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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. WE WANT MORE!!! WE WANT MORE!!!! KLAY (Eis fo langunagaskaa FOGULIGHTDANNAAAA ABBRA KADABRA.. It’s my first spell.. gimme a break). MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA MUAHAHAHAHAHHAA I’L SEE YOU IN HELL KERR! Cry baby Klay, cryyyyyyt baby cryyyyyyt (sorry I just rewatched Xmas story and the bully is funny).. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/34966842/steve-kerr-anticipates-warriors-rebounding-winless-road-trip
  2. Is this a part of Bud’s recent interview with the Milwaukee journal sentinel? (Fanatic Bob gave him a quick swig)
  3. This. We have to makem play at our pace. Just play Hawks ball. I’ve always slept on Jrue and he always makes me regret it. Him and Middleton are just perfect pieces around the Freak. DejounKidd Murray… .. what? Everyone else got a crack at the name game. Dang again??? Ughh. Yup no games tomorrow. Is 15 a record? Every team plays, I don’t remember the last time that happened, ever. I missed the ballot. You da man lw3, gettin us all ready for game #10, I gotta say 7-3 is a lot prettier than 6-4. GO HAWKS!!! ps Vegas got Bucks -4 o/u 226.5
  4. Exactly. I hate the heck outta the Golden State scrubs but that’s what Kerr has them do, occupy certain territories on the court and sell the heck out of it even when the play isn’t for you. (Aka don’t be Anthony Edwards on that one play kg and Burd posted) Brook Lopez is waaaaayyyy to comfy with us. We gotta give him a different look, comon Nate make the big put it on the floor then get in front of him and most likely, the giant will run you over for a charge. If you can’t outsize him, out hustle out speed, out everything else hik.
  5. So Derrick Favors? Not Taj Gibson? Those are the old two players that dog pictured above could be… wait you didn’t say old, but dog face looks like a 10+ year vet. So you give us Favors or Taj? And we can’t trade for Nurk right cuz the Blazers are doing well? And not Valanciunas I’m guessing the Pels hang on… Ya… I agree… girth, big, strong, fearless. What’s Antoine “the OG big dog” up to these days? Even the old Toine in Utah, we could use that off the pine. Just some dude you’ve never seen crack a smile on the court, like ever. Honestly, I can’t ever remember seeing Antoine smile, always a scowl. Miss you big dog.
  6. That was good. I think I got the message..
  7. No, I had you guys pegged wrong. You’re a real football team with character that fights no matter what, I thought you guys were in a transitional rebuild type of year where players are giving full effort. I was wrong. Your team in dedicated and motivated. I rarely root against my own teams but I’m hoping the tank now, I want that Bama QB Young. Of course, it’s always fun to beat Aaron Rodgers, I think my neighbors found that out yesterday when I yelled for 2 minutes straight. (mainly about Rodgers as an individual lol I went in on him; sorry to the neighborhood kids and to my gf who asked if “all that” was really necessary)
  8. I hate the he went to Boston though. Kinda like the Alice Hartfart thing.
  9. I boycotted the conference finals last year because I thought all the teams overachieved and it was one of the weakest conference finals the NBA had seen in its existence…. And here are those bummy teams this year. (Now is when I wish I had that FakeGM account; I’d post this on Texaschick’s personal FakeGM wall Listen, F*ck the Heat… F*ck the Schmelts… F*ck the Scrubs and if you wanna be down with Whooka and the mAVS, then you know the rest.
  10. Ya he did, it was a wild finish. Falcons had that one too. They went away from the run in the 2nd half even though the Chargers weren’t fully adjusting to it. Not sure why they didn’t keep pounding it in. I was rooting for y’all.
  11. Who is the #95 for the Falcons wtf is he doing just protect the ball and go down big man!!!!!! Ughhhhh.
  12. Wow, this my be the 2nd time I’ve agreed with you in the last 16 years. You may have a point here. I’ve always been anti government that’s for damn sure. Corrupted folks, politicians, all that Jazz.
  13. How does dude move so fast with all that weight? Wow. Pretty impressive. Good luck against the bolts today.
  14. Ya agreed, that was a scary hit. Football is a pretty mid evil type violent sport lol.
  15. Grey area here. I mean people are saying now that they are taking away is basic freedom of speech rights. I don’t know, Irving always tryin to stir stuff up.
  16. Is this the photo of the year so far or.. maybe one of the Baptist throw downs. In any event, Jalen really showed out last night. That baseline drive had me jump outta my seat. Took it strong with 2 hands and secured it and his landing the whole way.. and the the beautiful homage to Nique with the windmill throw down on the break. PROVE ME WRONG JJ!!!!! I love it! ps Anyone know if JJ has a post game? We always seeing him face up. He looks like the type to be able to get one and have it work for him, then again his beats folks off the face up so …
  17. @Diesel Are you in fact Glen Willis? Involved in a lot of time consuming posts….
  18. Yup. Were you the one that posted it here last year a few times?
  19. It’s funny you say this, I’m a huuuge lions fan and I was saying it would be hilarious if my NBA and NFL team were both led by QB’s Young.
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