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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. It's been mentioned in the past that KG's future is most likely in their FO. Sooner would be better than later since he really isn't averaging many minutes these days. An opportunity for us?
  2. Yeah View, Dieng really does like to rebound. A very sore spot for us. Anything to get us more shots and reduce the other team's opportunities.
  3. To invest so much salary towards a guy with a questionable back, team first issues and moody persona which I'm guessing is a locker room problem is a bit frightening. His reputation is suffering.
  4. Yeah his on court decision making is much better than that bad off court decision of the not too distant past. Just don't understand why he chose to date and marry someone who has had a sex tape online. Stick to grabbing rebounds off the glass.
  5. I stated what I believe is the serious improvement Sap needs to make for the upcoming season. His offense has improved since he's been here. Improving at closing out a game by scoring a clutch basket would make a big difference. I do want him on our team.
  6. I have been really guilty of not giving them due credit especially the way the Spurs handled things during the season.
  7. The difference in Sap now and Sap as the go to scorer is mostly converting two foot bunnies in the last one or two minutes of games. He has increased his scoring repertoire since we have had him. Need him to be more clutch which also would have given us the three seed.
  8. Hopefully Humph is more surprised than upset about it. He really showed up against the Cavs who always make our bigs look weak. Weird he's bounced around the past couple of years. After he signed that big contract with the Nets he ended being treated as a salary dump more than once. Seems pretty skilled all around and definitely likes to eat glass.
  9. Inept would be the wrong term for a team and franchise that has won over 100 games in two years. We haven't won a championship but we have been going in the right direction the last few years not the other way.
  10. Charles is employed by TNT to analyze games and players and that by itself is amazing. There is not enough salt you could take to accept his or the rest of that crew's views on basketball.
  11. Yeah, especially in the fourth quarter of games that are closely contested.
  12. Thomas


    To be honest I liked the way Dennis mixed it up a good bit with Isaiah Thomas in the first round against Boston. He's aggressive defensively and doesn't back down. Probably the only player that thinks he is obscene is DeMarcus Cousins. Last years grabbing some body parts event.
  13. Our coaches and our 3 and D guys seem to be in the same farm system for pay days elsewhere.
  14. Crazy is definitely right especially after the big time win they had in the first game. After that game I wasn't sure the Thunder would win more than one or even that.
  15. Thomas

    Hawks Cap Update

    How in the world can you not have a headache figuring this all out hawksfanatic? Great info and thanks for doing it.
  16. Yeah, Moose is really a D league level guy still. Doesn't seem like he works out or improves at anything. Would be really helpful on the glass if Humph knocks him off the roster. Humph might be the only reasonably priced vet signing we can get for next year.
  17. Being one of the last four teams last year and last eight teams this year left in the playoffs doesn't sound cursed. Swept we were but we competed a lot better these past two seasons than most years before in Atlanta. Nique didn't make it the ECF ever. If Bird was a major reason then, guess what, LeBron is the major reason now. We are very good which is not what we all want, we want more, a title. I believe we have the right coaching staff. Improving on the mistakes of Bud especially late in games and finding or rapidly developing a true finisher on the floor can move us up now. But cursed is an exaggeration. That would be the 76ers and others.
  18. The best rebounder on the planet and an all time great forward on the same Hawk's team would have been that dream come true feeling. Who was Russell traded for? Thanks for the Birthday wish.
  19. Great comment and a great question. Humph actually does rebound and does hit his jumpers. Pero set screens but didn't rebound or hit shots. Oh, except for the one legged three pointer, he had that down pat.
  20. @Thomas Happy Birthday. Thanks JayBird. It is a happy, happy day.
  21. Yeah, their is one poster that truly believes that.
  22. Game five against the Heat with the Raptors starting center out BeBe received a DNP. Guess we didn't trade away a future all star after all. Still pulling hard for Edy to get minutes on the court next year Block some shots..
  23. Agree the max money is crazy but a while back it was posted Al mentioned the fifth year is part of the equation.
  24. Thank you Gray Mule. Every Birthday has been great but I have to say six decades feels a good bit more special. I also like special occasion dinners with my wife, Angela. A good night ahead!
  25. I don't seem to remember Sojourner or Tom Henderson but definitely remember the others. Remember Carr yelling at Fratello on the bench "play me or trade me". So he got traded I believe the next year. When I watched Pippin use the glass so much I thought maybe he had studied John Drew a good bit. The on the court Drew, not the off the court one.
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