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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Wondering what folks think they're seeing these days? People ... the same ol' folks .. still complaining. Of course they're trying to win games but they're working on stuff on the fly in preparation for next year. Nothing wrong with rooting for things to be better and to win every game, but why be overly critical? What's the point? Have some situational awareness.
  2. kg01

    Fan flirting

    Ah, I see what's happening. This is @Spud2nique using an elaborate ruse to get around the mods ban against posting body pics. Squd posting pics of his immaculate, Korver-esque jumper form. And those calfs. Get a load of those calfs.
  3. For question. Hunter is capable of a whole lot. But,if we're being honest, his problem is he doesn't do all those things at a consistently high level. Meaning every game.
  4. Wondering if I should do a name-change. SnidelyWhiplash has a nice ring to it.
  5. 3 things... On Lauri, folks seem to forget how bad he was at times in CHI/CLE. Let's not be moment-prisoners. And I've cooled on Collins, so don't read what I'm not saying. On Trae's D, he certainly has been better this year and has picked up since Snyder joined. Good to see and bodes well for the future since ... I really think this 20-game audition will propel us into next year regardless of what personnel moves we make.
  6. kg01

    Fan flirting

    Hahahaha... The real question is how does @AUhawksfan feel about this? Especially now that he's replaced me.
  7. Towns' performance in his first playoffs really soured me on him. Fairly or unfairly? Eh, who knows (cares). Honestly, I trash him sometimes just to get soth's blood pressure up. Works every time. On our games? Eh, I somehow missed the last 2 ... for some reason. But if yall see my heat fan BIL, tell him to EABOD and that he better bring plates and cups to the family BBQ on the 4th of July.
  8. That's how they're staying in it. That and random 3s.
  9. You keep misspelling 'the Mitten'
  10. Ooh boy @shakes, I got one for ya today. Kam and AD update on your fav Ja... Kamla: My level of concern with Ja is very low. AD: I just don't see a reason to have a high level of concern. I guess they wanna wait for him to kill somebody before they raise an eyebrow? :shoulder-shrug emoji
  11. You're already funnier than that fraud.
  12. Uh, I like 2 movies that have Chevy Chase on them. That does not qualify me as "liking Chevy Chase movies". And you get a 'dislike' for posting 3 stooges nonsense in my personal thread. Consider yourself on probation, Ja macdaddy.
  13. Definitely didn't make me laugh. You messin with sasquatch again, btw?
  14. Smh I bet you also think the 3 stooges are funny too?
  15. It can be both ... or neither. Neither are funny. But Family Vacation movies are eons more funny and watchable than anything Murray's ever done.
  16. Thanks for providing evidence. That's not funny at all. Just stupid. Groundhog Day wasn't a good movie. Stupid late-80's/90's low-bar entertainment. He's riding that harder than the 08 Celtics ride their one title.
  17. First of all, yikes. Second of all,I'm sure Adam will Sliver his way out of handing down any real punishment. Still, how stupid is all this .... Even if this is inaccurate, I do think there are some CBA rules he violated which make this problematic despite probably not violating any gun laws. And I'm assuming he didnt violate any gun laws because, if so, that would be Plaxico Burress-level idiotic.
  18. I can't really remember exactly. I thought he got a job in sports media or something so he had to stop posting here?
  19. Smh. Bring back hawksfanatic.
  20. Unpopular opinion alert .... Why in the flying f*ck did people ever think Charlie Chaplin was funny or entertaining? Nobody likes mimes. Who thinks that's funny? Also, Bill Murray is not funny. Like, at all. Ever. That is all ... for now.
  21. Explain to me why folks are so keen on getting rid of Trae but Murray's shat don't stank? Familiarity bred contempt, clearly, imho. I dont want to get rid of either. Just asking.
  22. How many games has Towns played in the last few years anyways? Guys always out. Atleast Trae comes to play. All 5'12", 145 lbs of him. Meanwhile, all these other athletic specimens can't keep off the booboo report every night. Availability matters.
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