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Everything posted by DS17Fanboy

  1. Lemme reap this occasion and slip in my favorite black-activist from today, who really needs more followership.
  2. He was killed exactly because he fought the real battles and not this pc bullshit served around DC thinktanks and pressuregroups between lunch. He understood for intance that the primary battle at the time he was killed was the economic one and where he included every race. U have to trie and take a completely different pov from the american on this german matter. It would litterally be like these pc groups and DC banning the word "blacks" and "afro-american"over the next few weeks on. Because that is literally what happened in Germany. You get all sorts of confusing situations, people slipping their tongue, children not knowing no better, elderly never knowing no better. And foremost people like Dennis who suddenly should feel offended and understandibly when considering the pov of a child and the limited social-construct he grows up in. So in essence, prolly half the times young Dennis felt really bad was because of these pc stinkers.
  3. You completely misunderstood me and misunderstand MLK. Which I understand since MLK is falsly misrepresented and milked 24/7 in US media, govt, NGO's etc. MLK would never just invent stirr ups. Which is not the case with german word "neger", which always was the word for "negroe" and never had a bad connotation untill idiot do-good people gave it one. So now even old granny giving Dennis some candy using that word is a bad experience for a child. MLK's of this world actually had the intelligence to understand whats what and didnt fight smokescreen battles for attentionwhoring and funding and in the end just turn everyone against each other.
  4. After listening to the pod-cast the n-word thing stood out for some explenation. We dont really have the n-word. We do have the word "neger" which translates directly to the english word negroe. It was since ever just a common word to describe blacks, but after some pc-campaigning in the 80's it slowly has become our n-word. In holland the word "neger" is still in common use and no one ever really cared untill recently as the pc-culture is growing rapidly everywhere and takes notes from other countries in this globalized world. Im sure Dennis has been confronted with that word in a negative context multiple times, but I also know many instances where blacks freaked out because for instance an elderly women gave candy and called the kid "neger". She just doesnt know better. The PC brigades just cause damage where before there was none and I think it makes the issue worse since for instance Dennis been in bad situations with that use of the word but also good or neutral situations become bad and stand out as such when a simple word is used that just got a new negative connotation with many good people just not being hip to it. The issues are many but not these stupid labels. I've seen videos where black activists thought the word blacks is racist. People like MLK would roll in their graves seeing what these new movements have become.
  5. It really depends where you live. In many small town rural areas its just like this everywhere. But its waning because also those areas see an influx from other cultures. So the ignorance decreases, but actual racism increases due to such small towns loosing their inclusive culture in front of their own eyes and many not liking it. Which I understand since crime does increase and social cohesion decreases. Let a a big city be a big city but let these small towns be what they are. Im against this globalist mono-culture and dont like seeing these many regional and national cultures decrease. All in all its a complicated topic. Im originally from Berlin Kreuzberg(a neighberhood with some 100k Turks and equally many other people with migration backgrounds). Im also half Gypsy from my mothers side and lived in 2 black/maroccan/turk/chav neigberhoods in Rotterdam and Nijmegen, Holland. All my friends in Holland where "foreighners", also because the Dutch back in the 80's/90's still hated the Germans for ww2, so naturally I allied myself with blacks etc. The anti-German hatewas popularized trough football matches, media etc. In the meantime special tv programs where aired for school-children to popularize Germany as Germany just grew completely integral to the Dutch economy. But in my days as a small kid there I went trough some srs shit. I grew up in a single-mom poor household and I had to completely stick up for myself and police never cared as much as they care for "real racism" againt people of colour. But I got the namecalling("mof" the n-word for Germans), constant fights outnumbered and with larger kids resulting in broken arm, nose, jaw black eye, kicking my dog, spraying a swastika on our door, fire-crackers in the mail, etc, and even a school-director once made me fall by lifting up his foot when I ran by(he was a kid in the "hungerwinter" after ww2). So everywhere I got this. It wasnt just stupid small kids, but also authorities like school director, media and police. It really roughened me up in good and bad ways. I take it for what it was. Life isnt all cookies and cream and also Dennis's experiences must have shaped him in positive ways seeing how and where he is today. I traveled allot(+ 7 years, railway contruction europe wide)and know many countries. All in all Germany is a cakewalk for other cultures compared to other countries. This is the most PC country perhaps and I noticed Germans dont really have a chav-culture among whites. Even poor white germans are pretty civilized and laid-back compared to the Dutch, English etc. I actually know a zillion "foreighners" feeling just like me but then again also know a zillion who hate Germany for various mostly idiotic reasons, or turks who hate blacks etc. Everyone does it, everyone can fall victim to it, even me, the blond blue eyed german kid in the wrong place and the wrong time. But I got trough it and in the end did more damage than was done to me and today feel like I did my part in the Dutch-German situation being allot better.
  6. Or perhaps this being a better example this actually should be the german rickroll by now
  7. See it as the wannabe cool version of "being a muslim" german style, instead of the conservative imams version and instead of the wannabe cool afro-american version which actually does involve ufo's, jakub cloning white people, funny hats and other stuff alien to euro muslims. Cool Muslim German style go clubbing and have tatoos walking around like jersey shore.
  8. oh and btw Dennis already stated...
  9. If I was ATL I'd go build around Dennis. I could see Dennis playing here for a decade. The top Euro players that have sway in where they play are extremely loyal to their teams. Dirk...Pau Gasol only went for Chicago after the LA rebuilt and CHI looking good on paper, all while in the Euro mindset CHI is like a b-ball Mekka club that you seak out like a pilgrim when you can as a sportsman(you see this all the time in soccer where guys can earn millions more in some obscure oligarch club in eastern europe but rather play each week in a legendary stadium wearing those colours and still get rich), Marc Gasol...Olajuwon...Kukoc... Dennis is made from Bud and Bud wants his system PG. I certainly would like to see him start here for many years and see him make history in ATL. A title would really mean something here. And ofc this is a cool board with cool people. Im looking at you to hotlanta.
