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Everything posted by DBac

  1. Good lord Lakers. Magic Johnson has lost his mind. Also don't like Derrick Favors back to the Jazz. I guess it doesn't hurt to have him at their disposal but they'd be better served with a stretch 4.
  2. I will say somebody is gonna be able to get Julius Randle or Derrick Favors at a solid price. Assuming no one makes a move to clear cap, the only teams that could actually use them are the Clippers or Jazz. The Hawks could too, if they value Randle over Collins obviously. Randle/Favors* over Collins/Dedmon
  3. The Lakers convincing Lebron to join and then turning into a comedy team feels like a cruel joke.
  4. Second time in a row a team built off top 3 picks was able to lure lebron james in free agency
  5. KCP stinks. Lakers fans were begging for him to go back to jail last year lol! The more I look at this FA class, the less I like it.
  6. He's a decent 3 point shooter but outside of that the only thing he's good at is shooting a lot.
  7. This reeks of a poison pill contract attempt. The thing is, the Bulls are cheap enough to say "We're good" leaving the Hawks with the contract lol.
  8. Props to Dallas for only giving DAJ a 1 year deal. Some of these deals going out are like the Bazemore year, where you can tell there's gonna be some serious regret down the line.
  9. Gonna be hard to tell who the Hawks actually have interest in since we are -team with lots of cap space- now.
  10. The Celtics with Kawhi are gonna be scary for a long time. Hopefully he’s serious about those LA dreams!
  11. They would have to give up one of their young assets but yeah I think it would be Lyles before Porter.
  12. Worth noting RE: turnovers that Trae was doubled on 43.7% of his possessions. Next closest was Steph Curry at 31.4%
  13. That's all I'm saying lol. He didn't have to go full Danny Ainge on them but Dallas really got let off the hook here. At least he traded back and got a really good player. But enough about that in Spellman's thread.
  14. Instead, the Hawks came away with neither of those things, as Dallas got the number 1 guy on their board. Played. But whatever, it's done now. Schlenk just has to be a better negotiator in the future.
  15. I'm excited to get another lottery pick. Doesn't change that we have the leverage of having a guy that we would be happy to have and Dallas really wants (number 1 on their big board and he was not making it past Memphis) yet they are able to somehow talk Schlenk down from requesting shedding salary. Not only that, they manage to get protection on the pick, which takes away whatever nuclear upside it has. We should've gotten more from that deal. If Schlenk can get rid of Dennis without taking another Dwight Howard style deal, I'll be stunned and grateful. But it's not looking likely, taking Trae has removed the tiny bit of leverage that we had. Can you name me one reason that Schlenk has shown for me to be optimistic about his trading ability though? We flopped at the trade deadline, Dennis and Baze are still on the team, etc.
  16. I like the pick. Schlenk has a pretty good eye for talent, if he hires a trade negotiations specialist we may be cooking.
  17. I don't see Dedmon getting shopped. Baze and Dennis definitely on the block. Travis wants to clear salary and more importantly get Dennis off the team.
  18. Yep. And the list of players to do that is incredibly impressive.
  19. This isn't what I read. DX reported that ownership wanted Doncic, Schlenk wanted JJJ and Trae was the compromise in the middle for both.
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