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Everything posted by DBac

  1. Alex Len sucks. Also think Toronto w/ Kawhi, Boston w/ health can compete with anyone in the west except Golden State.
  2. He hasn't prevented Phoenix from losing all these years and this is the best contract he could muster so don't worry.
  3. Len not a bad dice roll but he has not been good. Phoenix is on a really big run of failing to develop big men. Probably too many guards on the roster but I like Nwaba.
  4. I'll always appreciate him getting in all those Celtics fans heads.
  5. Just excited to see some chemistry develop between Prince Collins and Trae.
  6. Anyone else enjoying KB deal with generally liking the talent acquisitions that Travis makes while also hating the direction he's taken the team
  7. He just contributes to a fan site. He has no affect on what the franchise actually does.
  8. His best hope is that playing beside Westbrook inspires him to improve drastically like it did for Oladipo, because he's never been efficient even when the Hawks had good teams. He's not a good enough finisher around the rim and struggles to get to the free throw line. Mix that with average at best shooting and you have a guy who is just not efficient. Now mix that with poor playmaking ability, a bad attitude, and a lack of defense and you have a guy that should not be considered "really good." A really good backup perhaps.
  9. Another positive is that at least FO/Coaches will stop wasting time pretending that Dennis + Trae would've worked on the floor at the same time.
  10. Alright I’ve warmed up to the trade a bit. I just really hope OKC crawls into the playoffs in 4 years cus I don’t see any free agents coming to ATL anytime soon.
  11. I hope so, but I'd rather have the upside of more lax protections. How is Westbrook's hyper athletic game gonna look at age 33, etc
  12. Getting Dennis off the roster, clearing the cap space. Good Getting a fake first round pick way down the line is bleh (and I don't care for Justin Anderson). I'd be overjoyed even if it was just top 5 protected. "Had" might've been too reactionary.
  13. Lotto protected first four years down the line. Good god.. we've been had again.
  14. It depends on whether you buy into the lockerroom headache rumors or not.
  15. It'd be a pleasant surprise assuming Trae/Collins/Prince have a lot to do with it but 1. Not as many teams are tanking this year. Those 50/50 games that pro-tankers were stressing over are gonna be harder to come by. 2. Our improvement will have to be almost entirely internal: no additions besides rookies and Lin. 3. First year head coach.
  16. Instead we got a pick that is 5-7 years away from being a second.
  17. I like it, but that wasn't a Schlenk move.
  18. Again, it's not about trading for a PG. Our goal this offseason was supposed to be taking on bad salary for assets and here we have taken on bad salary for nothing. Only decent trade that Schlenk has made was for HOU 1st round pick tbh. Unfortunate that they turned out to be the best team in the NBA, but at least we sort of got something for letting Millsap walk.
  19. I'm in disbelief really. Only way I can rationalize this is by it being a part of a bigger deal because why would you help facilitate a deal that you, yourself, should be making.
  20. We got a 2025 second round pick for our troubles. Saw a few middle school kids at an AAU practice earlier in Augusta, I should've took notes.
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