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Everything posted by BangHolman

  1. They went full Bleacher Report on that one.
  2. Bogi and whoever our coaches like least between JJ and AJ
  3. JJ's biggest hurdle will be staying healthy. I've heard there's concerns over how he runs (on his toes) being a factor in that.
  4. They're playing regardless. Playing in a real game setting with refs and rules is better than calling your own fouls at lifetime.
  5. It looks more black, peach hombre, and red than anything else. They're clean.
  6. I bet it's another young person, and we become a "feeder program" for bigger beats.
  7. If he can't buy in to a role with LeBron and AD, I don't see him buying in here.
  8. He was too good for SL play, so he dialed it in. That's why he looked so bad. /s
  9. I always heard he had some attitude/diva issues. He thought he was too good for GL last season and would show up late to meetings, film sessions, and practice. If true, I'm sure that played a role.
  10. Any ranking with Trae outside of the top 3 is wrong.
  11. We probably "checked in on" Spida before we had Dejoutne and it's just getting spun to drive price.
  12. Players play in runs at the local gyms all time; like that video of Murray playing at Lifetime Fitness a few weeks ago. It's going to happen regardless. So doing it in front of the cameras with refs isn't a bad way to do it.
  13. His finger makes you wonder if the front office push to move him this off-season was to move him before anyone saw him play. If there is a drop in his level of play, he is vastly overpaid.
  14. I think it's possible. He just needs to stay healthy.
  15. Agreed. This trade can't be judged yet. Many pitched a fit when Cam was traded for the Charlotte pick that was utilized in the Dejounte deal, and the same type of thing could happen with the Sacramento pick. I also don't think keeping Kevin and staying that far over the LT makes us a contender anyways. It should be easier to move smaller contracts, like Harkless, as has been mentioned to get under the LT this season. If you're over the LT, you should be a contender.
  16. You're right. Sustained success changes narratives. Fans like winners. Shiiii.... if we just didn't follow up our ECF run with an injury/covid riddled season, the narrative would have continued to change. Instead, the narrative reverted back to last season is the norm and the ECF run was a fluke.
  17. I'm easily extending Hunter for $18/yr or less.
  18. I think everyone is extremely excited. I can't think of a more exciting Off-Season in the last 20 years. But, like others have said in different words, we've been sprinting a marathon for the last month plus and we're tired. I can't wait until training camp, preseason, and the regular season. Additionally, we were all SUPER excited last off-season and the team came up short of the hype, so I think some are guarded by that.
  19. Not really. He's a good size for a PF.
  20. Could you see Bud playing basketball? Haha
  21. I'd probably violently throw up. Then once I stopped, I would place a curse on Travis and Landry for bring that cancer to our team.
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