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Posts posted by Wretch

  1. 2 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    This is not San Antonio's fault.. and honestly it's not the deal's fault either.   IT'S OUR FAULT.

    This is where we like to put on the Blinders.  When we made the move to get DJ... Every move after that should have been a move to make sure that we have the right pieces to compete.   

    We did the opposite.  OUR FAULT.

    We traded off players for Cap Space.  OUR FAULT.

    We traded away size for nothing.  OUR FAULT.

    We pick the wrong coaches.  OUR FAULT.

    Stop blaming the deal. 



    These are fair points, but it honestly feels like we're talking past each other here.  The "overpay" (for lack of a better word) and mismanagement you're drawing attention to have areas of overlap. 

  2. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Sometimes we forget the human side of trades.



    Too often, I think we forget the human side of the whole game. These aren't robots that have 100% predictable binary responses. They're not parts that you can just swap in and out. There is very much a mental aspect of this game that IMO affects things moreso than anything else. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, ABH said:

    Not the Trae of the past

    Trae is Trae. Regardless of whether people think he's 1A or 1B (and he is one of those), Trae is no different than any other star player in that he needs the right complimentary star and the right environment. Nobody does it alone. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    You're talking about this guy?  Who bumped a ref at the end of Game 4 vs Boston after he and the Hawks got no calls, and we went down 3 - 1?  He gets himself suspended and leaves the Hawks to be slaughtered in Game 5?

    That guy?



    But there was no slaughter.  In fact, the entire team played inspired basketball, led by the guy you want replaced.

    And when the game was to be decided on one play, he did this IN Boston . . .



    I like DJ.  I like his professional demeanor.  And I think the biggest issue with he and Trae playing together, is the frontcourt they're playing with.  I've pointed out that the problems they're facing, are the same ones that Lillard and CJ McCollum faced.

    But if given a choice . . . there really is no choice. 


    It's a reason why #11 is the box office in Atlanta.

    Even in the series where he got dominated by Miami, and when he was struggling mightily in this game, he pulls this off.



    People are always think that there's "this one weird trick" to building a contender.  It's the player or the coach or the defense or the offense...it's always one thing and everybody has their one thing they reach for.  Truth is, the game is very nuanced and there's a chemistry that makes it work.  It's the right combination of elite talent surrounded by supporting talent with the right philosophy on both ends of the court.  We have some really good parts in that.  They just don't fit together the right way.

    The front office has only compounded this issue.  Leaving the tank early, and switching GM's are the two that don't sit well with me.  The DJM trade was fine, but I was never comfortable with the overpay on those picks.  The 2025 pick is fair with the pick swap mostly fair.  There should have been lottery protections on that 2027 pick and I'm sure I said as much during the trade.  That's a straight up yikes for me and the way it's set up, keeps us from exploring our rebuilding options should we have to.

    I still think with some smart moves and the interest in the guys we have that this is salvageable one way or another.  Just no more reactionary bullsh!t.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Diesel said:

    According to the whispers... let's add up all the things we know..

    • Young players.
    • Klutch is mediating orchestrating.
    • Not a star.

    This paints a corner. I will be around next Sunday to see how it went.



    • Haha 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    I have been told DJm could be gone literally as soon as he is eligible to be traded. 

    I think Mikey and I are hearing the same things in terms of what to expect back in return. I'm not allowed to say anything more than that. Not sure if Mikey has the same restriction but if a source asks to keep something mum it stays that way. 

    I can just say expect him to be gone as early as he eligible to be traded. I also now know why DJM signed the extension. I won't share that until he is no longer a Hawk because it would be moot at that point as to why he signed it. 

    I hate sounding cryptic but I'm trying to let you guys and gal know what's going on without betraying sources confidence.

    Edit: young player PLUS picks is what I am expecting at this point. I also have been told the FO has went from buyers to sellers for several other players now. Only Trae and JJ are safe. This could be a real cleaning out the locker room and making way for rookies and young guys to play the rest of the season.

    Reading between the lines, everything is making sense now. All of it I think... 

    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    I'd rather him shoot it if no one else can make a play.

    Part of Atlanta's offensive struggles in the fourth quarter was that Trae Young didn't take a shot for the final 9:44 of the game. OKC was blitzing him aggressively and the rest of the Hawks didn't make them pay for it enough.


    You know why I'm here...


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  8. I'm just now getting around to watching the Wiz game.  I've been high on Jalen since his SL debut...but after watching this game and the growing synergy between him and Trae, I'm starting to REALLY believe.  My Spidey-sense goes off every time I see those two start off on the break together.

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  9. 3 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Pursuing Siakam remains the focus in Atlanta, leading many to suggest that Murray will not be going anywhere in the coming weeks.....

    The fact of the matter is the Hawks have had no plans of losing Murray and envision him being a factor in the team's growth alongside Young. 

    I know we are getting conflicting reports and whatnot...but I really want this to be true and I want it to turn out for the best.  It sucks watching one of my favorite Hawk teams slide into mediocrity and get pulled apart piece by piece. 😔

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  10. 6 hours ago, theheroatl said:

    Whatever trade that happens is going to come out of left field... It always does. I also do NOT think we trade for Siakam. That ship is sailed. We didn't anticipate getting Bey routed to us, we didn't anticipate OG going to the Knicks.

    I hope it's Hunter, Patty Mills, and Saddiq for Brandon Ingram




    • Haha 3
  11. I'm also on "team believe."

    There is nothing wrong with Trae and DJ.  JJ does look like a star in the making and if he is, then he's the answer to what people perceive is wrong with our offense.  I don't know if we can win the East, but the potential in JJ is a start.

    I would only add that if JJ isn't going to be that player, then we have to find him - and not turn down an opportunity to bring him in if it's on the table.

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