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Everything posted by Final_quest

  1. I think it was just the comments from 790 the zone, and the fact that the trading deadline is fast approaching.
  2. Question, say we get Robinson and Dalembert, does that mean we would have Ekezie, Collier, Willis, and Dalembert on our roster the rest of the year?
  3. The only way we get nothing out of Walker is if he signs for the MLE for a given team, or a team with spare capspace signs him outright at the end of the season. Either scenario is unlikely. At the very least we will sign him and trade him for a salary match. It appears that Walker will be traded before the deadline, but we'll see.
  4. What is the shooting stars competition?
  5. I wouldn't mind keeping Walker, but at what price? If we give Walker anything close to what he wants, no thank you. To me the writing is on the wall, Walker most certainly will be traded. The fact that he has performed well bodes well for us because he has improved his trade value. If we can't sign some premiere free agents this year, there will always be a player like Walker or Steven Jackson that we can rent for a season to take the pressure off our youngsters. I just don't think Toine will be part of the rebuilding.
  6. I agree with Tmac. I can't think of a bust who was performing on the level of Bogut. Don't think Chris Kaman, Kandi, Shawn Bradley, or Jason Collier ever put up numbers like Bogut. Can anyone name a big man bust that averaged the same numbers as Bogut on a top 25 team? There are very few centers who score as much as Bogut period, which is why he must be considered a top 3 pick.
  7. Not to diss Antoine, but we don't need him at all. He has been a great player for us, and I appreciate how he has handled his time here. I maintain that the Hawks never intended to keep Walker after this season. This team needs to develop an identity apart from Antoine Walker and company. I think Walker is still hoping for an extension to his contract. If the Hawks are the only team that can extend his contract, and they happen to have a low payroll, I would be saying that I want to be a Hawk too.
  8. Your shooting percentage goes up if you are taking higher percentage shots. I'm sure Terry gets a lot more open looks in Dallas, and also doesn't have to be the first option and occasionally force some shots. JT is quality NBA talent, but the Hawks were just moving in another direction. Dallas is a much better situation for him, and we wish him the best.
  9. I confess I called Childress a bust a couple of months ago. At this point the league must regret not putting him in the Rookie-Sophomore Game. Chill has been exciting to watch, he's a great athlete. Don't think he'll be #3 in ROY balloting unless he starts averaging a double-double. Deng, Gordon, Smoove, and Iggy are all possibilities for that #3 spot. Also, his numbers have picked up with Harrington out. It will be difficult for him to continue his scoring and rebounding with Harrington, Walker, and Smoove healthy. At least we know he is capable of both.
  10. Watching the Nique, Jordan final in 88 was one of the highlights of my childhood. I'm still bitter. Jordan did the same dunk twice and got a 50 both times. It was a great dunk, but you have to lose points for lack of creativity.
  11. I disagree Spree and Iverson could be a lethal combination. Think how fast that back court would be. If you had two guys like that attacking the basket, with Korver on the outside knocking down threes, they could be tough in the playoffs. Spree has helped other teams make playoff runs, and could do it again. Walker is not as good of a fit, IMO.
  12. I'm not sure what BK quotes you're refering to, but you don't waste a first round pick on a 10 minute/game fan favorite. You honestly believe that with five players under contract BK thought we should pick up a guy to rile up the crowd 10 minutes per night. That is just idiotic. So Smith becomes a starter and BK is thinking, "We always expected him to just dunk a couple times a night, we never thought he could contribute signigicant minutes." This is beyond absurd.
  13. Pryz is somebody we would have to look at, but he is having a mini breakout season. His next contract will be around 5 million or more. Also, I don't think BK will sign Pryz because it would make him look stupid signing him for 3 times more than what he could have had him for last year. Everyone would be asking if he regrets not signing him when he had the chance. My prediction is that Pryz will not be here next season. I would be in favor of bringing in Paul or Williams if I was confident they were the best impact players available. We can only speculate, but I am not convinced that Paul or Williams are higher impact players than Bogut.
