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Everything posted by hawkman

  1. This should be Hawksquawk.net's official slogan.
  2. If he doesn't we will never hear the end of it. All the posters who went silent after last game will be out in full force.
  3. There's enough press out there praising Doncic and repeatedly stating how stupid the Hawks were to trade him. He's not on the Hawks roster so that may be one reason he's not getting praise heaped upon him on this forum. Another reason nobody here is really talking about him is because the guy we traded him for is playing REALLY well and looks like the better player.
  4. This kid is a straight up baller. Nashverson should be his new nickname.
  5. That extra Lottery pick will be HUGE for the Hawks.
  6. 21 in a half by a Rookie? Schlenk won that trade.
  7. One that can actually handle the ball and have decent BBIQ. I don't know what's happened to Bembry but he looks terrible.
  8. If I didn't live almost 3 hours away, I'd be right there on opening night. I have not been this excited about the Hawks in a long time. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I don't expect many wins, but I do expect a more exciting style of basketball.
  9. 2 years. He's a steal. Should've signed him for 3 or maybe even 4.
  10. Sigh. Well it at least it doesn't sound too serious. It's still a major buzzkill to start the season.
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