  10. english is actually my third language after german and dutch. actually all of those are germanic languages with english being specially tailored for the retarded but ambitious island monkies. also dont call me a bitch, i just broke my arm last week doing b-ball heroics(which readily explains the lack of capital letters). im quite the stud actually. you hear that jaybird? i digg motherly types...
  11. im more worried about family issues because of loosing money, not his lifestyle. dennis has a steady gf from before he made it(and no german girl can expect that he actually becomes a millionaire playing a childrensgame without his feet touching the ball, so its hard to ditch such a girl - from now on you will always doubt motives) and hes also a converted muslim. not one of these trendy american black muslims with ufo's and B.C laboratories cloning whites, but the branch that takes booze and sex srsly. loosing money on such late night businesses goes fast and requires allot of work, which needs people who you can trust and who know what they do and dont get ripped of by all the shady people in that business. so family...
  12. DS17 becoming finals MVP and holding up the price.
  13. way to lose lotsa money but keep family entourage occupied with something. hope it doesnt cause family fallout. but then again, if he becomes the next mj23 it might work.
  14. conley>irving>rondo imo. not having an outside shot at all is even worse for the team, which allen, pierce, even garnett didnt turn in to an issue so much at boston irving for conley would make sense for both teams. conley doesnt have much to work with to get memphis over the hump and that team needs allot more offense. wouldnt take them over the hump either but you can try.
  15. most losses where tight games. last season was also many tight games but we managed to win most in the end. quality wise we are way better than 8. we just need to be smarter and more focused
  16. I also brought up Tyson Chandler twice. I think in the off-season he would have gladly joined a 60 win team in the east to truly chase another ring and in this stage of his career and the damage done to his body he wouldnt mind a more limited role and a little less pay. He would have meant the world in a CLE series and could add another dimension to the Hawks system. I think he could be had with Sap and Al staying. After 60 wins seasons you have to make a push forward no matter what.
  17. I think Dirk could have muscled up easily, but he would turn into another Birdman or what have you and not this fast finesse 7 foot shooter who stays healthy season after season. He truly stated that he wanted to become this way and worked his way there and decided to not be a banger. He owned all that US talent(Chris Webber, Rashard Lewis)in the hoops summit in his younger years. And really his D is failing eyetests because it is always so obvious with him, but analytics wise he actually was one of the better defenders in league for many years. http://www.nba.com/hoop/lowpost/dirk_nowitzki_is__great_defen_2011_05_10.html "Dirk Nowitzki is a great defender. Dirk Nowitzki is a great defender. REPEAT AFTER ME: Dirk Nowitzki is a great defender. It gets a little tiring listen to people--like the experts on "Inside The NBA" ("Only God's an expert, Ernie")--criticize opposing power forwards for seeing their offensive game go south against Dirk, saying they shouldn't be struggling because Nowitzki is a lousy defender. It's just not true. Hasn't been true for years now. Granted, when he was a skinny youngster, you could push young Dirk around in the post. But he's a seasoned, smart veteran who is one of the best defensive communicators in basketball. Not only that, the 32-year-old Dallas Maverick has become one of the best defensive power forwards in the game, however you want to measure it. He slowed down LaMarcus Aldridge in the first round. He stifled the Laker power forwards--Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom--in Round 2. He made his team's defense 2.8 points per 48 minutes better in 2010-11 in Regularized Adjusted Plus-Minus. He's ranks second this season among power forwards only to Kevin Garnett in defensive Victory Value, when you combine defensive RAPM with minutes played. And it's not just because he's playing alongside All-Defensive center Tyson Chandler this year. In the last four seasons, Dirk maintains the same 2.8 defensive RAPM and ranks fourth among power forwards in defensive Victory Value--trailing only Odom, Kevin Garnett and Josh Smith--when you combine defensive RAPM with minutes played. Dirk is also ninth on the defensive win shares active list for players at any position. He's just an all-around stud." Srry to hear about that accident story.
  18. Thing is Dirk was 9-10 a game rebounder but made a conscious effort to reinvent his game towards the perimeter. Also as he said because he was feeling his bones and didnt want to bang as much. That cant be on Horfords mind right now(and I know it isnt). And for everyone stepping on the lame 6th all time scoring white shooter..which I'll admit is easy these days Man he looked like a teutonic demigod back in the day...
  19. In order to make an omelet you have to break some eggs. His and Teagues penetration game is as integral to the Hawks system as Korver's marathons and Al's PnR tripple treath is. These two are very good at it and are obliged to keep doing it. Yeah, at times it doesnt work out and then the armchair PG's from back in the probation days are gonna yell at them...
  20. I knew I was on to something with Philly on my Rick'Roll Troll last december.
  21. I also found the 2 Dennis subbing-out situations to have been momentum killers. Yes Dennis had 2 fouls in the first and was a tiny bit tierd in the second, but he would have managed it.
  22. Maybe thats because Dennis is leading the pack. None of those other bench-player stand out very much on their own. Yet Hawks bench scores opposing benches out night after night.
  23. I dont know about Teague, but I know about Baze...
  24. There is different types of "inconsistency" and a starting vet PG with the keys to the team handed to him should be held to a much higher standard when it comes to this. Thats the whole point of the argument.
  25. his overall numbers are down because he had a long party after signing last years deal with mil. who where anxious if he will ever show up again...middleton showed up after 20 or so games playing real shite before
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