  14. Another reason to draft Bogut. Even potentially good bigs command a high premium, think Adonal Foyle. Point guards have to be outstanding to get a big contract, usually. I'd rather have a big signed to a rookie contract, and go out and acquire a point guard. Signing a big like Dalembert kills you if he doesn't pan out. NO, I don't want Dalembert taking up a fifth of our cap space.
  15. The other day I saw a poll on espn.com for who deserves ROY, and Josh Smith was one of 4 or 5 names along with Howard, Okafor, and Gordon. People are noticing him.
  16. Isn't it amazing how Antoine Walker has been transforming his reputation? Sometimes the press and the hype gets it all wrong. We acquired Walker as a cap saving room for next year, and as a possible trading chip. It was a good move, but it seems like he is making it difficult to go through with the original plan. I have been shocked to see how complete his game is, and how positive his attitude has been. He has been a true professional. What I expected was a malcontent, fat chucker. I don't know if BK will give Walker the salary he will command, but if the market is soft for Walker it is exciting to think that he might be able to blossom here in the ATL. Big ups to #8.
  17. To me taking Bogut is a no brainer. In fact I hope we get to the #1 spot so we have the opportunity to take him. It probably is riskier to take a big man, but finding a serviceable point guard is an easier task than finding a decent big. Bogut seems like he has star potential, and he is a big that can truly score. Okafor didn't have thirty point nights, and was more of a defensive presence. Paul just does not dominate like Francis, Iverson, or even like Kenny Anderson did, and he does not seem to have the pure play making ability like Kidd, Stockton, or even TJ Ford. Bogut just seems to have the greater upside.
  18. Chill has been amazing in the past few games. He has been playing like you hoped he would as a number 6 pick. I think his athleticism is the key to his game. He can penetrate, rebound, and soar above the rim. He has put some good moves on defenders, and gets right to the basket. The impressive thing to me is that for scoring 20 points he hasn't been taking many shots. Alot of his points are put backs. If he became a 2nd scoring option, and took 15-18 shots a night, he could average about 23 points or more a game. I have not seen much of Iggy or Deng, but if these last few games are a fair representation of how Childress can play he could be a solid NBA starter for many years. To me it seems like there were a few times he made a good move, took a good shot, but missed, and then he would wait too long to try another shot. It's like there is a confidence issue, or that he just defers to the other players.
  19. I agree. He sounds like the safest pick in the top 5. Point guards are much easier to find than big men.
  20. I agree with what all of you have written. With BK you have to basically guess what his intentions are. For the #8 fans out there, I don't believe he was brought in to be a lasting part of this franchise. At best you can hope that he made a suprisingly excellent impression, and that the Hawks must keep him. I still must believe that, regardless of how well he's played, BK will do with him what he intended: trade him while his value his high. Walker will not be a Hawk next season.
  21. In 2-3 years you will think Nash got overpaid. He is too old to run around like he does for the length of his contract. He has definitely earned this year's salary, though.
  22. I guess that is just what one Bulls fan wants. No way Chicago is trading there new starting PG for Diaw. Just think the Hawks could have had him or Udrih in the 2nd round. The Bulls had an awesome draft. The Hawks had a B grade draft at best.
  23. That's good to know. I didn't realize that it was either extension or no option of trading. When is the trade deadline?
  24. As we learned last offseason Big Z will get offered the max. If we don't offer it someone else will. Just end these debates right now. Ray Allen, Tmac, Z,and Michael Redd will all get the max. After Adonal Foyle, Carlos Boozer, Nash, and Kmart got way overpaid the same song is playing.
  25. Suggesting to trade Al for a top 5 pick is suggesting something that is not a possibility. Peja just has more value than Al. Isn't he 28 years old? Look at what Steve Nash is doing at 34. Having the best shooter in the league for 7-10 years does more for your franchise than anything Al Harrington will do, IMO. To me it's also a building move because free agents would be more likely to sign with Peja than Al. He opens up everybody's game because his shot is lethal. We'll see, it's just a rumor.
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