham's naturally but further developed playing soccer. Laugh all you want, but those ham's have a long history of making GF's happy hitting all those hard to reach angles continually.
  5. That first step though getting him all these steals...but after that its all straight-line-drives.
  6. The average human's wingspan is about the same as his height. Usualy a few inches wider though, but not much. NBA player wingspans are freak wingspans. Playing the sport itself allot do cause longer arms, muscles, fingers etc, but there are also lots of excercises to really get where NBA athletes are.
  7. I think Holiday is here to keep a fire lit under Hardaway. And if Hardaway fails, maybe develop him more. I would not be to excited about any of these guys, playoff-elite level wise. Also, I think of Thabo as a versatile defender, but not really when it comes to taking on Lebron one-on-one.
  8. IDK. I dont think they ever ran much for DMC. When I think of DMC scoring baskets, I think of offensive rebounds and other hustle action resulting in easy baskets here and there, and mostly getting uninspired passes around the perimeter and having defenders on him not believing he just made that shot. He had a great season. I dont think he will be worth the money for Toronto. I think though he did optimal for we did with him. Maybe Millsap gets more action ala DMC, but then again, he already plays hard to his physical limits very often it seems. I really think we need another real option on the SF spot.
  9. Last year someone posted a link to Lamar Patterson's own website. At least this guy is Big Dog's son for what its worth.
  10. I understand perefectly well English, although Im shaky using it myself. He doesnt like Nowitzki that much and uses false arguments why not to persue him or the other two more young and better paid mavs. Hawks have about 3 million in cap-space right now, Nowitzki makes 8 million, Parsons 15, Matthews 13. All these guys are possible when you also consider Mack and Scott making close to 6 combined. Then im more lamenting than suggesting, since these mini-moves like signing Holiday indicate the course Bud is taking. Im just saying that instead of signing Days and Holidays they'd better be more ambitious and sign cheap fillers when your done getting a real upgrade.
  11. Overal I like what Bud is doing, but we are imo close enough to take some risks and try and take it all. I think Bud though is to much in love with basketball nerdism and the long haul. Now we have Horford and Teague and Dennis together. Now is the time to get us over the hump imo. Plenty of longhauling can be done next year, and a few slightly overpaying contracts are not the worst seeing the capspace increases.
  12. Well, signing guys like Holiday and Daye doesnt help regarding capspace. "Kleinvieh macht auch Mist"(smaller cattle also add manure) as they say in Germany. And other than that a Scott and Mack are redundant if you ask me. We need to have a little more faith in Dennis and Moose and in return could land some overpaid guy who already proved themselves on a position whe need upgraded, SG/SF or 6th man own shot creator Dirk. It helps to be creative, ambitous, and trustfull...
  13. To much trying to be young and cheap for my taste. Hawks last year showed they can go far. If they had not rested so many players they could have the best record in the league. They did not go over the hump against/because Lebron and because of having to little versatility(ala GS). Thats something that can be worked on. I like the Splitter and Hardaway moves. Not sure why Holiday should get in the mix. Hawks are better of going after Chandler, or probing the waters to see if Dallas tanks and go after Dirk, Parsons, or Matthews.
  14. Not Kareem, Hakeem. Oh well F Houston too.
  15. Ah well, a sportsfan always needs villain team. I have to much respect for Kareem & Co to ever really hate Houston like for really real. I got the Hawks anyway!:)
  16. If Jordan doesnt sign the mavs will become unwatchable for me for at least half a decade. Not so much just because of Jordan, but also Matthews will then likely not sign, Parsons will opt out when he can, Dirk will end his career and Carlysle will go because of not wanting to be a rebuilding coach. I hope this is all just LA press fanfares, with Doc and the Jordashians wanting to stay in LA at the helm and that Jordan just agreed to a meeting out of a mix of stupidity and kindness. If not, I wouldnt even want a character like that, knowing what so many people put their dicks out for him and how it would crash the franchise.
  17. And imagine Scott comming of the bench as a SF along with Moose and Splitter. Good luck running the court.
  18. Moose has allot more potential. He has gotten to little burn in the regular season to set a fire under him and develop his potential and self-esteem. Scott has gotten all the opportunities. We've seen what he is. He's great on some nights. Pretty useless on most.
  19. Be not afraid. I already set a flame to the bandwagon I created and no one decided to jump on. We already have Hardaway(which I didnt think about) as a poor man's version and the trade-off in loosing Splitter is not worth it, at all. However it was not only the game in the paint that made us loose and generally play dodgy series, but also that the regular season Hawks game of swinging passes around wasnt very effective in the playoffs, or rather wasnt allowed in the playoffs. Teams where able to anticipate our game. IMO we where also to one dimensional on offense, where we got stuck trying to pass the ball around and not coming up with anything. We also need some guys who can create their own shots. Not only to make those when needed, but also to create more triplle threath situations so that our passing game can actually be more effective. I think thats why Bud wanted Hardaway. Im excited to see if he delivers. Surely there is some healthy trust and a role for him. That makes me confident that he will do his best to deliver.
  20. Whenever I feel unhappy about things I watch funny dogs & cats and awesome DS17 videos.
  21. Its hard to leave Gran Canaria. Let me tell you, while Im melting away in my lower-rhine river heatwave at 40° celsius and this thick wet air. The Canaries prolly have the best climate in the world, rarely below 20°, rarely above 30°, all year around. Still, get to Atlanta fast, so we can trade Splitter for Jamal Crawford.
  22. Well the dude is one of NBA's most prolific rebounders and rim-protectors...ever... I sometimes feel people hate/downplay hyped players from hyped contending teams a little to much. Like lots of people would say similar things of Paul and Griffin. Now what if he could actually add a bit of a good offensive game? Also I think he's the perfect guy for disguising Dirk's growing liabilities on D, and while at it also having some production himself. + he's from Houston(f them), and Matthews from San Antonio btw. Also I think ATM also Parsons and Matthews are overpaid, but for one thats the name of the game these days, and secondly the mavs are trying hard last years to build a contending team each year as long as Dirk is still around. Im just a happy camper they try hard the next couple of years. If they dont do these things the Mavs are a trainwreck. They have traded away all their future assets for years. They have no other option really than free agency, and that being said I think tanking is way overrated.
  23. One word: Holger Geschwinder. Well, let me have hopes... And he actually was pretty good when Blake was out. IMO he showed he can be a Dwight Howard. Mavs dont have a prolific scrorer anymore, but lots of 3 point shooting and floor stretching that would benefit a Jordan offensively. In any case, these signings(Matthews as well) make me excited to have my Mavs in the mix for the remainder of Dirks career. They considered tank-mode if they didnt have landed Jordan. Its really amazing to have two teams to root for east and west.
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