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Everything posted by Trout7

  1. Bud's teams will always suck at rebounding, he takes pride in being a weak rebounding team.
  2. Forget about this deal, the Hawks would never do a deal that involves common sense.
  3. You are correct. Ressler said on the radio " as long as we dont lose money." I heard him say it. It proves what i said all along. He and Grant hill are INVESTORS. They only care about the value of the team, not necessarily about winning championships. It's the "Georgia Way", it's the "Atlanta Way". Just accept it people, mediocrity is what management of sports teams in Atlanta consider success. They just tease the fans and get them all worked up hoping for something that is not possible with this kind of management in charge.
  4. Even if he played half as well for us as he does against us , i would take him. Funny side note. Early in his career when i heard them mention his name on radio, i actually thought they were calling him Lou Aldeng.
  5. People will be wishing for someone like him after the end of next season. You don't just part with a proven PG because he isn't Kyrie Irving. Hawks deals have been pathetic for years. I have lost all faith in this management.
  6. He is gonna school Dennis this year.
  7. He won't ever even equal the wins we had with Teague. Hawks fans always think there is magic in the unknown.
  8. Yeah, too many strip clubs in Atlanta.
  9. Baze 2.0 Football players are in the WRONG sport. The money is in baseball and basketball. In football, you are marginal, they cut you. In baseball and basketball, you can be marginal and you get paid and recycled and paid again. In football Bazemore and Barnes type players would barely make the roster.
  10. Lebron didn't allow JR Smith any shots in second half of game 4. I wish Lebron would play with this kind of stupidity against the Hawks, but no he is always all in every aspect against the Hawks. Lebron, your domination of the Hawks doesn't mean anything, or get you anywhere, ha, ha. It is funny, i am enjoying Lebron lose championships almost more than i enjoy my teams winning.
  11. Trout7

    DeMar DeRozan

    Wouldn't equal any more wins than Teague, probably about the same but Hawks fans always have fantasies about players no better than what we have, coming here and turning into saviors.
  12. You are right, we just need the right piece or 2, the things that really drag us down are players like Bazemore, he makes one three and then thinks he is Klay Thompson the rest of the game. I really like him but i think we would be better off moving on. We need more pure shooters.
  13. He probably will keep ruling the east for 3 or 4 years, but it is so sweet seeing him keep getting his ass kicked by the west.
  14. I bet whatever we get for Teague will suck. Atlanta sports team management never, ever make smart deals. We never add pieces like the smart teams do, we just subtract and think what were gonna add back is going to be some kind of magic. The fans think the same way here. I see no reason to move on from Teague, he is only 27.
  15. I am getting real excited about the 7 points per game Noel might bring us.
  16. It is amazing how much louder the other playoff teams home courts get than the Hawks.
  17. You are right about maintain a dribble, the Hawks have a couple starters that can't even dribble.
  18. If you bring in Deng, what about bringing back Ferry?
  19. Dwight is not going to rough anybody up, he is softer than Horford. You need to come up with someone other than Howard, he is a nut fondler.
  20. Paying Festus 17 million would probably be more than the "Gunsmoke" character made in the history of the show.
  21. I am of the belief that nothing good can ever come of having a Dwight Howard on your team.
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