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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. The new billion dollar baby knows he is the undisputed Queen of Sheba. He's allowed to do what he wants to who he wants 24/7. All the while NBA refs shake with fear in their boots. Their job is to protect that superstar (billion dollar baby). Not so good for the actual game of basketball.
  2. Yeah, telling pic. Late to the paint.
  3. Ever seen or heard a comment by a Philly fan about any of their teams. Believe they are ahead of us in qualification for that title of worst ever. Atlanta sports radio has one of those emotionally twisted Philly fans that most people choose not to listen to. Kincade.
  4. Yeah I agree AU. Besides the blowout in Cleveland we were competitive and really close but couldn't score at the end of any of the games. About the rebounds from a previous post, yeah we won that battle in game one but with the Cavs shooting the way they did we had to have more offensive rebounds to improve our scoring. We sure didn't shut down their threes. Since we were not hitting threes well then a rebound and a two foot bucket would really have helped especially in the two close games in Atlanta. One rebound or one made shot would have won game four.
  5. Thomas


    Agreed. That and gaining second shots and diminishing the other team's by rebounding. Missing wide open shots in the last two minutes is such a stake in the heart though. It's painful. Need a BC powder about right now just thinking about those bricks.
  6. Thomas


    Agreed. In the middle of the season it didn't look like the Cavs would even be running smoothly much less scoring every which way possible with ease. Those rumors of impending implosion back then turned out to be wishful thinking by many. Me included.
  7. The Raptors and the Heat had their way with us this year. I'm confident your right on about their lack of fear (a lot of confidence) towards us. Toronto being without their center would have surely helped us but then if we did take them we would still have to face LeBron. He seems to be a brick wall for us. Jeepers.
  8. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or if it is a real question to Spud. Anyone who watched more than a few games of the Hawks this year saw Al playing softer than ever before. Even after his first pec injury he was in the paint more. I don't think we will see hime rebounding like he did before the injuries because it is probably always in the back of his mind that he could tear a pec again. Not saying he won't help us win games but I just don't see him mixing it up in the paint night in night out which would increase those rebounding numbers.
  9. D'Antoni should be running the UNLV Running Rebels scheme from yesteryear for some college team somewhere. Surprising his theme worked in the NBA at all. Helps he had a really unique PG in Nash in Phoenix. But scoring and no stopping can only get you so far. Surprised at this point a team is even remotely looking for him to run the show. But if anyone would show interest it would be Morey. Heck he even interviewed Kenny Smith though it was probably some kind of inside joke.
  10. Chad Ford is so very special, not so great in real time but brilliant way after the fact like AHF said. His are the mocks everyone loves to verbally abuse because it is so freaking easy.
  11. Yeah kg, with Phil and Hornacek I can't really figure out if it is the triangle, a hybrid or just fairly normal Xs and Os moving forward. Jeff has had one season of a nice string of winning games but they still didn't make the playoffs. Jeff is definitely not a Phil Jackson type of guy. One or the other is not going to be with the Knicks pretty soon I'm guessing. This makes our coaching situation look really good.
  12. Yeah I have been consistently surprised at how well the Heat's coach has adapted and won with so little experience wether he's had the big three, the damaged big one or even less than that at times these this past few seasons. I'm giving credit to him when I have never done that in the past.
  13. Since LeBron is todays version of what is wrong with the NBA in more than one way I love watching him not win the title every year possible. Hopefully he falls short again this year. He buys players to surround himself with and has the refs cater to him consistently. Makes anguished baby faces when he is called for a foul yet he is a bulldozer on offense with no reason for caution at all. Pretends he doesn't call the shots for who will be or who remains his team's coach. To top it off he is close to inking a one billion dollar deal with a shoe company. The rich keep getting richer wether it's right or wrong. Capitalism can be weird sometimes. And we thought it was bad with MJ in the past.
  14. Agreed. Hoping that Korver shows great coaching abilities with Hardaway in particular the three ball. He worked with DMC with good results. Maybe we have our future SG already. Hoping so, that way we could concentrate on that starting SF spot. Even if we do bring Baze back Bud likely wouldn't give him minutes at SG which is where he belongs anyway. Would be nice to have a SF with more size.
  15. I agree View. Hopefully he is injury free from now on because it was rough for him to put his three back together the whole year after surgery. Just hoping our guys come along with our coaching so we aren't depending on big minutes from Kyle. Really hoping Hardaway will earn consistent minutes by really improving that three he kept searching for this past season. Who knows what happens with FA swing players this summer. Just don't see us getting the upside on a trade involving Kyle by himself.
  16. Yeah Gonzo, getting swept has driven a good many us to the same bottom of the glass situation as last year I'm pretty sure. Take care.
  17. Could this possibly mean the triangle fades away?
  18. Yeah, praising their coaching is fine because they do have to deal with egos and chemistry but at the end of the day it's the same recipe for wins. LeBron and his salesmanship to other players which is the biggest part of the asset/talent brew of the Cavs is the bottom line. He's got lots of PR skills.
  19. Parity in the NBA went out the window with the out of control sponsorships. Seems like Nike and MJ took off like a rocket from where Converse and Reebok had been with the league. Now LeBron is in the news about possibly signing some deal worth one billion dollars with Nike. Refs are ever so aware of all of this. Who new tennis shoes would be such a huge part of our future three or four decades ago.
  20. That is a great and accurate post. Remembering David Stern saying "we protect our stars" and smiling like a total douchebag while saying it. Doesn't bode well for parity when the comish makes an insulting comment like that. Still we were close in three of four against the Cavs and in this case our offense was a much bigger problem than the refs. The immediate post season still bites though. LeBron is truly everyone's thorn in the side in the east.
  21. Yeah, I'm banking on our coaching staff fixing his perimeter shooting. With consistent minutes I believe he would find his way to the foul line a good bit. He at least has the courage to drive into the paint to score or draw a whistle. Here is for hoping so.
  22. Reminds me of the George Steinbrenner Yankees. He just kept writing massive checks till he got what he wanted over and over again. Oh well, all is fair in Love and the NBA. The NBA administration is not the definition of a purely good soul.
  23. Adams was considered physical but raw when coming out of college. What a serious transformation. Wow.
  24. Couldn't agree more. In general the history in the NBA of signing or trading for damaged goods is detrimental to the new team's chance of even a winning season, much less getting us over the hump that is the Cavs. While in Dallas he has played precious little while being paid a whole bunch.
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