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Everything posted by atlhawks1

  1. we will be ok.......unless we play toronto in the playoffs. we can beat cleveland anywhere, anytime.......
  2. the silver lining is the coaching staff sees that walter tavares development is more important than they possibly thought. Its ok to play great team defense, but there is nothing like having a rim protector cleaning up for you in the paint......
  3. and we DONT have that number one seed locked up either. cleveland is 8 back now......... late edit. rechecked the standings. NO WAY cleveland catchs us..........we would have to go 3-9 the rest of the way for cleveland to tie us and 2-10 for them to clinch.........and thats with them winning out........
  4. Im not concerned about our defense on the perimeter. ( thats why i know we can still beat cleveland). my concern is when the ball gets into the paint area. Its true that when we collapse as a team into the paint, we WERE stopping teams. Im still seeing effort, so i still believe we need a big that can defend..........
  5. THATS the bottom line of this hawks team. I think not. The last month isnt a aberration. Remember, we lost that series against indiana last year ( albeit with a team still new to the system and without horford), when our shots stopped falling. Again, for the hundreth time, we need BALANCE. Teams are having strolls in the park and picnics in the paint against us. Walter taveres better pan out because this pero and muscala experiment isnt working. Al, as we all know, isnt a true center. Sap is undersized as a power. We can dream all we want about our spread offense taking us to the promise land, but the last month, now that teams have figured us out, shows otherwise. Now, they take us serious, and pound our middle and eat for free. We need a shot blocker and rebounder in the rotation. I can live with pero and muscala not being consistent shooters, my problem is their lack of presence on the defensive end of the court and the boards. You cant win games relying on your team shooting lights out every game. There comes a point where you HAVE to win a ugly game in the playoffs, and right now, i dont think we can do it..........
  6. no silver lining here. teams have found the hawks weakness. Pound the ball into the paint against them..........
  7. ive said this over and over. we NEED a rim protector. every game goes the same way: we have to stay in games with our jump shooting, while the other team just gets easy buckets in the paint on us. this cause us to collapse in the paint, and opens up THEIR jump shots. pero is playing good tonight, but like i said, horford needs more of a rim protector behind him or beside him in certain situations.
  8. loved the georgia state win today.........great win..........
  9. im more focusing on the 11 points per game and rebounds. pero brings NOTHING. the defense of pero is " he can stretch the floor". my question is: WHEN? now, as far as bogut, he is more a rim protector than horford.
  10. And in a 7 game series, if the hawks dont shoot light outs, the warriors would beat them. We got pero coming off the bench behind horford, while the warriors got marreese speights coming in scoring 11 points a game with almost 5 rebounds. pero is averaging 5 points and 2 boards........this love affair with pero might go down as THE single reason we dont win the chip this year, if that happens. too much pressure is put on our jump shooting. i know thats the way we are built, but we also see the results when the team goes cold shooting the ball. curry and thompson have the luxury of knowing that they have more balance and dont have to carry their teams because of it. they can gamble on defense out front more because bogut has them covered. we have to pack the lane and play tight man on ball defense, but if a guy gets into the lane, its always a score against us. ........walter tavares and or some help in the draft cant get here soon enough........
  11. i been saying pero got to go. its beginning to look like bud moved payne because its obvious that pero doesnt belong in the rotation. for all that bud has done good, that doesnt mean he doesnt have a "favorite". like i said before, pero is the hawks version of the falcons biermann. a guy who "supposedly" does a lot, but does NOTHING, and stays in the rotation regardless. there was one rebounding opportunity i saw yesterday where pero had the nuggets boxed out for a defensive rebound, and three or four nuggets kept volleyballing the ball to the rim trying to score while pero just stood there flat footed looking stupid......... he has got to go........
  12. AGAIN, i dont like the imbalance of the hawks. we are a PURE jumpshooting team. we have no rim protectors. if the shots dont fall, we get into trouble. pero has GOT to go next year. no ifs, ands, or buts. thats the start of correcting our imbalance. our bigs should be able to stretch the floor AND play in the paint when our shots are not falling......
  13. what bud is missing is this: THE SPURS HAVE CHAMPIONSHIPS. THE HAWKS HAVE PROVED NOTHING. you get chips, THEN you do these things. on cue, people are clowning the hawks. thats why espn and the networks dont fool with the hawks. BUD gave them a reason last night. nobody cares that he rested his starters, they looking for a reason to clown the hawks and bud gave them one.....ive heard more about this lost to philly, than the win over the cavaliers.....
  14. WHY would coach bud do this after the biggest win of the season? why throw away the very next game like this? i understand resting our starters, but you dont throw away this game like this, right after that game yesterday. you dont take nothing for granted. you crush your competition, not throw away games and give other teams confidence like that......... on a side note, even though the hawks play good on ball defense, the teams with quick guards still give them trouble. go into the playoffs against toronto and take THEM for granted and the hawks gonna be at home watching the rest of the playoffs.......
  15. either he is tired, got the big head because of the allstar selection, or been hanging around pero too much...........
  16. i never liked josh smith. he represents what a basketball purist hates, a athletic all about me player without fundamentals or a team concept.......( carmelo anthony is another)..
  17. something about intangibles that pero brings............lmao
  18. the league and networks can change what gets televised if they want to. they already did it with that atlanta vs detroit game. they wanna continue to market PLAYERS, not teams......thats how the nba has always been.....
  19. exactly what i said. brand does more in ONE possession than pero does the whole game.......
  20. not a knock against elton brand, but its bad when he is your best 5 coming off the bench............
  21. but was he better than payne?? and to be honest, brand has looked better when given the opportunity. pero sucks big time.......
  22. somebody PLEASE tell me WHAT is it that Antić is doing that made the hawks feel like they didnt need payne. please, somebody, tell me SOMETHING......lmao.........this is ridiculous.........
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