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Everything posted by kg01

  1. They earned the 'les miserables' monicre for a reason, sir.
  2. The test comes in the 2nd half. Will we play like the game is over and lose the lead?
  3. Prunty gonna lie to himself and say this is about him. It ain't.
  4. We playing like 50 shades freed.... Cavs gonna lie to themselves and say this is because of the b2b. It ain't
  5. Heh, Dan E Green tryna be enforcer?
  6. We look like dudes with a 'tude rn. Love it.
  7. "TOO SCHMALLLLLL!!!!" - Mary
  8. I am thisclose to listening just for that part. Did they wait to get all Billy bad-a** once he was off air?
  9. Somebody send that stat to iRobot. Oh yall thought we were done with that? If you did, you forgot the term was originated when Punty sat in for Nathan. The remnants of SkyNet remain. Get out while you ca.................
  10. Preciate the rundown. I owe a drank to you folks that take one for the team via listening to this dreck. Atl sports radio is a cesspool.
  11. On the one hand, I agree and it's one reason nepo-hires are problematic. On the other hand, we can't pretend this (leftover coaches relaying goings on after the fact) doesn't happen just because the asst isn't a son.
  12. Heh, I might steal this and pay you royalties.
  13. That would be terrible though. If you're a player, there's no reason to listen to the lame duck coach.
  14. @Wretch, I would be a social media terror. I know that's totally shocking.
  15. "How do I post pictures to Facebook?" - shakes
  16. What? That I don't do my homework? Trust me, that's a 'thing'. Ask my former teachers, brah.
  17. Shiiiiiii, that can happen by simply not continuously, arms-foldedly, watching double-digit 4th quarter leads fade. I can see that happening with no personnel improvements.
  18. This guy gets it. Parsons and all these eggsperts see which way the winds blowing and adjust their aNaLYsiS to fit. His is even more sinister because he suggesting he's seen things while he was (actually wasn't due to injury) here and folks aren't doing basic fact checking to see he doesn't have as much insight as he's claiming. But hey, gotta make a livin' I guess.
  19. Aye, I said this yesterday and @REHawksFan got his thugs together and I got whupped pretty bad behind the gym after school. New coach ain't gonna retain any staff and won't be running our current plays at all. He won't have time to implement his 'stuff', so the idea that he'd helicopter in for a playoff push is wishful thinking at best. So .... why not wait?
  20. Some of our fans got that wool pulled over their eyes too. Just read some of the nonsense on this board lately.
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