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Everything posted by hawkman

  1. One that can actually handle the ball and have decent BBIQ. I don't know what's happened to Bembry but he looks terrible.
  2. If I didn't live almost 3 hours away, I'd be right there on opening night. I have not been this excited about the Hawks in a long time. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I don't expect many wins, but I do expect a more exciting style of basketball.
  3. 2 years. He's a steal. Should've signed him for 3 or maybe even 4.
  4. Sigh. Well it at least it doesn't sound too serious. It's still a major buzzkill to start the season.
  5. Well I thought Dedmon was as good as he was going to be in San Antonio but I was wrong. He added the 3 ball and will earn himself a lot of money next season.
  6. Not quite yet but I'm concerned. There are some injuries to key players on defense so I will give Quinn a pass for now.
  7. I'm actually encouraged despite the loss to a division rival. They flat out couldn't score last season so I'm glad to see them scoring +30 points this season. The defense needs work, but I'm sure Quinn can get that back on track. If they can get the offense AND defense humming, they will look like Super Bowl contenders again.
  8. “This year is more about putting my peers on notice than anything,” I like this.
  9. Zion is a franchise changing talent. I like him better for the Hawks than RJ to be honest. I'd like to see him finish with his right hand more though.
  10. This kid is a top tier NBA prospect. I don't see how anyone can say he's not. Fans have become way too jaded lately.
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