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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. Your right...About Tomlinson things get pretty thin for the Chargers...He lead the team in catches/Receiving yards/ rushing yards/rushing TD"s and just about everything else. lol
  2. Is it true that Josh Smith lost a dunk contest to a girl? That's pretty bad. But anyways, is Howard playing in the McDonalds championship tonight?
  3. I wonder if Nique is still pissed that Doc cut him in Orlando.... I don't think Willis is going to retire next year as I read something about him not retiring for atleast a couple more seasons. I doubt Stotts would want to take a down graded to assisant coach though.
  4. Where do you start? I honestly feel Atlanta will not be a sucessful franchise here in Atlanta. That's the biggest hurdle of them all. My feeling is the franchise can't wait for a year project like Kwame Brown. They have new owners and drafting somebody that is most likely far away from being good isn't a way to build on momentum. It seems like Okafore is the best guy to draft besides the fact that he has back problems which doesn't bother me until it gets more serious with things like stress fractures. My feeling is there isn't much hope in this draft. Howard doesn't bring the nationwide attention that Bron did last year so expecting a increased fanbase with him is not likely. To start with that I'd have to look at the lists of the FA's upcoming years and such. The best way to start the team is with someone more proven. It's hard to get something going with a bunch of unprovens like the Bulls team. Depending on how bad Okafors back is I think you start by drafting him. I haven't said one good thing about the Hawks the last 5 years...Is it really that hard to see why that is?
  5. That's a huge part of it. When I was 10-18 years old I always thought the team was going to win the title. But the repeated failures. After the Hawks got squashed by the Knicks that was the end of my positive thinking til this team proves it's self.
  6. I hope the Titans don't go for a DE in the first round because Carlos Hall is actually pretty good and has played alot the last two years. People make a big deal out of Kearse....But he hasn't been that good since his first two seasons and he was not in the lineup alot anyway.
  7. well if we can get a player as good as the 6th best player in hotlanta1981's opinion, then it'll be a successful draft " I'll say this...Being proved wrong is MUCH better than going on hype before it is proven and being let down.
  8. The reason I say Webber is overrated is because his athletic ability is leaving him and his inside game seems to have dissappeared and now he's just a jump shooter. The Kings play well when he's out for the most part. If he was on a team he had to carry you'd see his more flawed than he looks with Sac Town.
  9. I'd take the following players over Webber Dirk Nowitiski Tim DUncan Kevin Garnett Amare Stoudamire Jermaine O'Neal I'd take those guys over Webber to be sure. Elton Brand isn't too far off that list.
  10. The Falcons need an good offensive linemen in the worst way and Tennesee needs a DE or CB. I'm sick of the overrated Samri Rolle. Hasn't been worth a crap since the SB year.
  11. How many rings does Webber have? None ANd quite frankly, all his stats aside...He's a chicken shyt.
  12. Last time I looked(can't remember who it was againest) the arena was still as empty as ever so I don't see where you get there is a already increased attendence. Second, you guys have made Howard out to be some sort of savior when he's never played in important games on a high level. But either way, with him it's going to be atleast 4 years before you can hope for sucess from him most likely. That's including the Hawks have no core. Stephen Jackson is NOT a core player. He's a role player posting stats in unimportant games in a pickup game style offense. Even then his 41.7% fg is far from impressive. It doesn't take much to shoot 41% There is such a long way to go and getting(most likely) a project sure isn't going to help sorten it.
