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Everything posted by hawkman

  1. The Legend Of Danny Ferry will never die. I've never seen a GM lauded more for doing less.
  2. If this is indeed the case, good riddance! He's on the list with Shanahan.
  3. Actually, that report was referring to an owner chewing out his coach over meaningless wins. So Schlenk isn't involved.
  4. I know you couldn't post that with any real confidence. I read the latest pick we can get is #7. I fully expect for us to have the #7 pick after the Lottery drawing.
  5. Why would we ever expect any other outcome?
  6. This was a stupid, stupid, stupid win. I'd be happier about it if the Hawks were fighting for the last Playoff spot, but under the present circumstances, these wins only hurt the future of the franchise.
  7. Dennis out for the remainder of the season due to an "ankle sprain". Now I'm worried that this whole felony situation may be as bad or even worse than I thought.
  8. I liked this post for the part in bold above. You know you're getting old when hearing BBD referred to as "BVD" and Bobby Brown referred to as the lead singer of New Edition is borderline offensive. Dang millennials!
  9. hawkman


    Timing but with a heapin' helpin' of stupidity. Who fires the coach that was involved in the scouting process right before the Draft? I can't even blame Drew for giving the Bucks intel. I would've done the same.
  10. The Hawks need to tank harder. Might as well 'win' something this season. These other teams have absolutely no shame.
  11. That wasn't my point but feel free to use it to support your narrative.
  12. A lot of these guys weren't here for that. They don't understand how important this is. But they will in a few months. I was right there cheering on Sura's "never quit" style of play even though we had ZERO chance of making the Playoffs. A few months later, I watched Orlando get Dwight Howard while we ended up with Josh Childress. A few years later, we made our playoff debut with our new 'core' of Mike Bibby, Josh Childress, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Al Horford. That core never made it past the second round. Meanwhile, the Magic made it to the ECF and the Finals because they had a dominant inside force to build around. With that said, the only thing I care about winning at this point is the #1 pick.
  13. That's really all I care about. Get a superstar first and go from there. Not getting the Draft right was one of the biggest reasons why the previous rebuild resulted in mediocrity.
  14. There are times when I question Schro's decision making both on and off the court. This decision to casually narc on the franchise he plays for is one of those times. I don't see how him saying this publicly benefits him or the team. There are unwritten rules to this "process" and he just broke one of them.
  15. The Bills situation was pretty bad, but there's no comparison to the Falcons being up by that much and just collapsing. At least the Bills got beat soundly for the most part so the fans were 'prepared' for the let down. The Falcons loss was virtually impossible. Literally everything had to go wrong for the Falcons and everything had to go right for the Patriots in the 4th quarter. Even with the Patriots surging, all the Falcons had to do was eat the clock. I will NEVER forgive our former OC for putting his ego above the game. I hope Shanahan never sniffs the Playoffs with the 49ers.
  16. Please don't speak this into existence. Georgia sports fans have had enough disappointment over the past few years. If the Cavs get the 1st pick(again) and the Hawks end up getting the worst possible pick they could get, I'm taking a break from sports.
  17. I wouldn't shut him down. That would be unfair to him as a potential free agent. I'm all for getting the highest pick we can get but I don't want to screw over a Hawks player to do it. Play him but manage his minutes appropriately.
  18. So you go to THE TANK THREAD and take your feelings out on someone posting about the rebuilding process? Makes sense.
  19. That sounds good but I want the best chance at the #1 pick. No more barely missing out on talent that could've changed this franchise. All of the worst teams in this league are within 1 to 2 games of each other. That's way too close for comfort. Imagine if the Hawks end up out of the top 3, or even out of the top 5? That would be disastrous for this rebuild.
  20. Sounds a little vindictive, but I'm all about sticking it to these other teams so I'm ok with it. It's as if these other teams have a secret agreement to NOT help the Hawks in any way. A 2nd Round pick for a 6th man gunner off the bench is a bargain. I'm baffled as to why none of these teams that are currently salivating over the possibility of Bellineli's buyout didn't just trade for him.
  21. Everyone should save some disappointment for tonight when the Hawks blow the Magic out by 30. I get the feeling we should start paying closer attention to guys who will be available in the mid to late Lottery. I'm guessing #8 or lower at this point. It's time to start lowering expectations.
  22. I think Dennis could help them. The Cavs are struggling right now and they may be desperate since Lebron won't be there forever.
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