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Everything posted by atlhawks1

  1. This IS a athletic team. Its WHO bud keeps playing that is questionable. I keep forgetting ( and his lack of playing time makes it easy to forget), how good moose is and how athletic he is when given playing time. Moose erases all my feelings toward trading anybody for another big man. Problem is, for some reason, the hawks value antics FAKE pumps from the 3 point line and non existent interior play, over moose's proven ability to be a more athletic piece that can be used in the paint........
  2. Alright. I already know the Hawks are not one of the teams they like to market and want to go to the nba finals, and this scheduling of their playoff games bolsters my thinking on it. TNT even opens its pregame montages with the Wizards FIRST. You would think a number one seed that won sixty games would get the promo first. Next, game one against the Wizards was played the day after the Hawks were extended in the Nets series. Washington was well rested and there are many who felt this gave them a advantage in the second half of that game. Next, John Wall injures his hand and is questionable for games 2 and 3. Game 2 is already scheduled, so there was nothing to do but keep Wall out of that game. Now, game 3 is being played saturday, a full FOUR days later!! Is the NBA trying to help the Wizards by giving Wall extra days off??? I know, people may think all this is a reach, but how is it that the Cavaliers series, AND the Clippers Series, will BOTH have played TWO games between the time the Hawks and Wizards tip off game 3, when the Hawks series started BEFORE both those series??? Something dont smell right and its coming from the league office which is hoping that they have a Cleveland/Washington or Chicago/Washington conference finals.
  3. Yeap, and even the talking heads on 92 the game said just today that millsap should be moved for a big like marc gasol. My suggestion was dwight howard. Keep hiding in the one dimensional offense that is the hawks. Jump shooting is NOT gonna win a nba championship. The spurs won because Duncan, who can play in the post, was surrounded with jump shooters. When Howard was with Orlando, the magic were feared because they surrounded Howard with jump shooters. Like Charles Barkley keeps saying over and over, its easier to make layups and dunks, over jump shooting. When the shots arent falling, the Hawks lose. Washington just destroyed the Hawks on the board also. People keep thinking we gonna win a championship without a post game. Chicago is the better team also because of their post play with Gasol and Noah. Its gonna be a Chicago vs Golden State ( bogut) final.........
  4. Stop, just stop. this is another veiled attempt to cover up the choke job that is the hawks. Its just like that " this was a good lost " thread.
  5. further confirmation that coach bud doesnt play the correct rotations. any team playing Antić the way he does, theres bound to be players that question it. the first move was getting rid of payne. then, not playing moose like he should. brand wants out of that garbage.
  6. im BACK to my original idea. trade horford and a pick for dwight howard. instant rim protector and inside option to balance our attack when the jumpers are not falling. dwight has shown the in this playoffs that if you feed him, he can produce........... pg teague sg korver sm carroll pf millsap c howard
  7. like i said earlier in this thread. NO lost in the playoffs is a good lost..........
  8. We have seen this numerous times. Its plain and simple. We are a jumpshooting team that needs some interior balance when the shots are not falling. Im gonna say it over and over, WHY didnt coach bud put Moose in the game? He wouldnt have stopped Lopez, but at the same time, he wouldve made lopez work harder on defense and enabled the Hawks to slide Horford over to the 4 so he could do damage, slide Millsap over to the 3 and the hot shooting Carroll slide over to the 2 and bench Korver.
  9. Man, maybe that line of thinking is WHY Atlanta hasnt had success as a sports city. This is the playoffs. You are the number 1 seed with 60 wins and have never been to the eastern conference finals, much less the nba finals. If they need any more motivation than that , then they dont deserve a championship run. Meanwhile, Golden State over in the West CRUSHING their 8 seed opponent, like a true championship caliber team will do.
  10. how is a PLAYOFF lost a good lost?????????? if joe johnson or deron williams find their jump shot, and you combine that with what lopez is doing, they can beat the hawks..........
  11. It will be the WORST flop in atlanta sports history. The hawks THOUGHT they had a hard time getting fans before this year to show up, flop against brooklyn or washington, and its a wrap. nothing short of bringing in superstars would bring the fans out next year........... I mean, it couldnt be easier than this year. Home court advantage against brooklyn and washington.