  13. Well, first of all, you don't speak for the people of Atlanta. Jason Collier played at Georgia Tech., and he already has quite a fan following at the games. Last night, he fouled out, but he received a standing ovation from the crowd, and when he goes into the game, there are a lot of cheers for him. Atlanta fans know about Dwight Howard, and if he is selected by Atlanta," When the Hawks are drawing 18,000 a night you let me know. 10 fans cheering for one scrub proves nothing. "The Hawks are getting more fans at the games lately simply because they hustle on the court now whereas they went through the motions before the trade." Damn 5 more fans! They are really building up now=) "Secondly, you really shouldn't be making stupid comments about players you haven't seen play. Dwight Howard doesn't even resemble Chris Webber in body type. There games are nowhere similar. Dwight Howard is more of a mix of Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan/" No you just didn't get my point. Did I say anything about body types? I said from what I hear he sounds like another Webber in that he will not come through when needed. That isn't compairing them as players overall. I don't like him because he seems like he'll me the type that tries to force people to believe his stupid faith.
  14. Besies it about how it takes to develop and and such. And is the guy a Chris Webber? Soft when the game is on the line. All the hometown stuff is a bunch of meaningless crud. Nobody cares what place you are from. Howard can't fill up the seats because the people in Atlanta don't care if he's local or not. It makes no difference.
  15. Was their a player named Korlene Young that came out ofhigh school? Didn't Dermarr only play one year? Wagner only played like one year also. Chandler doesn't have a offesive game even when healthy...How about Q Woods? "Kwame Brown is also starting to come around. His game is improving nightly, and next season could be his breakout season. " We'll see. Anybody that cries like a baby like Kwame did is a wimp. The thing that continues to stick out in my mind is reading that he is unagressive at times. Those kind of players have a tough time coming through when needed the most.
  16. The best three players in the NBA right now, Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, and Tracy McGrady, were all high school kids drafted." Two out of the three have won nothing of importance. Also, it's easy to look at it that way and ignore Eddy Curry and Chandler and Kwame Brown.
  17. I said Troy Murphy( who was also a mid first rounder?) because Murphy is a solid 14/11 guy when healthy...That's what this guy will probably be.
  18. The reason shooting, assist and everything else is down in the NBA is because every GM in the league built a team around defense to match up with the Pistons and then the Bulls. So the the days of the gunner died and every player in America at the college level started focusing on Defense compare the half court and transition defense of yesterday to today its obvious that D is up. But then again these are just the words of another "track star" WRONG. If it was defense most players would still be able to hit open shots and most can't do it. Its very clear that skills at the PG spot has declined. Not to mention teams run really simple offenses and of course that becomes easy to defend. Expansion has also hurt the league. But make no mistake...Players don't shoot very well these days. Don't talk defense because Peja can shoot shoot 49% and average 25PPG. You can watch a guy like Peja and watch a guy like Paul Pierce and see the difference. Defense didn't stop Wesley Person from shooting a high percentage....It doesn't stop Ray Allen.
  19. I like Humphries, in the games I have seen him play and in everything I have read about him, he's a double double every night. He's Reef with Defense." Probably closer to a Troy Murphy or Googs(In his prime)but that sure isn't bad with a mid first rounder. NOT a lotto pick though.
  20. Lakers and Memphis seems to be the only teams playing all that well right now. Dallas isnt..Both the Wolves and Kings have been struggling for awhile now....The only decent teams in the east is Indiana and Detroit.
  21. That heat/mavs game was pretty good tonight. The Mavs really don't have much to offer in the playoffs I don't think. If they met Memphis in the playoffs the Grizzlies will clean there clot for them. The Mavs have struggle since the Hawks beat them right before the break. Perhaps the Hawks have cursed the Mavs.
  22. Opps! I didnt pay enough attention to the headline. I saw Oakfor and Howard(figuring they'll go 1 and 2) but I should have read the headline.
  23. I said that The Hawks traded Reef away for table scraps. Which means Memphis got Pau and Lo for two years of failures with Reef. Taking advange of Pete is nothing. And Reef doesn't look so great now buried behind players like Darius Miles. Yuck.
  24. I think they didn't even have Josh Smith on there did they? I've been bashing Howard on other boards because he's probably going to take a long time to develop and I've read that he's passive. That's not a good sign when you want to win a title. You get a Chris Webber that can't come up big when needed.
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