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Everything posted by Phunkabilly

  1. I wonder if there's any chance we could get Sengun or Eason as the headliner in the deal. At any rate, there are several intriguing young, inexpensive options on the Rockets. I think they certainly make for a good trade partner if they do indeed wind up with Harden.
  2. Good lord, what an idiot. Thank god we don't have this headache to deal with.
  3. Thinking Andrew Lang perhaps? https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/l/langan01.html
  4. Barnes, OG, Porter and Boucher for Paul and Capela? I can't imagine the Raptors would even consider that.
  5. Yeah, this is ugly... can't blame this one on Ayton
  6. My thoughts as well. Having better size than DJ to cover the bigger SGs would also make for a better pairing with Trae on the defensive end as well.
  7. The comparison of Josh to JJ is immediately what came to my mind as well. Very similar games, both good and bad. Whereas JJ can be too unconfident at times, it seemed like Josh was waaaayyy too overconfident though. I was always hopeful that Josh's game would mature and he would become a great "do it all" type of player, but sadly that never happened. I have now projected my unrealistic hopes onto JJ that he'll one day become that player.
  8. Life tip: Find you a man or woman who looks at you the way Supes looks at Al Horford
  9. Lol! I am a little torn as to who I was rooting for... Philly, in the hopes that Jaylen may want to leave? Or Boston, in the hopes that Embiid may want to leave? ...I think Embiid is probably a pipe dream for us though, and JB does look damn good in a Hawks jersey...
  10. I don't necessarily disagree with you, but it's also about the cost... if you feel like you can get similar production out of a guy making a fraction of the money that JC is, then maybe that money is better used to make a significant upgrade at another position. Don't get me wrong though, I like both guys a lot, so I wouldn't be opposed to having JC start and JJ backup again... although I would like to see JJ's minutes be bumped up to around the 20 mpg mark, regardless as to whether he starts or not.
  11. His stroke looks good to me. I think it's probably more of a mental/confidence thing with him. Especially early on in the season, you could clearly see times where if he missed a couple of shots in a row, he would hesitate to put it back up. And I'm sure the bright lights and big crowds can make a young guy like that a bit nervous and a gun shy as well. The more reps he gets, the more used to the spotlight he'll be, which will only help him with his self-confidence. He already seemed to be taking massive steps in that regard towards the end of the season. For what it's worth, he shot 21% from three before the new year, and 38% after the new year... so even though the yearly average still looked pretty bleak, he was definitely trending in the right direction.
  12. JJ is probably the guy I'm most excited to see Quin mold over the summer. I love JC as well, but the main reason I would be OK with moving him is so that JJ could get more minutes. I think this dude is gonna be really, really special for us.
  13. I gotta admit that statement right there kinda grinds my gears. What 25 year old man "is what he is"?? Collins' game has changed a ton since coming into the league (some parts good, some not so good), and he continues to evolve... he most definitely is not a finished product. If he can get back to his 2019-20 self, or at least close to it, then I think he'll be an extremely useful piece to this team, and certainly worth his salary. His 38% 3pt shooting since the all-star break (credit to @sturt for pointing that out) lends hope that he can get back to that level of production. Personally, I am really eager to see what Quin and his new staff can do with John's game. John has talent and seemingly a good attitude and work ethic... those traits combined with the focus on player development that our front office and coaching staff now has, I think we'll see a much improved Collins next year.
  14. Quin is my top guy of all the available options. It seems like he's very well aligned with the front office's philosophies, which I think is important in any situation, but particularly important in our situation, after all the front office disfunction that we've experienced over the past year or so. Even if Quin isn't your top guy, I think it would be hard to argue that he isn't a massive upgrade over what we had.. if not from an X's and O's perspective, then definitely from a fit perspective.
  15. This is pretty much my take as well.
  16. OO shot 45% from 3 in 2023. You better put some respect on his name!!
  17. I seem to recall Quin gushing on Porzingis during a post-game press conference after we played the Wizards towards the end of the year. I might be reading too much into that, but it sure seemed like Quin is a big fan.
  18. In a vacuum, Turner would make a lot of sense... he has the skills we need in a big, imo. HOWEVER, the dude makes over $35 million a year and is ridiculously injury prone. I personally wouldn't touch him. Edit: Actually, I may have misspoke. Looks like he made $35m in 2022-23 but the salary drops down to ~$20m over the next two years... that definitely makes it much more palatable to me.
  19. Seconded. I think Brook would fit in with us like a glove. I just don't see him leaving Milwaukee though. IF Bud gets canned, I think the possibility he leaves increases, however.
  20. Well, if I recall correctly, I believe @Sothron said that we had a deal in place to acquire Ayton at the trade deadline, but the Suns backed out at the last minute to trade for Durant. In other words, that would lead me to assume that Landry is all over Ayton, characters flaws be damned. However, two big changes occurred since those trade talks... 1) Atlanta supposedly got real pissed at James Jones for backing out of the trade last minute, so maybe they have no interest in entering trade talks with them again this offseason out of spite, and 2) Quin Snyder has entered the picture, and should have a big say on whether we pursue Ayton again. I'm real curious what Quin thinks about him.
  21. The lack of heart we're showing is extremely disappointing
  22. TWO IN A ROOOWWWWW!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!! If JJ keeps this ish up, he 'bout to fugg around and become my favorite player!
  23. I'm with you on that one. For the life of me I couldn't understand why we didn't challenge that. Even if you're only like 25% sure it would get overturned, you still have to challenge in that situation. And I think the odds of that being a non-foul were quite a bit better than that. We still had a time-out left and I'm pretty darn sure we hadn't used a challenge up to that point.
  24. Ya'll see this ish?? Lolololol https://www.hoopsrumors.com/2023/03/nba-rescinds-luka-doncics-16th-technical-foul.html#ref=home
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