  12. what im talking about is making lopez work on the defensive end. he had to guard NOBODY today. he was fresh on offense. moose wouldve made him have to defend and move around, both offensively and defensively. i knew Antić was gonna be the kroy beirmann of the hawks, a scrub that the coach sinks the ship with........ teams are NOT rotating their centers out to the perimeter to defend Antić's 3 point shot because they know he isnt consistent with it. they rotate a forward over to guard him, giving their center a rest in the blocks......same thing every game....
  13. welp, i said all year, a jump shooting team with no go to big in the paint cannot win in the playoffs. WHY bud will not at least bring muscala in and let him try and go to work in the paint, i dont understand. lopez just abused horford and Antić in the paint. i wouldve went to a lineup where i had moose at the 5, slide horford over to the 4, and millsap the 3, carroll the 2 and teague at the 1. korver wasnt doing anything, so sliding carroll over to his spot wouldve been the right move also.
  14. why is muscala not in the game!!!!!!! bud gonna stay with Antić too long, man, get him out!!!
  15. Im not too keen to face the raptors myself. Their backcourt gives us problems. I would have rather faced Washington in the second round. I think Toronto beats them.
  16. but i understand party people's schedules, and thats who they were out with........
  17. I totally blame Thabo and Pero, and to be honest, as much as i love what he brings to the Hawks, i would not be disappointed in the Hawks trading him. They could package him and move up in the first round. I say this because im reflecting back to about 4 years ago. I went to a comedy show in Atlanta that started around 10:30 p.m. The Hawks had played earlier that night, and lost to I think it was Chicago. The club has a v.i.p. section. The emcee for the show was cracking jokes and happened to look over to the v.i.p. section, and guess who was sitting there...............Joe Johnson. The emcee lit him up. He said: " You just took a shower after the game and came right over didnt you?" " Yall lost, shouldnt you be somewhere working on your game?" " Highest paid player in the league. " " You can give everybody here $300." The crowd went hysterical laughing at Joe. The point was made. WINNERS dont do that. I dont care about " players having a personal life", its the perception you are giving fans and the front office. Sometimes, its not the perception, its the reality. How can you be thinking about being the best, if you out in the club at 4 in the morning, with a game to play that SAME DAY???? I say let Thabo go and Pero wouldnt be far behind. The ONE thing that i can say about this current Hawks regime is that they are professional, and they have the Hawks playing like a committed college team that LOVES THE GAME. We dont need more Joe Johnsons. Highly paid players who disappear when championships are on the line........
  18. This a hard one for me. If the Nets dont make the playoffs, we can switch up with them and get their lottery pick. This would mean facing Indiana in the first round, instead of the Nets. I know we can beat the Pacers, but it will not be as easy as facing the Nets in the first round. Opinions on this situation.........
  19. And the crown jewel, we are seeing how Horford can DOMINATE at the 4 because Muscala is allowing him to move over there. Man, we are deep.
  20. I have to admit, i was wrong about Moose. I was wrong thinking the Hawks needed to trade Horford or sign another big before the trade deadline. I was wrong for suggesting the Hawks try and get Plumlee from the Nets. Funny how getting MINUTES has shown that this kid can play. Im liking what i see out of him. On offense, he can score from outside, has a inside game, and can pass the ball. He has a athletism i didnt know he had either, which was one reason i like Plumlee. On defense, he is quick enough to rotate off his man to give help. Mostly, im loving how he is enabling Horford to slide over to the 4 while Millsap is out. The Hawks have a versatility upfront that i didnt know exist. I admit, i was wrong. LOVING what i see out of Moose........ Imagine how its gonna be when Tavares gets here. The Hawks are soo deep its not funny.
  21. Thats the point i keep making. Teams are not playing around and attacking the rim. Horford has never been a big time defender at the rim. Sap is too small. Pero, polease, might as well but a statue down low. Muscola? Nope. Brand? Too old and defense never really been his forte. They need Tavares to get whipped into shape asap.........
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