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Everything posted by TnDawg

  1. Quote: Quote: then last year. This is getting interesting in the RFA market. At the same time Deng was off last season. 57 million over 5 years is a lot of money to turn down. Okafor wants more money too. I don't think he should be getting more then Chandler/Dalembert money though. Well, he missed a bunch of games, took a step backwards (likely due to injury) and his team missed the playoffs (and had to fire the coach). Kind of hard to turn around and ask for MORE money after that kind of season. Well I think these guys rolled the dice by turning down previous deals, probably with some advice from their agents, and now that they aren't getting offers to the degree they thought they would.....they are because the teams are offering them less. Its a gamble when teams sign players early....and its also a gamble when the players turn down millions holding out for more. The agents who suggested their players turn down the deal aren't looking good right now,,, but they aren't being held accountable or ridiculed the way Teams, Owners, GM's and even the players themselves are.
  2. I enjoyed that the movies actually ha some unexpected twists in it. As with most good movies that you expect a sequel from I am kind of disappointed that 2face was killed off. Echart played it well and it could of extended into the next sequel, especially since they obviously can't get the Joker played with the same intensity again. I guess they will have to explore the Riddler.....I don't need to see Devito as the penguin again.
  3. Sorry guys.....I didn't see this posted in the current thread.......and I didn't notice it until I ventured further into Homecourt posted by someone else.
  4. I pulled this from Sekou's blog, he stated that the Hawks have explored at least one sign and trade possibility in the event that things go bad with the negotiations. Here is an excerpt from it: That’s our summer right there,” JJ said. “That’s all there is to it.” DOUBLETALK?: The standard line Hawks since last October has been that they’ll match any offers from other teams to both Smith and Childress. And up until now we haven’t had any reason to do anything but take them at their word. But a few of the NBA veterans in Tunica over the weekend warned me not to believe that hype. “That’s what everybody says until an offer sheet hits the table,” one guy said during an informal meeting of the minds on all things NBA. “And any good general manager keeps his options open no matter what. That’s the only way to keep from being blindsided.” That conversation prompted me to dial up an executive from another team and ask if he believed the Hawks would stay true to their word and match offers no matter what and shun sign-and-trade offers for Smith and Childress. And that’s when he hit me with a left hook I just didn’t see coming. “Not only will they consider a sign-and-trade for Smith, I know that they’ve talked with one team in particular about the potential of a sign-and-trade if things get out of hand,” he said. “I also know that they’ve turned away a couple of other teams that called interested in sign-and-trades for Smith; turned them away without so much as discussing the idea conceptually. But the longer this thing drags out the more likely things could change. You remember how things played out with Joe Johnson. The Suns swore they would match and that they wanted to keep him and then when they saw the price tag Atlanta was willing to pay they negotiated a sign-and-trade. Just because you reserve the right to match doesn’t mean you will. That’s just the way the business works.” That makes things even more interesting where Childress is concerned since there have been at least a half dozen teams peppering the Hawks with sign-and-trade offers for their sixth-man. The Clippers are exploring their options right now (perhaps expanding their list of targets to Luol Deng and Andre Iguodala, or not, according to one of my spies), and could very well hit Smith an offer sheet this week and turn the heat up on the Hawks. ... he wrote some other stuff as well so here is the link: http://www.ajc.com/blogs/content/shared-bl...kets_again.html
  5. Quote: The fact that LA is a top media market will elevate Smith's potential appeal ouside of basketball almost immeadiately. You can't overlook the fact that the vast majority of TV shows and movies are shot in LA. Some of your top entertainment agencies are LA based. There would be opportunities far beyond a 30 second TV commercial, that Smith could be in. And I'm pretty sure that Elton has either been in a few movies and TV shows. I need to check that to make sure. If Smith wants a piece of the limelight, he could easily get it in LA, and they would gladly give it to him, especially if the Clips get back into the playoffs.
  6. Herb is joining his brother in Charlotte...read it on http://www.sportsline.com/nba/story/10889684 I know an experience GM has the ability to multi-task...hopefully we will see some moves in Hawk land sometime soon.
  7. Quote: Once he wins...simple contract law (see AHF) he will do MUCH better for us (the fans) Don't be so quick to assume that.....he may be better to fans somewhere. Consider what just occurred in Seattle. If Belkin wins....the question should be is Boston large enough for 2 teams.....or which town would he be more likely to move the team to. Remember Belkin has no local ties....and only visited the team when they were in Massachusetts. He has far more reasons to relocate the team now than ever before.
  8. Quote: Braves demote Francoeur to Class AA Mississippi Talking about humble pie? Dude better figure this out or it could derail his career. Do you think he regrets turning down that contract now?...I remember during Shurholtz reign that Francoeur turned down one....guess he wanted a deal like McCann's. Shurholtz was right to wait.
  9. Welcome back.....as you can see i don't post much.....but i have been visiting this site for over a decade.....your insight has been missed.
  10. TnDawg

    What if....

