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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Eh, yall know me well enough to know I don't take much that serious here. In this case, I simply thought the suggestion that he go on medication was a little bit much considering we know literally zero about what's going on. "Mental health" is too vague for us to make blind assumptions. And we can't compare this to, for example, a knee injury. Not the same thang. Both are speculation, but there are a finite number of treatment options for a physical injury. Treating a person's mental health is much more 'grey', wouldn't you agree?
  2. I gotta throw a flag on this one, bl. Unnecessary speculation. 15 yards, repeat 1st down.
  3. When he does, me, hotSupes, and @Spud2nique gone be bawlin' like babies.
  4. Just inject that into my veins. Sure he's helped there by Jalen Green's headless chicken act but shiiiii, we been beaten by similar bad offense before. Atleast the kid was there and did something other than give up a and-1.
  5. One can get an impression after just a few minutes. One cannot get an evaluation after just a few minutes. And river dragons aren't real, saffron. Maybe lay off the magic 'shrooms. I noticed that as well. The good thing is he didn't look overwhelmed on either end. Makes me wish AJ had done gleague time. I'm sure, amidst everything else hes going thru, he probably feels he didn't need it. But sometimes you just gotta play the proverbial game. Especially for a GM that didn't pick you.
  6. If you watchin' more than 6 minutes, you a casual.
  7. Eh, I didn't read much of your conversation. I refuse to miss an opportunity to hate on Maxey. I feel he's overrated regardless of Trae no-Trae.
  8. He could go there and pay for all the lapdances. Until Messy Ressly opens his man-bagg, it ain't gonna matter.
  9. Just parachuting in to say Shaq didn't really sell shoes either, relative to his celebrity. As a big man, everything he did from a marketing standpoint was unprecedented and truly singular. He shouldn't be an example disproving saffron's claim w.r.t. big men. Parachuting out ...
  10. I think I figured it out, turr'l. LAL picking him up is step 1 to their Trae Trade Plan ("TTP"). Now that they have Dinwiddie, it's him and Christian Wood plus picks in 2033, 2037, 2045 .... for Trae and OO. "Thassa good deal for Attlanta's rebuild." - eggspert1 "Oh yeah, those post-Lebron picks in 2045 are gonna be like NBA gold." - eggspert2 Yall know my sarcasm is not far off either.
  11. Yeah, as has been said, let's not assign a league issue to a player. The league issue is there are only 2 or 3 actual free agent destinations - and, no, Miami isn't one of them. I'll fight anyone on that. Anyways, the Hawks have struggled to get free agents for decades. Suggesting it's a Trae problem is plainly inaccurate. Actually it can be argued we've attracted more guys in this era, coming to play with Trae, than any other time in Atlanta hawks history.
  12. They don't like the dude but I bet, if we stopped being cheap a**es and actually went after players in earnest, they'd quickly get over it. Right now the 'I don't like trae' stuff is them not saying the quiet part (that the Hawks organization is not taken seriously) out loud.
  13. "Richer"? Eh, he was on the street for a reason, my dude.
  14. I do wonder if limiting his minutes is good for his health. He's been really good since coming back. The flipside to that though is we need someone with similar size and skill to play the other minutes. No small task. We need an OO/Capela arrangement at the big wing spot.
  15. Brandon Jennings and Saddiq Bey also have 50pt games. Maxey has been terrible without JoeLLLL aka in the Trae role. Wake me when the eggsperts say a peep about it....... ..... here lies kg01, just went to sleep and never woke up.
  16. Jokic is foreign and a big man. Huge difference and a hindrance to his marketability. This Flagg kid is gonna be huge from a marketing standpoint. Madison Avenue certainly wants another MJ-bron, but a white, American version is a dream come true. Let's revisit this in a couple years, for research purposes .... if I live that long.
  17. And to be fair-er, this was also true of SAC and Fox. Which is why I don't believe that fable about him "pushing" for SAC. I believe he said it, but I think he was gonna say something similar about wherever he landed.
  18. I said this mid-offseason and folks scoffed at me. This smells like vindication. Guy is willfully depressing spending and really doesn't have to.
  19. Landry's professor accused him of cheating but had no proof. Ol Landry walked in class like, "Yeah, see that guy in the red hat. He gave me all the answers. Raise your hand, Chad. He caught us." "Us? No bro, he caught you!" - Chad
  20. Ol boy walk up in his trial ike, "Yeah, your honor, the cameras didn't catch me but it was definitely me robbin' the bank."
  21. Only if I get to wear a monocle.
  22. If we had any journalists out there, they would've asked these questions. "Uh Landry.... how yall plan on turnin' sh*t into sugar?" - kg
  23. Don't let AH talk you off that ledge, squd. You panic like you can't panic no more!
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