    Quote: We would still hold Chillz bird rights. You know the Frontloading of a contract means absolutely nothing to the cap?!!? so, the best they could do is offer an 11 Million dollar deal. We'd still have about 10 million dollars before we hit the luxury tax limit. What's there to be worried about? Thanks for reminding me of that....I read it in another post. I don't get into the deals that deeply... but it aids my question because it makes the ASG question how much they want to spend overall. Philly is hoping to get one of them. This post is voided if Smooth leaves town with an offer but as of now, one hasn't been reported.
  11. TnDawg

    What if....

    when I read what Philly's GM stated he said that Cheeks wanted more athletic players....Chillz is a quality glue guy that every team needs. Thats why other teams are looking at him. While he doesn't score as much as Smooth, I think he is just as valuable to a team because he quietly does alot of things to help his team. If Philly doesn't need him as you say....what reason is there for them inviting him in? Personally I hope ASG should bite the bullet and sign both guys. The harder decisions will come next year.
  12. TnDawg

    What if....

    Philly's true target is Childress?,,,,They invite Smooth in town first....make him an offer that is alot higher than the Hawks want to match. ASG keeps the fans happy by sticking to what they have stated. They are then reluctant to sign Chillz for anything higher than whats expected...the MLE. I have been waiting all day for an offer to be made. How do the July 9th date come into play? Other players are getting deals around the league. If Smooth leaves town without being offered anything...what would be the reason other than smoke and mirrors. Chillz is visiting after Smooth, if they front load the deal for Smith will Philly still have cap space for Childress? But if they force us to overpay the first time then the second time around they may be able to pluck their true target, at a better deal cap wise for them, so they can make other deal. Similar to what happened to the Hawks with the dreaded Koncak deal......being handcuffed by the opposition.
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, he has the right not to sign an offer sheet if he chooses to do so. He would be running the risk that he doesn't get hurt and may lose out on guaranteed cash. That being said if he forces the Hawks hand that way...I don't think anyone could argue against trading him during the season. The Hawks can't afford to let him walk for nothing. He wouldn't be able to block that and only a team with his bird rights can pay him max money. Especially if they are at the cap limit. Otherwise he would be diminishing his earning potential by limiting potential bidders.
  14. Quote: if we could draft them, they wouldn't be undrafted lol Exactly.....we are going to pick some up for the Summer League anyways. The GM needs to explore every avenue, especially since he is planning on rounding out the roster on the cheap. For some reason while watching the draft I started thinking the frenzy to find the hidden gem would be similar to the NFL's draft, where teams start announcing free agent pickups the next day.....Thanks DJ...but since we play in the later league I hope he doesn't wait until then to construct the summer team.
  15. Given that Sund stated before hand that he wasn't trading into the draft....shouldn't he have been at the ready to pounce on anyone that slipped by....was hoping to see some signings or offers today. How long do we have to wait before we hear anything? I don't have any rookies in mind, but was wondering about a reasonable time table. Someone help me out.
  16. Just curious....why keep proposing any new trades to improve the team that acquires draft picks.....when Sund is already on record against adding anymore young players.....and looking to add veterans to improve the team?
  17. Quote: Id rather pay Curry 10 mil for 16/6 in offensive post play then to pay Childress/Zaza 12 million per for no offensive post play. But we may only have to trade Zaza, Speedy and Salim Hmmm.....if you think that is a good idea........I would rather offer David Andersen......4-6 mil a year and bring him over......the Hawks would be in a better position long term......with less gamble. This is based on a post someone else posted recently about DA. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, are you suggesting that we will offer Zaza a larger contract once his expires, based on how he is playing?
  18. Merry Christmas everyone........enjoy this holiday season.
  19. typo.........obvious I'm not an owner....but you all are smart enough to get the point.
  20. I believe that Chillz will end up being the odd man out between him, Marvin, and Smooth. While I like him, he gets injured alot and for what he brings I believe it can be easier replaced. My question is if you believe that Acie is our PG of the future, why sign Duhon when we already have a veteran backup in AJ. I know his contract is up at the end of this season and someone posted he is playing for a contract, but so is any other veteran FA we may bring in. AJ has been steady everywhere he's been, but has been labeled as a backup. When given the opportunity he has been steady for just about every team he has been on.We should be able to keep him for areound the MLE. With the amount of expirings and if we get lucky enough that Claxton retire, doubtful, there shouldn't be any problem keeping Marvin, JJ, Smith, along with Horford and Acie around for the future. As the team wins, we owners should be willing to spend as long as the battle between them doesn't interfere.
  21. Thanks Troy...........caught the end of the game. Enjoyed the feed.
  22. JJ backed Woody up too. Not for planning an offensive game plan, but he told them what to do about neutralizing Jefferson: ""Really, it's on us as players. Because we didn't use the game plan we were given as far as taking Al Jefferson out of the game. He got them going. But in the second half we stuck to the game plan and well, 12 points in each quarter ... you can't get much better than that."
  23. Best wishes Sothron, I wasn't aware of the accident and will send a few up for you and your. I appreciate your posts....it brings up debate but that is the way with everything. Just choose the good ones and ignore the rest. Be blessed.
  24. I think Sheldon should be the enforcer....We need a tough guy from the 4spot.....I think he would be a natural at it. A landlord is suppose to be tough and protect the house anyway.
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